Making Impacts
February 2020 Issue

Making moves, coming together is what we have in plan for the UNG this year. Are you in? Then, come and join us for networking breakfast on Tuesday February 11 at Scrambles, Foxbridge Golf Club. We love to see you there.

We are busy getting ready for the 2020 Spring/Summer issue of the Uxbridge Networking Magazine. We are in the 9th year publishing the bi-annual Networking Magazine. Last year, we increased the number of pages printed from 16 to 20 pages. We also increased the magazine distributions to include a digital publishing platform. If you are looking for options to increase your business exposures, see the options below.

February also marks the launch of a new global network called United Networks for Growth. There will be an online summit, 4 Pillars of Entrepreneurship, starting on 02-20-2020 for 21 days. Read below to find out more infromation about the online summit. The event is fast approaching, so sign up now.


Annie Hardock
Founder & Chairperson, Uxbridge & Area Networking Group
Founder, United Networks for Growth
2020 Spring/Summer Uxbridge Networking Magazine
Last year we printed and distrubuted 2000 copies of the 2019 - 2020 Fall/Winter magazine. 

The magazines were distributed in local public areas and members' locations for free pickup as well as the UNG booth at the 6 events we attended in the Summer/Fall.

Through the new online magazine with Issuu we were able to reach an additional 5000 people.
We are in the process of preparing and organizing the upcoming 2020 Spring/Summer Uxbridge Networking Magazine. The theme for our 2020 Spring/Summer edition of the magazine is The Many Forms of Entrepreneurial Growth.

We have lots of ad sizes available and with each ad you will receive a free ad design! No need to pay additional to create an ad for your business.

Click to see the ad pricing and sizes .

Deadline to confirm your advertisement in the magazine is:
February 29th, 2020.

FREE Digital Magazine released on March 13th, 2020
FREE Printed Magazines will be available on March 26, 2020
UNG February Meeting
Tuesday, February 11th, 2020 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Scrambles, Foxbridge Golf Club

Join us for breakfast and embrace the opportunity to network, build rapports with business owners and representatives, entrepreneurs and local organizations in Uxbridge and the surrounding area. Start your day off on a positive note and join us for a fun and engaging morning.

$2 contribution + the cost of your meal (Ordered A La Carte) 
**Non-members are welcome to join us on January 17th for an introductory meeting. **
February Breakfast Speaker & Topic:
Martin Brit will be speaking at our meeting this month and sharing with us some great information about the Durham Association for Family Resources and Support.

Click the link below to find out more!

During our February Meeting we will be facilitating a group discussion. Our theme for this event is "Growth". We encourage all attendees of this event to participate and add their input on the theme and topic of discussion.
April Breakfast Speaker & Topic:
At our April breakfast meeting Optometrist Dr. Vi Tu Banh will join us to educate us on Concussion and Vision Therapy.

For more information on Optometrist Dr. Vi Tu Banh click here :

Your Summit Host

Annie Hardock
United Networks for Growth

4 Pillars of Entrepreneurship
Online Summit

Start airing:
Thursday, February 20, 2020 for 21 days 15+ Speakers

Each day of the series, you will receive an email about that day's speaker and topic, which will include a link to their interview and free gift.
Limited Interview Access.
You will have access to each expert speaker’s interview for 48 hours after the release date. As a special bonus, all the interviews will be made available again for 72 hours at the very end of the interview series just in case there are specific ones you want to watch that you might have missed.
A Holistic Approach to Entrepreneurship
The online Summit o ffers entrepreneurs specialized support in the areas of Health, Wealth, Personal Growth and Business Development. These form Four Pillars of Entrepreneurship.
UNG Member Initiatives
Congrats to our Impact Award Winner
At our last UNG meeting, we invited members to share their success stories in collaborating with others, to create an impact on others or in the community.
Congratulations to Dawn Gillespie from Room for a Child for winning the 1/2 page article in the upcoming 2020 Spring/Summer Uxbridge Networking Magazine. Dawn shared with the group her work with her organization and how it has impacted the families she has helped.
Room for a Child creates beautiful bedrooms for children in need. They do this by accepting good, used furniture from individuals as well as corporate donations of items such as paint and linens. All work is done by volunteers.
Congrats Dawn, we applaud you for your amazing work. Keep your eye out for Dawn's full story in the upcoming 2020 Spring/Summer Uxbridge Networking Magazine.

10th Anniversary Toronto Women's Expo
The  Toronto Women's Expo  is celebrating it's 10th anniversary on March 25th & 26th with the annual Eminence Awards, Charity Gala, Conference and Trade Show!
Every year, the Expo celebrates women entrepreneurs and offers fellow women the chance to engage with the brilliant minds and leaders that are building business and achieving success across our communities. This year's event includes a Charity Gala in support of Million Dollars Smiles.

Exhibitor Tables and Sponsorship
If you are interested in booking an Exhibitor Table or opportunity for Sponsorship at the TWE, contact Annie Hardock . For more information about the event, click here.
Are you considering signing up for a UNG Membership?

Being part of the Uxbridge Networking Group comes with many benefits.
for 125 + HST a year your membership includes:
  • Social Media promotion of your posts on our Facebook page
  • Access to our Member-to-Member private facebook group
  • Monthly meetings to network and build relationships with local businesses
  • Business Listing on our website and in our bi-annual Magazine
  • Member discount on ads in the Uxbridge Networking Magazine
  • 10% off a newspaper ad on the Uxbridge Cosmos
  • and more!

Don't delay and start your 2020 off with the Uxbridge Networking Group!
Follow the UNG on our   Facebook Page  for latest updates.
Non-members are welcome to join our  LinkedIn Group .
Thank you to our Sponsors:
If you missed it last month, check out Annie's interview with 105.5 Hits FM.
Annie is on air every other month to update what’s happening with the UNG
Interviewed by Drive Home host, Taylor Bursey, at 105.5 Hits FM Uxbridge radio. Thanks to Jennifer Culley for the arrangement.
With Kind Regards,
Annie Hardock
Founder & Chairperson
Uxbridge & Area Networking Group
Established in 1998
Tel.: 905-852-6686


Abacus Uxbridge Inc. O/A ABS Abacus Brain Study
92 Brock St. W., Uxbridge

Annie's Voice
UNG Annual Membership
Membership Includes:
- Receive monthly UNG e-Newsletter.
- Membership listing on the bi-annual Networking Magazine (publish in March and August).
- Business listing on  UNG Website.
- Being promoted on social media, such as  UNG Facebook Page .
- Participate in monthly breakfast and luncheon meetings from September to June.
- Participate at Uxbridge Networking Group display booth in event such as the annual Uxbridge Fall Fair, Toronto Women Expo/Toronto Business Expo, Jennifer Beale's Summer Networking Bash to promote their product and services. 

Membership Fee:
Effective March 1st 2016,
members who participate 5 or more networking Group functions (including participations in meetings/ events/ advertising) in a year, renewal rate is $99+HST. First year membership is $125+HST. Annual membership fee is due each year on the month that you join the Networking Group, except for members who join in March or September, their membership fees are due in February and August, respectively. This will ensure that the Networking Group brochure (publish in March and in August) has the most current memberships listing.