Prevention through Connection
April 2018

On Friday, March 23, Manhasset middle school students participated in the Molloy College Health Fair as part of MS Health and Wellness Week.  During physical education classes, 7th and 8th graders visited interactive healthy living booths  and learned about hydration, physical fitness, nutrition, CPR, social media safety, skin / sun  protection, and stress management. Fair booth participants included  students from Molloy College's Nursing Program, Tobacco Action Coalition of Long Island, CrossFit Nine 7, MaryAnn Jones from Thrive Naturally and Dani Scialo, a local yoga instructor who has been offering school-wide classes as part of CASA Youth Club's healthy living initiatives.

CASA's booth featured important information on the dangers of tobacco, e-cigarettes and vaping. This came at an opportune time, since 7th graders had just participated in a Kick Butts Day poster contest (an opportunity to help spread awareness of the dangers involved) and the 8th graders just completed a 3-unit curriculum on vaping in health class, prepared by Jasmine Ostrom.

CASA talked to a lot of students during the fair and learned some troubling things:  7th graders believe 15-20% of students in their grade are using e-cigarettes in some form; 8th graders say it's closer to 35 - 40% in their grade.  Students also shared that their peers do not truly understand the dangers involved, especially as advertisers promote e-cigarettes as safer than smoking, and most students choose to vape because they think "it's cool" (also a result of targeted marketing to kids.)  Vaping happens everywhere: in the bathrooms, during lunch, even in the middle of class. Since vaping is odorless and the apparatus look like school supplies (thumb drives and pens), it's hard to detect and is often happening in our faces unseen.

CASA will continue to offer information about the dangers of vaping to reduce the number of students using this dangerous substance. Officer Joseph Monez, from Nassau County Police headquarters in Mineola, offered an after-school presentation earlier this year to students and nurses. He shared that Manhasset was ahead of most school districts in asking for a vaping presentation.  We are all realizing the challenges involved and have more to do. Please learn all you can and talk to your children about the known and unknown dangers of vaping. 

As a way to start, here are some recent articles to read and share with your kids. Have a conversation today and let CASA know how we can help!:

Lesley Mazzotta
Project Director

Do you want to get more involved in CASA? Are you a member? Have you joined our SAFE Homes network? To register,  click here  and learn more about this important initiative that seeks to help our tweens and teens stay safe.

April 1 1, 2018 was
Kick Butts Day in Manhasset
A day of activism that empowers youth to stand out, 
speak up and seize control against tobacco.  

On Wednesday, April 11, CASA's Youth Club and Key Club members spoke with Manhasset 7th grade science classes about the dangers of tobacco and e-cigarettes. Here are some questions they discussed:
  • What are e-cigarettes, how do they work and why are they dangerous?
  • What are the national trends for smoking by teens?
  • Overall, how could e-cigarette advertising be dangerous for teens?
  • How can teens protect themselves from being influenced by messages that may be dangerous?
  • Why might e-cigarette ads be an unreliable source of information about health and safety?
  • Tobacco advertisements are required by law to contain a warning regarding harmful health effects. What information do you think should be included in a warning on an e-cigarette ad?
CASA also held a Kick Butts Day poster contest, and winners were selected from over 200 submissions. 

Here  is the poster that will be featured on our Kick Butts Day sweatshirts.

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8th Grade Health Curriculum
Addresses the Dangers of Vaping Drugs
By Jasmine Ostrom

The Health 8 curriculum addresses the new craze of vaping drugs (nicotine, alcohol, liquid marijuana and others). This unit provides an understanding of the inner workings of e-cigarettes and other vaping devices, the content of the aerosols they produce, and third hand smoke. This unit is broken down into three lessons, each of which explore e-cigarettes in-depth. This unit will end in a culminating project that pushes students to deconstruct vaping advertisements that currently appear in the media and to design or rework an advertisement to show the truth about this industry and their products.
Unit Goals:
  • Increase knowledge about basic facts of e-cigarettes and the harm they cause
  • Gain awareness of strategies manufacturers and sellers of e-cigarettes employ to increase use among adolescents, such as deceptive and creative marketing strategies
  • Gain skills to refuse experimentation and use of e-cigarettes.
Upcoming Programs and Events
RSVP Today!
Healthy Living Fundraiser
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Join us for a Rotary Speaks/Power of Parenting Program
Tuesday, May 1st,  7:30pm - 8:30pm
RSVP here.
Members Make A Coalition
Join or Renew your CASA Annual Membership

Manhasset CASA is in its 10th year of the Drug Free Communities Sup port  Program Grant. We need your membership to continue our efforts!  Please join or renew your 2017-18 membership as we are all  responsible to keep Manhasset's children safe and healthy! 

We greatly appreciate your support and hope you will  Like Us on Facebook or visit our website a   to learn more about teen and college trends in risk behavior as well as parenting! 

Manhasset Community 

Coalition Against Substance Abuse (CASA), Inc. 

P.O. Box 392
Manhasset, NY 11030
(516) 267-7548

Like us on Facebook!

Manhasset CASA exists as a resource to reduce the illegal, underage use of alcohol, tobacco, & other drugs among its youth, before they are in trouble, by
connecting parents, schools and the community as partners in the common goal. In 2013, CASA was honored to receive its second five year Drug Free
Communities Support Grant (DFC) by the Office of National Drug Control Policy  (ONDCP).  Our goals are to reduce substance abuse among youth and, over time, among adults; and to establish and strengthen collaboration among communities, private nonprofit agencies, and federal, state, and local governments to support the efforts of our community coalition to prevent and reduce substance abuse among  youth.