Feeding Hungry Bellies, Rather than Landfills.
Food Needs Increase during COVID-19 Crisis
Saving Grace is on the forefront of a community effort to make sure kids, families and seniors have access to food during these uncertain times. As coronavirus closings lead to mounting job losses and/or pay cuts and students are out of school, the need for food is greater than ever.

In March, Saving Grace provided 90,656 pounds of nutritious food to feed the hungry. Through April 7, 37,500 pounds of food has been donated by restaurants, event venues, casinos, bars and other food vendors as their kitchens closed. View the list of donors online.

Many of our nonprofit partner agencies, including the Intercultural Senior Center, have seen an increased need for food. While daily programs have been suspended, the center continues to offer its food pantry.

Saving Grace’s role in alleviating hunger fills a niche in our community as we provide a distribution and logistics network that connects excess perishable food with nonprofit agencies that feed the hungry. It’s a different role than what’s provided by food banks and food pantries, which are also instrumental in feeding the hungry.

During these unprecedented times, Saving Grace remains flexible and committed to responding to changing community needs for food. Read our blog post to learn more about Saving Grace’s response during the COVID-19 crisis.
Making an Impact: One Meal at a Time
Saving Grace Perishable Food Rescue is making an impact in our community by connecting excess perishable food that would otherwise go to waste with organizations that feed the hungry. In 2019, our work led to 1,077,684 meals being fed to children, seniors, veterans and families.

Take a look at other 2019 highlights included in our Impact Report:

  • Saving Grace’s fleet expanded to four refrigerated trucks and five drivers in April 2019. This enabled us to increase the amount of food rescued by 19% over the previous year.
  • Nine new food donors and four additional nonprofit agencies became partners with Saving Grace.
  • Saving Grace was one of 57 organizations nationally to receive the Director’s Community Leadership Award from FBI Director Christopher Wray during a ceremony in Washington, D.C.
  • 539 tons of quality, nutritious food fed hungry bellies rather than landfills.
  • The lifetime total of food rescued since operations began in October 2013 exceeded 4 million pounds.

Download the 2019 Impact Report for photos and a recap of Saving Grace’s accomplishments.
Help Feed 100 People Every Month
While the need for food has increased during the pandemic, the reality is there will always be hungry people in our community. In Douglas, Sarpy and Pottawattamie counties, nearly 100,000 of our neighbors were food insecure before the current crisis.

Your support will help Saving Grace feed the hungry now and in coming months. Set up a recurring monthly donation of $20 in 2020 and make a real difference in our community.

A gift of just $20 will help feed 100 of our hungry neighbors each month - while keeping healthy food out of our landfills.

For less than the cost of an apple a day, you’ll help ensure nutritious fruits and vegetables, meats, dairy products, prepared meals, packaged sandwiches and more will feed hungry bellies rather than landfills.

Simply visit Saving Grace’s website and set up your monthly gift of $20 – or any amount – today.

Upcoming Events
Earth Day Omaha has gone virtual! Join the party on Saturday, April 18, between noon and 4 p.m. for ongoing entertainment, demonstrations and educational activities. Go to earthdayomaha.org for more information.

Omaha Gives! Let your friends know about the impact Saving Grace is making in our community and help us reach our goal of 75 new donors during Omaha Gives! on May 20.
“For the elderly population, accessibility to food resources and socio-economics are huge barriers to proper health and nutrition and, thus, our partnership with Saving Grace is very valuable in addressing those issues.”

Carolina Padilla, Intercultural Senior Center executive director.