May 2016 - In This Issue:
Our booth at the Northern Colorado Manufacturing Partnership Expo on April 28th where we showcased Colorado Manufacturing by featuring products from several of our clients. 
For a complete listing of events, visit our website 
World Trade Day 
May 19, 2016
Infinity Park  
WTC Denver Logo
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an agreement that proposes free trade between the United States and 11 other key trading partners bordering the Pacific Ocean. This plan still needs to be ratified by each country's congress, which proposes: the removal of tariffs, harmonized standards, labor and environmental alignment, and a dispute resolution mechanism.

Find out more and register here
Denver Mini Maker Faire 
June 11 & 12 @ 9am-5pm
Denver Museum of Nature and Science 
The 3rd annual mini maker faire comes again to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Our theme this year is Building The Future and we are focusing on leading edge innovations and technologies. From wearable tech to interactive experiences, you'll have a great hands-on experience in the STEAM world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Making!

Click here for more information. 
ADAPT Open House  
June 23 @ 5-8pm
CO School of Mines 
ADAPT is seeking academic and industry partners to extend Additive Manufacturing; a cross-cutting technology poised to touch every manufacturing sector.

Join us for an open house at the new ADAPT Advanced Characterization Center at Colorado School of Mines (Brown W230, 1610 Illinois St. Golden, CO 80127) on Thursday June 23, 2016 from 5 - 8 pm. We will demonstrate our new facilities (including the new Zeiss Xradia Versa 520 X-ray Microscope), provide informal debriefs of our first 6 months of R&D efforts, and answer any questions you may have about ADAPT. More importantly, this will also be the first formal outreach event for our center, so come help us celebrate with drinks and heavy appetizers.
Find more information here
Beers & Gears - Longmont  
July 14th 
Pencil in the date now for our next Beers & Gears Event. We will be headed to Longmont for this one, with tours of manufacturers, beer from one of Colorado's finest microbreweries and some great information about programs form Manufacturer's Edge and the Longmont EDC. Registration will open on June 1st, so watch your email and our Facebook page for details. 
Connecting with Congress
First Legislative Connection Event on June 2nd with Congresswoman Diana DeGette
Congresswoman Diana DeGette
Manufacturer's Edge is dedicated to helping manufacturers connect with resources to help them improve, transform and grow. These resources include everything from training and consulting, to helping them gain access to legislative representatives that can help connect them with State and Federal Resources and let the legislators know how government can better work for them. To this end we decided to create the Legislative Connect in the spirit of our Beers & Gears events. These informal events will help showcase Colorado's Wineries and Distilleries and provide an informal setting for manufacturers who drive Colorado's economy to discuss issues, share their challenges and successes with legislative representatives.

On June 2nd we are going to be hosting the first of these Legislative Connect events will bring female leaders in manufacturing together with Colorado's 1st Congressional District Representative Diana DeGette and showcase one of the most innovative wineries in the world, the Infinite Monkey Theorem Urban Winery. Their products are featured in bars and liquor stores across the country, and in flight on Frontier Airlines. We will begin with a tour of this remarkable facility and then settle in for a chat and a glass of wine with Congresswoman DeGette and members of the Women in Manufacturing group. Seating is extremely limited for this event, and there is no fee for manufacturers to attend. We ask that each company limit their attendees to three, and each person must register individually. To register, just click here.

Like Our Beers & Gears Events, this event is for Manufacturer's only. If you are with a service provider and would like to attend, please contact Marketing Manager Nathan Morimitsu, as there may be sponsorship opportunities for this or other events available. 
Manufacturing Day 2016
October 7, 2016
As the Colorado lead for Manufacturing Day, we are pleased to announce that this year Friday, October 7 is  National Manufacturing Day for 2016 . Manufacturing Day is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. Over the next five months Manufacturer's Edge will be helping companies and communities to plan Manufacturing Day 2016 events.  We hope you will join us.
Although Manufacturing Day officially occurs on the first Friday in October, activities during the first week of October, and even throughout the month, contribute to Manufacturing Day buzz.  Companies and community organizations should plan their events on the date that works best for them and their community.  All events should be registered on the  MFG Day website  no matter what date they are scheduled. Registered event hosts have access to all of the free event planning and execution resources created by the national co-producers.
Manufacturing in Colorado accounts for $20B+ in sales and employs 135,000+ workers.  Join us in telling that story! 

43rd Annual World Trade Day 2016
"Exploring Your Trans-Pacific Partners"

May 19, 2016
Infinity Park, CO 

World Trade Day is the premier international business event in the Rocky Mountain Region. The event convenes 500+ members of the international business community to focus on timely topics and/or particular regions, combining a series of speakers from the local business community, national and international leaders to share global insights, perspectives and best practices.

This year, the 43rd Annual World Trade Day theme is "Exploring Your Trans-Pacific Partners," based on an agreement that proposes free trade between the United States and 11 other key trading partners bordering the Pacific Ocean.

Discussion Topics

- TPP Impact 
- How Innovation is Redefining Trade
- Anti- Corruption and Transparency 
- Labor, Technical and Environmental Standards 
- Cybersecurity and Trade 
- Investors State Dispute Settlement  

Keynote Speakers & Special Guest

Secretary Tom Vilsack, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture 
Pete Mento, Principal, Ryan

Find out more and register here 
NASA encourages kids to "think outside the box"
To celebrate the arrival of the first expandable habitat to the International Space Station and the launch of the first commercial 3-D printer to space, the ASME Foundation and NASA have issued a brand new Future Engineers challenge. The ' Think Outside the Box' challenge asks K-12 students to design an object for astronauts that can be printed within the bounds of the newest 3-D printer on the space station (10 cm x 10 cm x 14 cm), but can be assembled or expanded to become larger than that box.

In space exploration, scientists and engineers often strive to make more from less. Smaller rocket payloads are needed to save cargo space and fuel, while sustainable technologies are needed to reduce, reuse, and recycle what is brought to space. NASA's Advanced Exploration Systems Division pioneers new approaches for rapidly developing prototype systems, demonstrating key capabilities, and validating operational concepts for future human missions beyond low-Earth orbit. Two demonstrations of such pioneering space technologies include the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) and Made In Space's Additive Manufacturing Facility (AMF).

Announced at the USA Science & Engineering Festival, the 'Think Outside the Box' challenge offers an exciting lineup of prizes. The junior and teen winners will receive a trip to Las Vegas for a VIP tour of Bigelow Aerospace and the finalists will win an expedition-worthy inflatable tent from Heimplanet. The challenge will remain open through the summer and students must submit their expandable designs by August 1, 2016.

For more information visit: 
STEM Magnet Lab School seeks experts for a series of student-led panel discussions
The students at STEM Magnet Lab School are working hard on their PBLs (Problem Based Learning units). Many of them will be presenting in the next several weeks. The school is looking for wide variety of experts willing to listen to student ideas and give authentic and supportive feedback. If any of the descriptions below fit your niche, please contact Tracey Calderon at or call 720-972-3353. Thank you!

Wednesday, May 11 @ 10am-12pm: OIL SPILLS (5th grade) Students are designing the most appropriate and effective environmental clean up for specific spills such as open ocean, beach, inland developed land etc.

Thursday, May 12 @ 8:30-10:30am: ANIMAL HABITATS (1st grade)
Students will be developing new exhibits for the zoo that consider what the animal needs as well as how to create a fun experience for the visitor.

Thursday, May 19 @ 9:10-10:45am & 12:30-2:10pm: MINE RIVER CONTAMINATION (6th grade) 
Students will recommend an action plan to the EPA for the new Superfund site near Durango to prevent the hundreds of mines similar to Gold King Mine from causing the same river contamination.

Monday, May 23 @ 8:30-10:30am: CREATE YOUR OWN PBL (8th grade) 
The 8th grade students have engaged in problem based learning for the majority of their educational experience. Before they move on to high school, these students will identify a problem of their choosing that could be solved with engineering solutions. They will design how they will research existing solutions and attempted solutions, and then their own ideas to address the problem.  
Thornton STEM Launch K-8 Needs Your Help to Go to Mars

STEM Launch K-8 has asked their middle school engineering students to imagine what we would need to colonize Mars. They are tackling the challenges that humans would face as their capstone projects. We are looking for multiple experts (YOU) to come work side by side with them to guide their thinking about their work.  You can volunteer for one session or all of them, whatever works best for you!
 1)How can we use robotics on Mars to make life there safe and efficient?
  • 6th graders
  • May 9th-13th 8:30-10:00 (2 45-minute classes) 
  • We are looking for robotics engineers, mechanical engineers, tinkerers, mechanics, etc.
2) How do we plan for a brand new community with an infrastructure to support life on Mars?
  • 7th graders 
  •  May 9th-13th 10:00-12:20 (2 45-minute classes) 
  • We are looking for city planners, structural engineers, civil engineers, designers, biologists, etc.
3) How do we get to Mars? How do we launch rockets?
  • 8th graders
  • May 9th-12th- 1:45-3:25 (2 45-minute classes) 
  • We are looking for experts in rocket launchers, astronauts, physicists, aeronautical engineers, etc.
If you are interested and have time to work with our students, they would benefit immensely! Please contact Marti Page by email or phone at 
(720) 972-7099.

What Our Clients Are Saying About Manufacturer's Edge
Custom Microwave Inc and Hale Pet Door credit Mfr Edge with helping them succeed
Clency Lee-Yow
Excerpt of an article written by Eric Peterson, Company Week

With the growth, operational processes have lagged behind the company's testing and design capabilities, so Lee-Yow turned to Manufacturer's Edge to implement Lean practices and streamline production.

"About a year ago, I said, 'We really need some help -- we can't produce them fast enough,''" he says. "Execution, we were great when we were smaller, but as we've grown it's gotten more difficult."

To continue to grow, "We needed a real fundamental shift," he continues. "You have to look at external changes and drive strategy. Now we're trying to get into not just feeds, but the whole antenna system."

In late 2015, CMi began implementing Lean processes to kick off this strategic pivot. "We're still in the beginning stages," says Lee-Yow. "It's a lot of changes. . . . Manufacturer's Edge has been instrumental in coming up with a road map."(...)

Read the full article on
Bill Hale
Excerpt of an article written by Margaret Jackson, Company Week

Founder and CEO Bill Hale came up with an innovative pet door that has entrenched his company at the front of the market.
When Hale figured out a way to install pet doors directly into the glass pane of a sliding door, he switched gears, transitioning his Hale Glass Contracting to Hale Pet Door.

Business took off in this day of sleek modern homes with lots of windows and sliding-glass doors that allow natural light to pour into homes(...)

Hale relocated the business from Phoenix to Cañon City about a year ago, offering all employees a chance to move but only two of them took him up on it. Hale had retired and franchised the business to his employees after buying property in Cañon City, but reacquired the company in 2002.

"I felt like the employees would be able to run it, and I retired for four years," he said. "They didn't keep it up, so I took it back. So far it's very good. We're centralizing production here. We shut down the Phoenix factory at the end of [February 2016]."

Hale has been working with Boulder-based Manufacturer's Edge, a Colorado manufacturing assistance center that works to boost the competitiveness of the state's manufacturers. As a result of his work with the organization, Hale has incorporated Lean manufacturing practices into production of his company's pet doors(...)
Colorado Manufacturing Corporate Cup
May 15, 2016 Downtown Denver

You don't have to run like Forest Gump to participate in the 2016 Colorado Manufacturing Corporate Cup. The event will take place Sunday, May 15, in downtown Denver as part of the Colfax Marathon. Last year, 20 manufacturing teams competed for the Golden Gear Trophy, which went to SparkFun for the fastest 26.2 miles with its five-member team.

The top three teams in the division get to select a charity partner to receive proceeds from the marathon and all participants receive great tech shirts, awesome finisher medals and an invitation to the post-run afterparty in City Park, complete with barbecue and beer - a fantastic way to celebrate after completing your 6.4, 3.7, 6.0, 4.0 or 6.1 mile leg.

So, gather four of your co-workers (and up to two immediate family members), register your team and join the fun on May 15!

Click here for more information.