Michelle Turner named new E.D. of Limestone Bluffs RC&D
The Limestone Bluffs RC&D Board of Directors of the Board are pleased to announce that Michelle Turner has been selected to fill the role as Executive Director.
Michelle recently completed her contract with the Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District and is excited to be able to continue writing grants for the Limestone Bluffs RC&D.
She worked for the Jackson SWCD for most of the past 22 years as a conservation technician and watershed coordinator. Her two biggest projects were the Farmers Creek Watershed Project and the Tete Des Morts Creek Watershed Project. Both streams were on the Iowa 303d list of impaired waters, but were recently delisted by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Michelle also wrote development grants for Pleasant Creek and Prairie Creek watersheds, which allowed assessments to be completed and prepared for future projects.
Before her career as a conservationist, Michelle was a high school vocational agriculture instructor, and adjunct professor of biology for Palm Beach Community College.
Welcome Michelle!