2nd Saturday

Media's 2nd Saturday Arts Stroll

August 11, 2012

Stroll downtown Media and enjoy live music, art, and family-friendly fun- for free. Join us!


The Main Event

Makin' Music Rockin' Rhythms

Performing at the Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union




Makin Music Logo 

Makin' Music concerts are sure crowd-pleases, including energetic, interactive songs--from action songs, lullabies, and play-alongs, to seasonal songs and chants. The blend of traditional, original and world music and a talented array of featured vocalists make for a joyful musical ride that children will love. They will have children dancing, shaking, and making music. This is a free event.


Stop by the Franklin Mint before the show and plant a sunflower seed with Greener Partner's Hillside Farm, 6:00-7:00pm.

Featured Artist


Bonnie Captis
Artwork on display at Dos Gringos Mexican Kitchen


Bonnie Captis is a Media-based photographer. Since an eye-opening trip throughout Europe in 2000, Bonnie has spent her days traveling and relocating, discovering the interconnectedness of the world around us; from the narrow side streets of South Philadelphia to the remote corners of the Pacific to the vastness that is the Icelandic sky. Years since that fateful trip to Europe, this former graphic design student has found her niche in photography.

Bonnie Captis

And Much More...


The 2nd Saturday Arts Stroll happens each month, offering a wide range of visual arts, live performances, and other artistic experiences for all to enjoy for free, in the family-friendly environment of downtown Media. This month also features paintings, photography, tapestries, violin duets, folk music, tango, family karaoke, and more!

Get the Map!


Every month, 2nd Saturday offers a wide range of visual and performing arts. Join us for this free, family-friendly event! To view our map of 2nd Saturday events, please click here.


Thank you for your interest in M.A.C. and for your support of the arts in Media, PA.  Please help us spread the word about 2nd Saturday; share this email with your friends!






Media Arts Council


Attention Artists!

Join our Artist Registry and benefit from your own page on our website, visibility for your artwork, added promotion, and special opportunities for artists.  Click here to learn more!

Call For Entries: Media ICONS Photography Contest
Media ICONS 2012 Photography Contest
We're now accepting submissions for our annual juried photography contest. The deadline is Sept. 7th. Visit our website for complete information.