Big thanks to the Harlem community for coming together to support the community forum, Higher Learning Educating Harlem on Cannabis on Saturday April 23rd. The forum included panel discussions from esteemed leaders in the industry and covered topics on Cannabis Law, Health, Social equity and more. Check out more on Instagram at #Mancb10. Join us at our General Board meeting on Wednesday, May 4th for recap on the event. 


The calendar may say spring, but summer programs are heating up at DYCD! 
We are announcing today that the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) application deadline is being extended two weeks to Friday, May 6. Nearly 130,000 young people have applied so far, and the extension will give even more youth and families time to vie for the unprecedented number of opportunities available this summer. SYEP supporting materials are being updated to reflect the new deadline, and we are getting the word out to New Yorkers through our usual communications channels, including the DYCD website, a press release, provider notifications, social media, and Community Connect. Please continue to promote SYEP and the application among your networks by referring New Yorkers to or by using the attached PDF. There is also time left for employers interested in becoming worksites; refer them to the Hire NYC Youth site for information and an application.
Click Here to Register


The Harlem Connection is a weekly radio show where a trio of music lovers joins forces with the Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce to provide you the artists and the sounds that helped establish Harlem as a cultural Mecca.


Here’s what we have in store for you this week….


The Harlem Connection to Jazz (2022)


Artimacy with K. Charles’ Keanna Faircloth is our Guest Musical Conductor as we close out April as Jazz Appreciation Month.


Three ways for you to come aboard…

Click here to register

Cultural Affairs Launches New, More Equitable

Cultural Development Fund Process

Applications are due May 16 at 5:00 PM

The Department of Cultural Affairs has officially launched the Fiscal Year 2023 Cultural Development Fund (CDF) application! The CDF is a competitive grant process that supports a broad, multidisciplinary group of diverse non-profit organizations for their cultural programming across the five boroughs. Cultural nonprofits from New York City’s vast, diverse cultural community are encouraged to apply to receive public support for their arts and cultural activities.

This year’s CDF launch marks a major step forward in fostering greater equity in this important source of funding, including greater recognition of historically marginalized communities, increased minimum grant size, and recruitment of review panelists who reflect the diversity of New York City.

Applicants are encouraged to attend a CDF application webinar session, which will start on Tuesday, April 12 and run through early May. The FY23 CDF application deadline is Monday, May 16, 2022, at 5:00 PM (ET).

Learn More and Apply

Apply for Safe in the City Grant

Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice

Are you seeking funding to support your neighborhood safety project?

Apply for the Safe in the City Grant with MOCJ’s Office of Neighborhood Safety!

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