And, just like that, an entire decade has come to a close, and a new one begins bringing with it all the hope, promise, and potential for making great strides in our work and mission of serving the elderly with live music enrichment programs.
We are ready to hit the GO button and get this new decade started!
Audrey's Angels' story is that of a community of caring people joining together to improve the quality of life of seniors suffering from age-related disabilities living in small group eldercare homes.
And, can we tell you,
you are a part of our community.
Without you, we could not do this. We see you. We count on you. We appreciate you. You are an important part of any achievement we have had and hope to have in the future.
You are the supporters, donors, Music & Craft Angels, Care Home Partners, volunteers, gala attendees, golfers, sponsors, in-kind donors, Board Members, our families and friends...the list is long.
Think about it, Audrey's Angels has only two full time staff members. That's not a lot, when you consider we serve over 1,800 seniors each month, improving their lives, bringing happiness, love, and therapeutic wellness benefits to them through live music enrichment programs.
As we start a new year.... a new decade.... we first start with
Our Gratitude for your support of Audrey's Angels' mission to serve isolated, disabled seniors living in small group care homes is beyond tremendous.
We offer our sincere, heartfelt thanks for your support of our mission.
Our vision and goal for the next year, the next decade?
It's simple:
Serve More Seniors
What does that look like?
- Increasing the number of homes we serve
- Increasing the number of Music & Craft Angels
- Growth
- Reaching even more seniors than the 1,800 we currently serve
Maricopa County has approximately 1,200 licensed, small group eldercare homes. This represents about 12,000 seniors living in these homes. There remain so many disabled seniors living isolated, lonely existences in their final years who would benefit from Audrey's Angels' live music enrichment programming.
What is your Call to Action?
Continue what you have been doing:
- Participate as a Board Member or Committee Member
- Spread the Word about Audrey's Angels to your community of caring family and friends
- Volunteer in our outreach programs and events (next up- Angels for the Elderly - Valentine Outreach, Spring Golf Tournament, 2020 Gala, 2020 Holiday Sing)
- Refer a Music or Craft Angel
- Support through financial contributions, in-kind donations and event sponsorship
One of our goals in 2020 is to expand our community partnerships.
It is only through outreach to civic and faith communities that we will connect with and engage volunteers, event attendees, sponsors, and of course, of critical importance, securing more Music & Craft Angels. If we are going to expand, we need
a lot more Music Angels.
Sometimes, all it takes is a simple introduction.
We welcome and appreciate your continued support.
Connect with us and share your thoughts and ideas and let's discuss how you, your community, business, or family can become more involved in changing the lives of disabled seniors in our community.
It all happens because of you.
May 2020 be an incredible year of Abundance, Health, and Love for you and your family,
Linda Alderson