After a bustling holiday season and brief transition period, our interest based worship program, Many Windows, returns with artistic worship offered for all ages.
Many Windows Schedule: Feb - Mar 2020
The following Sundays will offer a Many Windows session running from 10:30 - 11:30a. When congregants arrive on Sunday, they are invited check the Many Windows offering on the TV display beside the Membership Table in the Narthex. This will provide a description of the session being offered and where it is located. If choosing to attend Many Windows, please make sure to sign in upon arrival to the appropriate location.
Please note: All children/youth 0-17 must be registered with our Faith Formation team to participate.CLICK HEREto register now! Youth 14+ can attend Sanctuary Worship unaccompanied by parents/guardians while children/youth under 14 must be accompanied in that space. Other worship activities are supervised by our Faith Formation team and therefore children/youth under 14 can attend those unaccompanied.
Sunday, February 16th
Sanctuary Worship with Transition Team
Labyrinth Meditations with Suzanne Ziemer
Sunday, February 23rd
Sanctuary Worship with Albie Johnson & Holley Rauen
Creative Chapel: The Beauty of Black*
Sunday, March 1st
Sanctuary Worship with Allie Carville & Theresa Bahre
Creative Chapel: Gravity Painting*
Sunday, March 15th
Sanctuary Worship with Jennifer Grant & Helen Leddy
Storytelling: Wisdom of Honesty
Sunday, March 22nd
Sanctuary Worship with Leslie Gatto & Mary Murray
Spring Equinox: Painting with Flowers*
Sunday, March 29
Sanctuary Worship with Rev. Roger Grugel
Creative Chapel: Broken Plates Mosaic*
* Consider wearing mess-friendly clothes if participating
Whether you're looking to bring your passion or personal spiritual practice to Many Windows or simply seeking a way to serve UUCFM, reach out to DRE Jenn Blosser to become involved with our blossoming program.