Volume Nine Issue One March 2024

  • Genealogy Library & Family Files
  • Research Library
  • 13,000 catalogued photos & local postcards
  • Museum Exhibits
  • Public Events
  • Website: joycetice.com/histcent.htm
  • Open T W Th 11 Am to 3 PM or anytime we are here, which is most of the time.
  • Stop in for a visit
Director- Joyce M. Tice: President - Steve McCloskey: V.P.- Amy Welch

Raise the Region 2024 March 13 - 14

Raise the Region® is a unique 30-hour online giving campaign that gives community members an opportunity to support our local nonprofits by helping them raise as much money as possible! Donations from this strategic and unified effort will support our local nonprofits in addressing the increasing needs of our region. Your contribution will help them in creating more vibrant communities and ultimately help our North Central Pennsylvania region thrive!

Raise the Region®

The History Center is participating in Raise the Region 2024 . We hope that you will also participate by donating to our museum and other local nonprofits as well. All that we do or acquire for our collections is through the support of community members. Follow the link to learn how and why to donate to us and the other orgainzations. Thanks for considering us.

Raise the Region®

Mansfield's Remarkable Women

The History Center will host an event on Sunday March 24th at 2 p.m.

Jane Martin Allen

Jane Martin, wife of Fordyce Allen, first came to Mansfield in 1864. In Mansfield she shared responsibility for operating the Soldiers' Orphans' School and was active in Normal School events and community organizations. She was also engaged in the family farm operation. Her husband's career was based on establishing schools and institutes to teach the teachers thereby raising the educational level of all. She was mother to the orphans as well as her own three children. and was well-beloved.

Edith A. Lownsberry

 A native of Canoe Camp, Lownsberry was a member of one of the oldest families of that community. After graduation from Mansfield State Normal School in 1891, Lownsberry taught locally before enrolling in the famous Posse Gymnasium in Boston to pursue teaching physical education. specializing in Swedish Gymnastics. She returned to MSNS as the physical education teacher for both men and women students. She is responsible for introducing basketball at the school, organizing a women's team in 1899-1900. She served as head coach and was the star player for the first two women's baseball teams in Mansfield history.

Jennie E. Farrer

Jennie E. Farrer was born locally in 1852 and started teaching in a rural school at age 17. In 1925, her story was told in a national magazine outlining the trials of mid 19th century educators both here in Tioga County and in Idaho where she became County Superintendent of Schools, Returning to Mansfield, she taught at the local normal school and founded the Columbian Literary Exchange which still exists today. 

Her life-story illustrates the history of our educational system.

Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony, famous to this day for her activity in women's suffrage, visited Mansfield in 1873. Her speech in Mansfield was sponsored by the Normal Literary Society and came within six months after her trial for illegally voting. She was arrested for voting in the 1872 presidential election when women were still decades away from voting rights. Our presentation will be about her trial and her contribution to the cause.

Join us on March 24th at 2 p.m. at The History Center, 61 N. Main Street, Mansfield to hear the stories of these remarkable women.

The History Center Library: Cooking Then and Now

By Linda Rashidi

What’s in Our Library 5: Cooking Then and Now

What’s in a cookbook? How are these collections of recipes connected to history? What we eat, how we prepare meals, and how we think about diet tell us much about who we are. At the History Center our collection reveals what the women (for these collections are, indeed, all compiled by women) of each era value and make in their kitchens—and, as such, reflect a slice of the history of our community in Mansfield and Tioga County.


Probably the oldest cookbook on our shelves, though undated, is Mabel Whitlock’s ledger book of recipes, handwritten in lovely, flowing script. Typically, she organizes by category: soups, breads, meats, vegetables, preserves & pickles, salads, desserts, and dressings. This latter begins with a basic boiled dressing and then gives variations, including peanut butter. She uses a double boiler and assumes that the reader will understand the basics of making a smooth sauce. In keeping with the prominence of oysters in the 19th c., she gives us hints for amounts: “allow 1 qt. oysters to every 4 persons.”


By the 1900s, we begin to see cookbooks produced by the makers of various products and appliances. In 1913, Crisco brought out The Story of Crisco by Marion Harris Neil, subtitled “615 Tested Recipes and a Calendar of Dinners.” Besides the 615 recipes, this book has hints for young cooks (presumably all housewives), how to choose foods, plus, yes,  “the story of Crisco.” As one might imagine, all these recipes use Crisco instead of butter or lard, and the book compares its product to these other “fats,” proclaiming: “The culinary world is revising its entire cook book on account of the advent of Crisco, a new and altogether different cooking method.” Even asparagus soup is made with Crisco. After a recipe for Crisco Fruit Cake, this admonishment appears: “Remember: when cake is not a success, it is not the fault of Crisco.”


In 1918, a small pamphlet from the Royal Baking Powder Co. appears: Best War Time Recipes. Because of rationing, many of their recipes describe how baking powder can enhance various coarser flours (oat, rye) that substitute for more refined white flour. By 1929, the world is trying to get back to some prewar lifestyle. The Art of Cooking and Serving by Sarah Field Splint has separate sections for households with and without servants—and the use of lots of Crisco. But by 1943, Helen Worth’s Down-On-The-Farm Cook Book goes back to the generic “shortening” in her recipes, which now include frozen desserts (ices, ice creams). She advocates for a simpler cooking with use of local products.


In 1960, The Electric Cook Book by Marguerite Fenner appears. We have entered the era of the electric appliance. As one might imagine, this book emphasizes the convenient and timesaving use of not just the electric stove, but deep cookers and electric skillets. The emphasis on healthy eating has disappeared with fried food dominant and lots of butter on practically everything, including vegetables.


Also in the 1960s, with the ability to mass-produce printed material, cookbooks by women’s groups began to pop up everywhere. One such group was the Mansfield Methodist Women, first known as the W.S.C.S (Women’s Society of Christian Service). Our library has an undated volume entitled simply Cook Book. Interestingly, this book contains throughout its pages ads from local businesses in and around Mansfield. The recipes in here are simple, meant for the homemaker. Each recipe is attributed to a local woman (identified by her husband’s name: Mrs. Chas Jupenlaz, Mrs. W.W. Allen, Mrs. A.H. Vosburg, with only a smattering of those who identified by their own names: Marion A. Adams, Eva S. Urell, Irene Stuart). In 1962, this same group, now known as Mansfield Methodist Women, published a cookbook that included recipes attributed to First Ladies: Eleanor Roosevelt’s Huckleberry Pudding, Mamie Eisenhower’s Frost Mint Delight (one of those ubiquitous jello offerings), Jacqueline Kennedy’s Hot Fruit Dessert. While these women get their own names, it is doubtful that the First Ladies actually spent much time in a kitchen.


Gertrude Jupenlaz is perhaps something of a local legend, famous for her small dinner parties and love of cooking. Her tiny booklet is entitled Cook’s Corner. An introduction by E.R.C. tells us that Gertrude had: “the peculiar knack of combining ingredients to make whatever food she may prepare an individual achievement.” The author narrates her joy of cooking, including anecdotes of origins. One for Suet Pudding tells us it is from “Sadie’s old W.C.T.U Cookbook.” Gertrude’s booklet is more of a compendium of ideas than a cookbook, breezy and fun to read.


Perhaps the most delightful offering in our collection is a lovely, spiral-bound book Recipes from Roseville, edited by Mary Holton Robare. More an historical document than a cookbook, this volume contains photos, bits of diaries, and of course recipes from the daybooks of three women in overlapping eras, beginning in 1849. The recipes are all attributed with short bios. One unusual baker was Helen Virginia Wilcox, who died in 1933 at the age of 15. But she baked! And even in bed with Scarlet Fever, she wanted “to make Uncle Tom a cake.” The recipe is included.


Food has long been an integral part of women’s lives. Today many men man the kitchens, but this is a recent phenomenon. By browsing the History Center’s shelf of cookbooks, one gets an intimate glimpse of how women throughout history have spent their days and contributed to family and community life through the preparation of food.

Our Library is open any time the History Center is open. We invite you to stop by to browse, dip into volumes, do research, or just sit and read. We can search our database if you are looking for some specific book or topic. You can also check out a volume on loan to take with you.

New to the Collections

The Conqueror

Allen & Pratt Hardware 1879

Trade Card

Predecessor of Strait's Hardware

The Conqueror Wringer to go with the Allen Washer we have in the museum.

Volunteer Help Wanted and Needed
The History Center has a big project in the works that requires lots and lots of clerical support. We want to make our collections, including our genealogy records, more accessible to the public in online presentation, but we have a lot of file updating to do first. We need volunteers to update records from our genealogy database to our museum database. All you have to do is know how to type, be attentive to detail, and we can show you what and where.

Working at the museum is fun, and many of our volunteers have been here for years. This is an opportunity to be involved in one of the most advanced community genealogy/history projects ever developed.

If you can spare 3 to 5 hours a day for one or two days a week at the museum, we'd be happy to have you. Coffee, tea and sometimes cookies are free.
Let us know what you think of our newsletters or just drop us a note to tell us about you and your family's time in Mansfield. We want to hear from you at [email protected]
Renewed Members - New Members - Join us for 2024
At The History Center, we rely on the support of the community to do what we do in collecting, preserving, analyzing and presenting the stories of our town and its people. Every membership dollar is valuable for us. Some of our members have been with us from the very beginning in 2012 and 2013, and new people join us every year.

Membership dollars keep our building operating and allow us to stay in touch with members and non-members alike who care about Mansfield area history and appreciate the opportunity to see themselves and their families represented as part of the community. We also present Mansfield as a thriving community to visitors who drive through and stop in to see what Mansfield is about. We provide a gathering place for people to celebrate and learn about our town and each other.

Our 40-page quarterly journal which is mailed to members, tells the stories of some outstanding and some ordinary citizens like us who played a role here. In some cases, they get the chance to tell their own stories to a new audience through our Voices from the Archives.
Be a Member

We'd like to have twenty new members for 2024. As a bonus, we'll send each of them a journal issue from 2023 in addition to the 2024 issues as they are published. You can send a check or pay by PayPal. Directions link from the button at left.

Thanks also to our members who renew for another year. If you are due for renewal, your card is in the latest journal mailed in November.
You've thought about it. Now's the time.
Something New & Special
In Development: We have added a feature to our museum cataloging software to upload selections of our records online. This will allow you to see some of what we have and follow the links to the people associated with it, including genealogical information. Take a sneak peak if you read this far down the newsletter. History Center Catalogs Online
Regular Hours
Normal Hours: We are open 11 to 3 T, W, Th or by appointment or any time we are here (which is most of the time).

We've been very pleased to see the High School Reunions resume after years of absence. This year, we hosted classes of 1973 and 1968.Class of 1959 will be here this month We are looking forward to more in 2024. Let us know when your class will be gathering, and we will make sure our doors are open to welcome you back home. If you've been here before, expect to see even more now.
MHS Class Reunions
If you are planning a reunion, consider a casual afternoon Meet & Greet at the History Center's Museum of Us. In an informal environment, you can chat with your friends, watch a slide show of Mansfield's historic photos, and find traces of yourself, your friends, and your family. Many of our exhibits are geared to those who grew up here. The Blue & Gold Room is full of MHS sports mementos. The pictorial display includes YOU along with all the other MHS graduates in its first hundred years.
Growing With YOUR Help!!!
Your Town, Your Ancestors, Your History
For the New Year. Consider a gift membership. Members will receive our 40 page printed journal by mail 3 to 4 times a year with new articles that have never been researched before and outstanding photos to illustrate. Share your love of the Mansfield area with your friends and family.
Why do we ask for donations in every newsletter? Because we have to.
It's the only way we can continue offering our important services to the community.
Your help will make it possible.
Read Earlier Newsletters
The next issue of Voices from the Archives is in preparation. It will be forty pages of articles about the lives and activities of our town. Be sure your membership is current, so you don't miss any.
Membership- Renew for 2024
Annual memberships are an important part of keeping us operating. Please consider a new or renewed membership.

Members receive four to six issues annually of our printed journal Voices From the Archives.

Membership dollars are an important part of our operating resource. Be sure to renew your membership for 2024 or become a new member. A renewal card will be included in the next journal which will be mailed this month.
‌ ‌ ‌ Membership ‌
Annual Membership Levels
Family $50
Individual $35
Senior (Over 65) $25
Business Level $100
Lifetime $500
MHS Class Memorial $200

Checks to
The History Center
61 N. Main Street
Mansfield PA 16933
or by the PayPal Donate Button
A History Center Member is a History Center Hero
Be A Hero
Thank You to Our Gold Level Sponsors
Ward Manufacturing
Law Offices of Larry Mansfield
First Citizens Community Bank
VFW Post 6757
Mansfield Auxiliary Corporation
Lutes Foundation

Thank You to Our Silver Level Sponsors

Real Disposal Service

The History Center on Main Street
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The History Center on Main Street provided no goods or services in exchange for your contribution. Your contribution is deductible to the extent provided by law. The official registration and financial information of The History Center on Main Street, may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement