How New Jersey's Tax Incentive Programs Fail to Bring Equitable Growth
How can states incentivize economic growth where it’s most needed? What would equitable tax incentive policy look like? CLiME’s collaboration with SPAA scholars details the state of New Jersey’s business tax incentives through the lens of equity. Read Investing in the Equitable State here.
Evaluation of Rental Assistance
CLiME collaborated with scholars at the School of Public Affairs and Administration to evaluate lessons learned from NJ municipalities' experiments with federal emergency rental assistance, a project supported by the recently created New Jersey State Policy Lab. The report, The New Jersey Housing Crisis in a COVID Era: Mapping Strategic Processes, is available on our website.
New CLiME Research Fellows
We are excited to introduce our new CLiME research fellows, Jonathan Francisco Bonilla and Erica Copeland. Read their bios on our website.
Jonathan Francisco Bonilla
Erica Copeland
Thank You, Dr. Katie Nelson!
As Dr. Katie Nelson's time as a CLiME Senior Research Fellow comes to end end, we thank her for her work and wish her the best of luck.
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