Making Connections
Your Monthly Update on Our Work and Impact
Dear Friend,

While the public health picture might feel in flux right now, we are fast approaching the end of COVID-era economic supports, like eviction moratoriums, electric and gas shutoff protections and increased jobless benefits.

That’s where JF&CS comes in, as a lifeline to so many. JF&CS provides deep support to thousands of our community members who are in economic need— helping them access food, government benefits, jobs, housing, and mental health care. This month, I’m especially excited to share the news of a major expansion of our Family Table facilities, which will greatly increase access to fresh food for those in need. This expansion will mean that we can take on more clients and help nourish the body and spirit of so many in our community who need help right now.

JF&CS was here to support our clients facing economic insecurity long before COVID hit, and we significantly ramped up our support during the pandemic. Now, as we move into this next phase, we will continue to innovate and adapt to be here for our community. 

Thank you for your support of our work.  
Be well,

Gail Schulman
Chief Executive Officer
Family Table Volunteers
Thanks to JF&CS supporters, we are excited to announce that Family Table is investing in a major expansion of our food pantry and delivery facilities to allow us to serve more people in need. Read our Q&A with Family Table Director Bernice Behar about what led to the need for this expansion, what you can expect from the new facilities, and the impact it will have on the hundreds of families we serve. Read More
Wrapping our arms around clients with specific challenges
holding hands
Mental illness, autism spectrum disorder and other disabilities can complicate our clients’ abilities to address economic challenges. For those clients, in addition to helping with their financial needs, JF&CS provides care management to address their underlying concerns and help them navigate through life. For example, this year JF&CS helped a mother of young children with mental health challenges find stability by obtaining public housing, furnish her house through donations, find medical care including a therapist, improve her organizational skills, and build a plan to start a small business.
Keeping People Housed
For rent sign in window
Over ninety percent of the clients served by JF&CS’s Emergency Financial Assistance program have a housing issue, most often unpaid rent. Our work focuses on preventing eviction: We offer funds to pay past-due rent, negotiate with landlords on behalf of our clients and identify more affordable housing options. This year, for example, we helped more than 300 clients across all the JF&CS programs stay housed or find new housing.
One piece of JF&CS Bet Tzedek Legal Service’s work is to help low-income clients navigate complex, burdensome systems to access government benefits they are entitled to. Debby’s story illustrates the life-changing impact of this work. Read about how we helped Debby manage through life with a premature newborn and no income to a sustainable, stable ground. Read More | 781-647-JFCS (5327)
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