Making a Difference
Evaluating the effectiveness of any intervention is important. After all, how else would you know if a difference was being made by the effort?
The Next Stop was created in 2007 to provide a program for adults with spe cial needs where they could continue to have friendships, continue to laugh, and continue to learn after they aged out of school. Basically, the mission was to support this adult population in a way that could help them to continue to thrive. So how are we doing? Is The Next Stop making a difference in the lives of those we serve?  

Besides our own observations within The Next Stop, the best source for gathering information is our members’ families. Anecdotal information can highlight members’ personal growth and help us to know if our members are at least maintaining the functional skills they developed while in school. And just as important, do they have a sense of wellbeing and belonging within
The Next Stop?
Families were surveyed this year and had the opportunity to give us their feedback. This information is important to helping us know how our members are being positively impacted by attending The Next Stop.
Since attending The Next Stop.....
Display confidence in task performance--
57 % more often
43% maintained
0 regression
Willingness to try
new experiences--
55% more often
45% maintained
0 regression
Display independence with daily tasks--
68% more often
32% maintained
0 regression
“Our son is happier and more self-confident since he started The Next Stop.”

" Our family member is more independent and wants to be treated as an adult."
“She has seen the benefit of trying new things--something The Next Stop fosters.”

"The friendships at The Next Stop give her a sense of community." 
"Our daughter is happy to see her friends on a regular basis at The Next Stop—It gives her stability and purpose."

"Our son is more considerate and offers to help more!"
Won't you help The Next Stop continue to make a
difference in the lives of our members?

On behalf of our members and their families,
thank you for your support!

The Next Stop is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization.
All gifts small and large are appreciated!
Your gift is fully tax deductible.

The Next Stop | 404-932-3953 |