Monday, March 1, 2021
This Newsletter Sponsored by
We know TWO things:
1.) WFH (Work From Home) doesn't work for everyone.
2.) Not everyone is ready to come back to the office.
Because of this, we have a variety of options for you to work.
Stay up to date on our services and future networking events
by signing up for our Newsletter HERE.

Santa Rosa's Coworking Space is a safe workspace for the community to continue to work in professional environments  whether that be in an office, at a flex desk, or in a meeting room  you get to choose.

Click HERE for more information - | (707) 791-3433
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In this edition:

*Making Sense of Mondays - You cannot spell Business without "B" & "U"
*Thank you to our Renewing Members!
*Chamber Members Events & News - Advertise here for FREE
*Harassment Prevention Training - 5+ Employees - Have you completed?
*Covid-19 Resources - What changes when we go to Red Tier & More
This week's Making Sense of Mondays Article:
by Andy Springer, Business Consultant & Coach
Check out the latest Making Sense of Mondays Article!
You can't spell Business without "B" and "U"

You will find this article and others here on our website.
Below is an excerpt, click here to read the entire article: 

"I can see them making that very tight turn into our driveway. Someone announced, probably mom, “Its Grandma and Grandpa Nuttall.” My sister and I exchanged looks of amazement. I remember watching that huge Pontiac Station Wagon, sporting those faux wood panels coming to a slow and steady stop, settling into a resting place like a large, fatigued Saint Bernard circling the throw carpet and finally laying down for a long, loud nap.

It seemed to take an eternity for my Grandparents to get out of their car and into our house. I remember running out to greet them and watching my grandfather open my grandma’s car door and gently support her as she made her way to her feet. Sitting in that Pontiac Station Wagon for a two-hour road trip had, obviously, taken its toll on Grandma’s frail body. Grandma Nuttall suffered with a bad case of Muscular Dystrophy and Scoliosis that resulted in a kind of “hunched back” physicality"....Read more
Thank you for renewing your chamber membership!
Chamber Members Events & News
Members advertise here for FREE

97.7 The River and Roger Farah of Cross Country Mortgage are teaming up to recognize local community heroes in the North Bay. Nominate your Hero at

City of Rohnert Park:

Fundemonium - Mar 1 Newsletter - Welcome to National Craft Month

Intelligent Heart latest article - The Benefits of Boredom - Click here to read it

Napa-Sonoma Small Business Development Center - Latest Newsletter Plus Free business advisers & Educational workshops too - Click here to go to their calendar

Poppy Bank is available to help all with Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

Rohnert Park-Cotati Regional Library - Feb 26 Weekly Newsletter

Rotary Club of Rohnert Park-Cotati - Drive-Through Crab Feed & Raffle - Mar 20

Sonoma Media Investments/Press Democrat: Hiring? Post a job & save 20% / Be part of 'Towns' in Sunday Edition - Msg from Account Exec, Allie Murillo & Media Kit / Anywhere Career Fair - March 22-26 / Relaunches La Prensa Sonoma Spanish-language Newspaper with Support from Comcast

Sonoma State University Careerfest 2021 Register Now - Apr 6-9

Sonoma State University Theatre, Arts & Dance - On Stage Virtual Performances

United States Postal Office is hiring - Info on City Carrier Asst & Pop-Up Fair Mar 3
Harassment Prevention Training

Do you have 5+ employees?
You should have completed training 1/1/2021!

Supervisors two hours / Nonsupervisory one hour
Online Training offered by CalChamber
20% Member Discount - Applied at check out
Supvs - $35.19 / NonSupvs - $20.79

Click here for flyer with more details
What changes when we go to the Red Tier

To see the guidelines for each industry, go to this website Blueprint for a Safer Economy - Coronavirus COVID-19 Response ( - Then click on the industry. Click on this link for high level information by industry for each tier Click here.

Additional Resources

Social Distancing Protocol & COVID-19 Site-Specific Protection Plan

Appendix A. The Sonoma County Health Officer requires all businesses to create a Social Distancing Protocol & COVID-19 Site-Specific Protection Plan to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and keep businesses open. Here is how you can get started:
  1. Review required state guidance for your industry. 
  2. Create a plan following Appendix A of Health Order C-19-15
  3. Self Certify your business with Sonoma Safe
  4. Review and distribute the plan with employees. 
  5. Post your Appendix A plan and your self-certification certificate in your business where it is accessible to the public and employees.
California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program

On February 23rd, Governor Newsom signed into law a comprehensive package
providing urgent relief for the small businesses of CA. The package provides $2 billion 
– a four-fold increase over the $500 million currently being distributed – for grants
up to $25,000 for small businesses impacted by the pandemic, and allocates $50 million of this total for non-profit cultural institutions.

If you have already applied, you do NOT need to anything at this time. If you have NOT yet applied, watch for when the application process reopens.

Here is a link to the CA Relief Grant Website where they will post the latest information.
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Reopens

Lending institutions are now accepting applications

As before, you must apply through a lender. View map of lenders near you.

If you received PPP in Round 1, you may prefer to apply again through your existing lender. However, this is not a requirement; some lenders are not offering the PPP this time or delaying the opening date.
Getting started with PPP Round 2

Need help? Have questions?
If you received help from SBDC before on the PPP or EIDL, please contact the SBDC Advisor who helped you!

If you have not received one-on-one support, you can sign up as a new client.

  • You can apply for an EIDL through December 31, 2021.
  • One loan only per business (you cannot apply for a second). However, if you borrowed less than you were eligible for, you may request an increase on your existing loan.
  • EIDL Advances (grants up to $10K) will re-open for a second round to businesses in low-income communities who received an EIDL advance in the first round. The SBA will notify businesses if they are eligible.

Sonoma County COVID-19 Vaccine Information

The supply of COVID-19 vaccines in the United States is currently limited and the County of Sonoma is following State and Federal guidelines for distribution. Priority administration of the vaccine has been determined by a number of factors including risk of exposure from work or living environments, as well as vulnerabilities due to age and medical conditions. The Department of Health is coordinating with primary care providers on plans for expanding immunizations, your health center will contact you about scheduling when the vaccine is available for you. When you are eligible for a vaccine, and not before that, you will be able to make an appointment through your provider, or at a vaccination clinic.
Workplace Exposure and Outbreak

"What should I do if an employee tests positive for COVID-19?"

AB 685 (Chapter 84, Statutes of 2020) is a California law that requires employers to notify employees who may have been exposed to COVID-19 and to report workplace outbreaks of COVID-19 to their local health department.

Notify Employees of Workplace Outbreaks

Upon identifying a COVID-19 case in the workplace, you need to provide the following information:

  1. Notice to your employees and the employer of subcontracted workers that they may have been exposed to COVID-19
  2. Information about benefits & options. 
  3. A disinfection & safety plan. 

More on this topic from Jay G. Putnam, Attorney at Law

NEW COVID LAW REQUIRES 24-HOUR WRITTEN NOTICE - "Effective January 1, employers are required to provide written notification to employees, within 24 hours, of COVID-19 exposures in the workplace. They are further required to notify local health authorities in the event of an “outbreak.”...Read more

See the Jay's website for several detailed newsletters explaining the potent protection such policies offer employers.  

Jay G. Putnam is a Petaluma labor lawyer who has specialized in representing California employers for over 39 years. His practice is devoted to preventing lawsuits against his clients, without sacrificing workplace authority or management prerogatives. He has a remarkable record of success.
Additional Resources
Thank you Chairman's Circle Members!
Click on logo to visit their website
Metamorphosis IT Solutions
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