Door Prizes Welcomed
for Oct. 15 Youth Fall Festival
With a goal of engaging youth and young adults in the community — a priority from the 2021 Mandan Strong economic and community development strategic plan — the City of Mandan Business Development and Communications Department is helping with a launch event.
A fall youth festival will be held Oct. 15, 1-4 p.m., in Dykshoorn Park with live music, food, and contests. Participating youth will be asked to sign up to spearhead and assist with community events, projects and programs. Businesses interested in donating gift cards or other items for door prize giveaways may contact Communications and Community Services Specialist Kari Schmidt.
Members of the youth initiative organizing committee include high school and college students with staff involvement from the Mandan Progress Organization, Mandan Public Schools, Morton County Extension, Morton Mandan Public Library, Native American youth groups, and volunteers from the Mandan Tomorrow – Leadership, Pride and Image Committee.