The purpose of Many Hearts, One Farm is to educate and inspire our team, clients and the communities that we serve. The Many Hearts, One Farm logo reminds us that no one heart is better or more important than the other because we need each one in order to make different but beautiful colors. Just like every paint color on a palette, everyone who walks through the doors of Main Stay plays an equally important part in our mission.

Asian American and Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AANHPI)

May is Asian American and Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islander Heritage Month which celebrates the contributions and culture of those belonging to and descending from Asia and the Pacific Islands. AANHPI includes people from all of Asia, the Pacific Islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia, and native Hawaiians. AANHPI people have contributed to every area of American culture but have also faced times of discrimination. You can read more about the history of Asian American and Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islander Heritage month through the link below:  

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 

You can also read about the impact that horses have on some Pacific Island cultures through the link below:  

National Geographic: Pictures of the horsemen of the Marquesas Islands 

International Day of Biodiversity 

In addition to celebrating human diversity, we also want to highlight biodiversity on the International Day of Biodiversity which is celebrated on May 22nd. Biodiversity is defined as the variety of life on Earth and the natural patterns it forms. This variety is important for a healthy ecosystem; if one species declines, it affects all the other species in that ecosystem. Although some species decline is natural, human interference has increased the extinction rate amongst species. Things like pollution and habitat destruction cause species to decline. Conservation efforts can help slow the decline of biodiversity, and anyone can participate! There are often local conservation groups, like The Land Conservancy of McHenry County, that can supply more information about local biodiversity and volunteer opportunities. You can read more about International Day of Biodiversity through the link below:  

National Geographic: International Day of Biodiversity 



Upcoming Holidays | Celebrations | Awareness Days

May 1st 

  • First Day of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month: A month recognizing and celebrating the contributions and history of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans.  
  • Beltane: (pagan) A festival celebrating the beginning of summer.  

May 3rd 

  • Orthodox Good Friday: (Christian Orthodox) The day commemorating the Crucifixion of Jesus according to the Orthodox calendar.  
  • Orthodox Holy Saturday: (Christian Orthodox) The day between the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus according to the Orthodox calendar.  

May 5th 

  • Orthodox Easter: (Christian Orthodox) The day commemorating the Resurrections of Jesus according to the Orthodox calendar.  
  • Cinco de Mayo: (U.S./Mexico) A celebration of Mexico’s victory over the Second French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862.  

May 6th 

  • Yom HaShoah: (Israel/International) Known as Holocaust Remembrance Day in English, this day remembers those who died during and survived the Holocaust.  

May 8th 

  • Buddha’s Birthday: (Buddhist) Commemorates the birth of prince Siddhartha Gautama who became the Gautama Buddha and founded Buddhism.  

May 9th 

  • Ascension Day: (Christian) A feast celebrating the ascension of Jesus into Heaven.  

May 12th 

  • Mother’s Day: (U.S.) A day celebrating all the mother figures in our lives.  

May 17th 

  • International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia: (International) A day of awareness for LGBT rights and the day that homosexuality was removed from the list of International Classifications of Diseases of the WHO in 1990.  

May 19th 

  • Pentecost: (Christian) A day celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Mary, the mother of Jesus.  

May 20th 

  • Whit Monday: (Christian) A holiday celebrated the day after Pentecost usually celebrated with a feast.  

May 26th 

  • Trinity Sunday: (Christian) A day celebrating the Holy Trinity.  
  • Lag BaOmer: (Jewish) A holiday celebrated on the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer. This holiday occurs between Passover and Shavuot.  

May 27th 

  • Memorial Day: (U.S.) A day honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving.  

May 30th  

  • Corpus Christi: (Christian) Also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, it is a feast celebrating the Eucharist.  

Be sure to check out the live Calendar through the link below! You can view the entire year by clicking the blue arrows at top left of the calendar.

View the Entire 2024 Calendar >>>

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