What does summer mean to you?
Summer means a million different things to as many different people. But the one commonality is memories. Family vacations, outdoor explorations, new experiences, favorite traditions. Summer is for making memories. You're not going to remember that extra 8 hours you worked at the office. But you will remember sitting in your kayak watching the sunset over the bay, or your uncontrollable laughter as your husband fell off his paddleboard for the tenth time, or the look on your daughter's face as she holds her first horseshoe crab.
There's still plenty of summer left. Make the most of it!

Summer Hours

We're open 7 days a week from 9 - 6! Come on down!!
Introducing Coastal Kayak's 5 Newest ACA Certified Kayak Instructors!

The Level 1-2 ACA Kayak Instructor Certification Workshop is not like taking a CPR course – the certification cards are not pre-printed, attendance does not guarantee passing. Candidates have....
A Face Lift

Sometimes a hat and sunglasses just don’t do the trick anymore. Our website was looking a little dated. Although updating a website in the middle of season is never ideal, we are happy to have it finished! Let us know what you think! www.CoastalKayak.com
New T-shirt Design!
You know that feeling you get when you’re paddling in the calm water along the marsh grasses? You’re being so quiet, trying not to disturb the other creatures involved in their...
Waaaaaater Anyone?
Like everyone else these days we are trying to break our addiction to plastic. We now use 100% recycled paper bags for our merchandise instead of plastic bags. We only sell sodas in cans. But our biggest dilemma...
A Channel to Avoid
In this age of cable, Netflix, and Hulu, with 100s of channels to choose from there is one channel you want to avoid - the boat channel! This time of year....
Day Mark
15% OFF
Enjoy 15% off any in stock Coastal Kayak T-shirt, hat, or visor when purchased online! Must purchase on-line and use code CKSUMMER18. Expires 9/30/2018