Many Hearts, One Farm
April 2022 | Edition 8
Main Stay client in a green pasture with a therapeutic horse
Spotlight of the Month
Lily Capone
Equitation Rider
Horses carry us both literally and figuratively. They can be our partners for a beautiful trail ride and listen to us without judgment after a hard day. They encourage us in many ways to get up, dust ourselves off, and get back in the saddle. The connection with horses and the thrill of working with them can oftentimes be a catalyst for overcoming seemingly impossible obstacles. We see this every day at Main Stay. Our clients overcome physical, mental, and emotional obstacles through powerful connections with our horses. They are both healing and motivating at the same time. 

Although not a rider at Main Stay, Lily Capone is an inspiring rider who overcame many physical barriers  in order to pursue her love of horsemanship. Diagnosed with Marfan syndrome, a disorder that affects connective tissue, Lily has had to undergo many surgeries that have altered her physical stature. Her outward appearance has caused her to experience body shaming from her peers but through it all, Lily has persevered. You can read more about Lily’s story using the link below:
Do you know someone who should be featured in our next Spotlight of the Month? Let us know by sending Mikki an email at or you can simply reply to this email!
Equestrians of Color Photography Project
April is also Celebrate Diversity month! If you’re looking for more ways to celebrate, check out Equestrians of Color Photography Project. The stories and photos are truly amazing! This group strives to share the stories of equestrians of color with the community. Working with photographers around the world, they work to foster diversity and inclusion in the equestrian community. You can see their work using the link below: 
Upcoming Holidays | Celebrations | Awareness Days
May 1st
First Day of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

May 3rd
Eid al-Fitr

May 4th
Yom HaZikaron

May 5th
Cinco de Mayo | Yom HaAtzmaut

May 8th
Mother’s Day

May 19th
Lag BaOmer

May 26th
Ascension Day

May 29th
Jerusalem Day

May 30th
Memorial Day

Be sure to check out the live Calendar through the link below! You can view the entire year by clicking the blue arrows at top left of the calendar.
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