What to bring this Saturday...
1) Appropriate food wear - old running shoes would be perfect as very likely you will get them wet/sandy/muddy.
2) Hat, sunscreen, light rain jacket, any medication that you usually use/need.
3) 1 liter of water (we will have water for refill) in a refillable container/cup. Please avoid one-time use plastic bottles.
4) A dry/clean tee to change into after the clean up.
5) Your sense of adventure.

What is provided:
1) Water throughout.
2) Soft drink/beer/sandwiches for the end.
 3) Bus from Tung Chung to the Mangrove area (closest road access point is a 5 minute walk).

Please note we will NOT provide any transport post event (you can walk/bus/taxi to the MTR).

Please see the following arrangements and approximate timings:

1:45pm: Meet at Tung Chung MTR (Turn right at exit B. Meet at the bottom of the stairs (see below picture ).

2pm (sharp): Coach leaves Tung Chung to Yu Tung Road (5-7 minutes).
2.15pm: Briefing
2.30pm-3.45pm: Clean up.
3.45pm - 4.15pm: Sandwiches and drinks.
4:15pm: Participants make their own way home.

If you would prefer to meet us directly at the Mangrove area, please arrive here: by 2.15pm.

***Light foods/drinks/equipment included***.

If you have friends/family that would like to join, please ask them to sign up via this link below:

*** If the event is cancelled due to adverse weather, the event will not be rescheduled or refunded. Please do let us know if you can no longer make it. Thank you for your understanding.

** Cancellation: We will go ahead unless there is severe weather forecast (T3+/amber-black rain/localised lighting). We will make a final announcement via email/facebook before 12pm on the day.

* Participation in the Mangrove Clean-up is at your own risk.

Please email registration@moontrekker.com with any questions.