Prevention through Connection
May 2018
Bullying and Cyber-Bullying:
Awareness, Consequences and Prevention

On May 1, The Manhasset Rotary Club and CASA hosted a presentation on Bullying and Cyber-bullying at the Manhasset Library. This topic continues to be challenging in our nation's schools and communities, so the information and conversation shared between Officer Thomas Brock from the Nassau County Police Department and parents were invaluable.
Officer Brock began with the reminder that bullying and cyber-bullying are much more dangerous than in the past because technology and the internet are intertwined in students' lives. Two decades ago, students could get a break from bullying when they left school and returned to the safety of their homes. Now, with the barrage of emails, SMS, texts and social media including Facebook, Instagram, twitter, SnapChat, MySpace and others, contact with the online world and bullying/cyber-bullying is brutal and relentless.
School bullying involves any form of physical, verbal or emotional harassment and can include peer-to-peer bullying, bullying of younger students by older ones, or bullying where teachers can be either victims or offenders. Based on statistics from The Cyberbullying Research Center, which collected data from over 15,000 middle and high school students through twelve formal surveys:
  • 73% of students reported that they have been bullied at school in their lifetime
  • 88% said they were called mean names or were made fun of in a hurtful way
  • 77% said they were excluded from groups or left out of things
  • 1 out of 5 students reported they have been threatened with a weapon at school
There is also a significant connection between school bullying and cyber-bullying. Statistics show that 83% of the students who have been cyber-bullied in the past 30 days, have also been bullied at school recently. Check out all of the statistics here.

With cyber-bullying, there are many different forms of harassment that are important to recognize: 
  • Flaming: Online fights with angry and vulgar language sent to one person, in public group settings so others can see
  • Cyber stalking: Messages that include threats of harm that make a person feel intimidated and afraid for their own safety
  • Denigration: "Dissing someone" by posting cruel gossip or rumors that damages a reputation or friendships
  • Impersonation: Pretending to be someone else and posting hurtful material as that person that makes them look bad or gets them in trouble
  • Outing and trickery: Sharing someone's secret or embarrassing information on line or tricking the person into revealing private
Sadly, national statistics on cyber-bullying are as sobering as school bullying. According to, a global movement of 6 million young people making positive change, online and off!:
  • Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online with one or more forms of bullying. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than once
  • 68% of teens agree that cyber-bullying is a serious problem
  • Only 1 in 10 victims will inform a parent or trusted adult of their abuse
  • Bullying victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide
As we work to combat the issues of school bullying and cyber-bullying, it is important that everyone plays a role to help solve the problem. Parents, school officials, students, clergy, law enforcement and community members all need to come together to have honest conversations about what is happening, why it's happening, discuss the challenges and explore what can be done.

For more information, check out this great resource guide from Tulane University's School of Social Work that discusses the problems in detail and effective steps to keep students safe. Please share your ideas for helping our own community. 

Lesley Mazzotta
Project Director

Do you want to get more involved in CASA? Are you a member? Have you joined our SAFE Homes network? To register,  click here  and learn more about this important initiative that seeks to help our tweens and teens stay safe.

Shed the Meds Collects 300 lbs.
Disposing of Meds is a Safe Medicine Practice

Thank you Senator Elaine Phillips and the Nassau County Police Department for your efforts to collect 300 lbs. of pharmaceuticals at the April 21st Shed the Meds event at Shelter Rock School.  The drive-up and drop off program continues to offer residents easy access to dispose of old or unused medications! 

Residents do not have to wait for an official take back event to dispose of unwanted medications; use the disposal bin in the lobby of any Nassau County Police Department Precinct or Police Center. 

Accepted items include prescriptions, prescription patches, prescription medications, prescription ointments, over the counter medications, vitamins, sample medications and medications for pets.  Please do not deposit needles, sharps, aerosol cans, thermometers, ointments (liquid or lotion), hydrogen peroxide, inhalers, medication from businesses and bloody or infectious waste. 
CASA Healthy Living  Fundraiser

A ttendees sampled healthy,  easy to make snacks and meals, discussed ways to make sma ll changes for big impact and bid on raffle prizes, all to support future CASA programming.

Thank you to Nancy Ferraris, Arda Haratunian, 
and all the contributors and attendees for their support!
Upcoming Programs and Events
Join us at our next  Coalition Sector Meeting
Thursday, May 17 @ 9:00 am
Central Administration Building Community Room
200 Memorial Place 
Manhasset,  NY  11030

Come learn about all the latest news and activities, and how you can get involved.

College 101 Day:
Prevention Before, During and after Graduation

Manhasset's Class of 2018 will attend  College 101 Day on Wednesday, May 30. Seniors rotate through three programs that address pertinent issues affecting today's college students and young adults. 

College 101 includes the Red Watch Band Alcohol Emergency Response Program, taught by qualified Manhasset High School faculty, a Sexual Assault Prevention Program, run by the Safe Center of Long Island, and a recent graduate panel discussing their experience in college. We thank the district's administration, faculty, and the SCA for their coordination and implementation to make this program possible.

As students move beyond high school - some to college and others to the workforce -  prevention should continue to be paramount for  the well being of our young adults. 

Members Make A Coalition
Join or Renew your CASA Annual Membership

Manhasset CASA is in its 10th year of the Drug Free Communities Sup port  Program Grant. We need your membership to continue our efforts!  Please join or renew your 2017-18 membership as we are all  responsible to keep Manhasset's children safe and healthy! 

We greatly appreciate your support and hope you will  Like Us on Facebook or visit our website a   to learn more about teen and college trends in risk behavior as well as parenting! 

Manhasset Community 

Coalition Against Substance Abuse (CASA), Inc. 

P.O. Box 392
Manhasset, NY 11030
(516) 267-7548

Like us on Facebook!

Manhasset CASA exists as a resource to reduce the illegal, underage use of alcohol, tobacco, & other drugs among its youth, before they are in trouble, by  connecting parents, schools and the community as partners in the common goal. In 2013, CASA was honored to receive its second five year Drug Free  Communities Support Grant (DFC) by the Office of National Drug Control Policy  (ONDCP).  Our goals are to reduce substance abuse among youth and, over time, among adults; and to establish and strengthen collaboration among communities, private nonprofit agencies, and federal, state, and local governments to support the efforts of our community coalition to prevent and reduce substance abuse among  youth.