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6 Common Manager Mistakes That Can Get Your Company Into Trouble!
What do employment attorneys see as the common thread that lands well-meaning employers in court time and time again? Costly mistakes by their front-line managers. Read on to see what some of the most common mistakes are!
Sloppy Documentation

Managers’ documentation should never, ever seem subjective. It should always be written as if it could wind up in a jury’s hands.
Inflated Appraisals

Many managers avoid difficult conversations by inflating the performance ratings of employees. This can make it impossible to justify a discipline decision in court.
Not Applying Policies Consistently

When managers don’t apply their policies to all employees, it leaves the company wide open to an array of discrimination suits.

Another critical mistake in this area: Not knowing certain policies even exist.
Being Unaware of the Law

It’s become a troubling trend in employment law cases: Front-line managers blatantly admit to not knowing about laws like the FMLA or the ADA. Managers need to be trained on the ins and outs of these critical employment laws.
Ignoring Complaints

Granted, some employees complain incessantly. But to stay safe, each and every complaint about unfair treatment or harassment must be taken seriously and investigated.
Blatant Rudeness

Sometimes there’s a fine line between being stern and being flat-out rude. But when managers error toward the latter, it can make employees think they disapprove of a specific protected trait such as age, race or gender and potentially lead to a discrimination lawsuit.
The Bottom Line!
To safeguard your firm from these common manager blunders Alternative HR can provide training for all of your front-line managers and supervisors and provide them with some tools to help them better communicate with their team.

Reach out to us today to discuss!