What is Angels for the Elderly?

Angels for the Elderly is an outreach project that brings Valentine's Joy to lonely seniors living in the small group care homes Audrey's Angels serves.

This year our goal is to deliver 1,800 Valentine's cards to the Seniors living in Care Homes that Audrey's Angels serves.

Audrey's Angels delivers music enrichment programming to 180 care homes throughout Maricopa County, which amounts to touching approximately 1,800 seniors with our outreach.

How to get your Cupid Wings and participate in Angels for the Elderly 2020:

(1) Sign up with Linda@AudreysAngels.org and receive a home assignment (or homes) in your area where you will deliver your Valentine's cards. (ten cards per home). Do as many or as few homes as you desire.
Note: this year homes are only accepting cards ( no cookies) due to dietary limitations of residents.

(2) Create your own Valentine Cards or use Store Bought cards with a short message of love and hope.

(3) Feb. 9th You Deliver Your Cards to your assigned Care Home(s).

Angels for the Elderly is a great activity for all ages.This simple, fun, event brings tremendous joy to the seniors who are typically forgotten on this holiday.

Important Note: due to overwhelming participation in this event, Cupid Card Makers must be able to deliver their Valentine's Cards to the homes.

Thank you!