IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2025

Call for Abstracts and Presentation Summaries

Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Centre | Atlanta, Georgia

May 31 – June 3, 2025


Track: Manufacturing & Design (M&D)

 Abstract Submission Link available on Conference Website: https://www.iise.org/Annual/

The Manufacturing and Design (M&D) Division of the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE) is sponsoring the M&D Track at the IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2025. The conference is a forum for exchanging knowledge and discoveries in the Industrial and Systems Engineering research and practitioner communities. The IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2025 will continue to integrate research and industry applications under one conference.


As Track Chairs of the Manufacturing and Design (M&D) Track, we encourage you to contribute to the Conference and Track by submitting a 250-word abstract or presentation summary. Authors will be able to claim these works as refereed extended abstracts, which will be available on the conference website and can be cited. They will not be copyrighted or indexed in the official conference proceedings, and therefore there is no limitation on reusing this material for other purposes (e.g., toward the publication of journal papers or subsequent conference proceedings). We highly encourage Abstracts and Presentations Summaries that demonstrate international collaboration and the application of emerging technologies and methods.  

Key Areas Include

  • Product Design and Innovation
  • Process Design and Optimization
  • Design for X Methodologies
  • Practice-based Design and Case Studies
  • Bioinspired and Biomimetic Design
  • Manufacturing Process Modeling and Control
  • Manufacturing Automation and Robotics
  • Polymer Additive Manufacturing
  • Metal/Ceramic Additive Manufacturing
  • Composite Additive Manufacturing
  • Machining and Subtractive Manufacturing
  • Formative Manufacturing
  • Laser and Electron Beam Processing
  • Bonding, Joining and Assembly

  • Hybrid Manufacturing
  • Micro/Nano Manufacturing
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing
  • Biofabrication and Biomanufacturing
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Manufacturing
  • Big Data Analytics in Manufacturing
  • Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Systems.
  • Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Systems
  • Green Manufacturing and Sustainability 
  • Lean Manufacturing Systems and Six Sigma
  • Industry Applications of New Technologies
  • Manufacturing Education
  • Manufacturing Regulation and Policy  

Authors of accepted abstracts and presentation summaries will be invited to share their work in a conference session. Regular sessions will be 80 minutes and have up to four presentations. There will also be options where authors can elect to share their content in a “Poster Session”. In addition, there are opportunities to organize and/or participate in Special Sessions (Panels, Workshops, etc.). If you are interested in a special session, please contact us directly by November 1, 2024. 

While not required, we strongly encourage all presenters to submit a paper for publication so discoveries can be permanently documented. This year, two types of papers will be considered: Research Papers and Case Study Papers. 

  • Research Papers (with a limit of six pages) contain methods and results that are significant and have archival value to the industrial and systems engineering community. They will undergo a double-blind peer review process and accepted papers will be copyrighted and indexed in the Conference Proceedings via ProQuest.
  • Case Study Papers (two to six pages) describe the application of a method or technology that addresses an important industry-motivated issue. They will be reviewed to ensure that the content focuses on the value and lessons learned for the Industrial and Systems Engineering community. The case study papers should avoid significant marketing material. Accepted manuscripts will be published with access via the IISE website.

Important Deadlines

November 10, 2024

Submission deadline for abstract/presentation summary

December 15, 2024  

Notification of decision on abstract/presentation summary

February 9, 2025 

Notification of decision on abstract/presentation summary

March 9, 2025 

Notification on full paper decision

March 31, 2025  

Paper final revision submission deadline   

March 23, 2025  

Speaker registration deadline  

Important Note

Authors/Presenters with approved abstracts must register for the Conference by

March 23, 2025. Authors/Presenters that do not register by this date will have their presentations/papers withdrawn from the program and the proceedings. The presenting author must attend and present the paper at the conference.

We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!


Best Regards,

Manufacturing & Design (M&D) Track Chairs:

George Tan (ztan7@uh.edu)

Ashif Iquebal (aiquebal@asu.edu)  

Emma Yang (yiran.yang@uta.edu)

Pedro Huebner (pedro.huebner@utah.edu)

Xiaochen Xian (xxian@gatech.edu