Prevention through Connection
November 27, 2017
Mindfulness at the Holidays
Tips for getting through the  swirl of the season

Greetings everyone,

It's officially the holiday season, and we all know what's coming: the work parties; the friend gatherings; the family traditions; the crowded stores; the endless travel; the impossible "to do" lists; the ongoing phone greetings; the piles of holiday cards; the gift buying and wrapping and giving and returning; the need to be in three places at once so we can all see each other and celebrate joyfully together! Okay... ready, set, go!

There is so much to do during this season that the joy, fun and magic can be lost and STRESS can enter in! But wait. This time of year does not need to be crazy. If we're honest, we can admit (at least to ourselves!) that the season isn't out of control. We are!
We choose to over-eat, over-shop, over-drink and over-extend. We choose how many cards to write, parties to attend and presents to purchase. We may not be able to stop the busy-ness of this holiday season, but we can choose to let go of some of the unnecessary madness, take a deep breath and slow down. We can find more peaceful ways to spend our time by choosing to be mindful.
Health and school professionals frequently discuss the multiple benefits of incorporating mindfulness into our lives. As we witness increased anxiety and stress amongst our students, we are considering how mindfulness can be used to help increase social, emotional and physical well being, improve the quality of both thought and feeling, and support learning and growth.
Mindfulness is not just a bunch of skills to learn: it's an intentional way of being. It's cultivating a practice of being fully present through pause, breath and focus. It's connecting with the little things happening that we often miss as we rush through our high-paced, modern day world. It's also being fully aware of ourselves and understanding what we think, feel and need at any given moment.
A recent article on the Huffington Post describes The four C's of Mindfulness: Calm. Compassion. Clarity. Choice. Click here to read some wise and practical suggestions on how to use mindfulness to help get through the holidays or any overly busy time of life.
As we enter this holiday season, take a few minutes each day to be mindful. Choose to celebrate the holidays by connecting with the present, fully experiencing the people, places and things that often pass us by, and taking time to be thankful for the blessings in our lives. 
Holiday joy and peace to you all!

Lesley Mazzotta
Project Director

Do you want to get more involved in CASA? Are you a member? Have you joined our SAFE Homes network? To register,  click here  and learn more about this important initiative that seeks to help our tweens and teens stay safe.

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Thank You Stephen Hill, founder of Speak Sobriety
for your inspiring presentation on substance abuse and recovery

On November 14, Stephen Hill, founder of Speak Sobriety, spoke to the Manhasset Middle and High School student-athletes, faculty and parents as part of Manhasset CASA's Prevention Education Program.

During two presentations to packed audiences in the MHS gymnasium, Stephen shared his story of personal struggles with substance abuse as a student-athlete and his subsequent journey to recovery. 

Stephen told the students it was their choice what to put in their bodies. When he was using alcohol and drugs he made bad decisions that cost him his chance to play sports in high school and college and almost cost him his life.  On the subject of vaping, he shared that the risks of inhaling these materials are not fully known, but athletic performance is worse, so why do it.  

As a sober person, he now enjoys being with friends, attending law school, and public speaking to help others. Stephen concluded by answering student questions, particularly about how to help a friend who may be abusing substances.
Upcoming Programs and Events
Explores Addiction & Recovery

Parents are invited to our next CASA Coffee on Tuesday, December 5 at 7:30pm - 9:00pm in the home of a local Manhasset parent. 

Coffee & Conversation: From Underage Drinking to Addiction will fe ature a 2009 Manhasset High School graduate who is currently in recovery from alcohol, prescription pills and heroin addiction.  

Join friends and neighbors as we strengthen parent networking to guide our teens toward making healthy choices. To register, CLICK HERE. 

Calling All High School Students
Click Here to register for a 6-week PATV educational program      
Join us for an inspiring evening with Chris Herren!
Click Here to register.
Members Make A Coalition
Join or Renew your CASA Annual Membership

Manhasset CASA is in its 10th year of the Drug Free Communities Sup port  Program Grant. We need your membership to continue our efforts!  Please join or renew your 2017-18 membership as we are all  responsible to keep Manhasset's children safe and healthy! 

We greatly appreciate your support and hope you will  Like Us on Facebook or visit our website a   to learn more about teen and college trends in risk behavior as well as parenting! 
Manhasset Community 
Coalition Against Substance Abuse (CASA), Inc. 
P.O. Box 392
Manhasset, NY 11030
(516) 267-7548
Manhasset CASA exists as a resource to reduce the illegal, underage use of alcohol, tobacco, & other drugs among its youth, before they are in trouble, by connecting parents, schools and the community as partners in the common goal.  In 2013, CASA was honored to receive its second five year Drug Free Communities Support Grant (DFC) by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).  Our goals are to reduce substance abuse among youth and, over time, among adults; and to establish and strengthen collaboration among communities, private nonprofit agencies, and federal, state, and local governments to support the efforts of our community coalition to prevent and reduce substance abuse among youth.