Cancer treatment routinely involves taking out lymph nodes near the tumor in case they contain metastatic cancer cells. But new findings from a study led by Matthew Spitzer, PhD, shows that immunotherapy can activate tumor-fighting T cells in nearby lymph nodes. [read more]
A recent study led by Julie Ann Sosa, MD, found that expansion of sick leave coverage was associated with higher rates of breast cancer screening and colorectal cancer screening, potentially leading to better health outcomes.
Developed for healthcare professionals by Dr. Karla Kerlikowske and colleagues at other institutions, the new “calculator” app helps to estimate risk for those who may develop advanced breast cancer that goes undiagnosed despite regular screenings.
AACR Annual Meeting 2023
Are you presenting at the upcoming AACR Annual Meeting? If so, please get in touch with Vicky Agnew, director of HDFCCC Integrated Marketing and Communications.
Awards & Distinctions
Kavita Mishra, MD, MPH was appointed director of clinical programs for UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Health.

Lorriana Leard, MD was named Associate Dean for CME for the UCSF School of Medicine.

A. Hunter Shain, PhD received an R01 grant from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases for a project, "The mutational mechanisms shaping melanocytes in human skin."

Harold Chapman, MD received a grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine for a project, “Modulation of human alveolar stem cells to promote lung regeneration without metastatic dysplasias."

Alexander Haddad, MD, Manish Aghi, MD, PhD, and Noriyuki Kasahara, MD, PhD received a 2023 Catayst Award for a project, "A Synthetic Replicating Retroviral Platform for Glioblastoma Viral Immunotherapy."

Arun Wiita, MD, PhD received a 2023 Catayst Award for a project, "Non-Myeloablative OR-Gated Car-T Cell Therapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia."

Stephen Francis, PhD, MS received a 2023 Catayst Award for a project, "An Extracellular Vesicle Based Approach for Identifying High Risk Pancreatic Cyst Lesions."

Dengke Ma, PhD and Dean Sheppard, MD received a 2023 Catayst Award for a project, "Targeting TMEM-131 as a Novel Approach to Treating Pulmonary Fibrosis."

Congratulations to the 2022-2023 Clinical Nursing Research Grant Awardees: Teresa Cosgrove, RN; Ruby Ejercito, RN, BSM, Emely Alfaro, MS, CNS, OCN; Jung-Ja Hawker, RN-BC, BSN, PHN, OCN; Marissa Canote, RN; Christine Miaskowski, RN, PhD, FAAN.
In the News
Recent Publications
Ruiz-Saenz A, Atreya CE, Wang C, Pan B, Dreyer CA, Brunen D, Prahallad A, Muñoz DP, Ramms DJ, Burghi V, Spassov DS, Fewings E, Hwang YC, Cowdrey C, Moelders C, Schwarzer C, Wolf DM, Hann B, VandenBerg SR, Shokat K, Moasser MM, Bernards R, Gutkind JS, van 't Veer LJ, Coppé JP. A reversible SRC-relayed COX2 inflammatory program drives resistance to BRAF and EGFR inhibition in BRAFV600E colorectal tumors. Nat Cancer. 2023 Feb;4(2):240-256.

Shee K, Cowan JE, Balakrishnan A, Escobar D, Chang K, Washington SL 3rd, Nguyen HG, Shinohara K, Cooperberg MR, Carroll PR. Limited Relevance of the Very Low Risk Prostate Cancer Classification in the Modern Era: Results from a Large Institutional Active Surveillance Cohort. Eur Urol. 2023 Mar 2:S0302-2838(23)02622-2.

Schwartz CJ, Ruiz J, Bean GR, Sirohi D, Joseph NM, Hosfield EM, Jacobs TW, Mukhtar RA, Chen YY, Krings G. Triple-Negative Apocrine Carcinomas: Toward a Unified Group With Shared Molecular Features and Clinical Behavior. Mod Pathol. 2023 Feb 6;36(5):100125.

Wu NL, Chen Y, Dieffenbach BV, Ehrhardt MJ, Hingorani S, Howell RM, Jefferies JL, Mulrooney DA, Oeffinger KC, Robison LL, Weil BR, Yuan Y, Yasui Y, Hudson MM, Leisenring WM, Armstrong GT, Chow EJ. Development and Validation of a Prediction Model for Kidney Failure in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2023 Feb 16:JCO2201926.
Education & Training

Deadline: Apr 7, 2023 | This program provides HDFCCC faculty with feedback on their R01 applications. Learn more.

Deadline: Mar 30, 2023 | Receive up to $1,500 to use towards attending a cancer-related conference. Two grants available. For one grant, priority is given to postdocs from historically underrepresented groups. Open to all postdocs who work with a HDFCCC member. Learn more.
Community Engagement

Colorectal cancer is preventable, treatable, and beatable! Earlier this month, the HDFCCC Office of Community Engagement raised awareness for colon cancer by displaying a large inflatable colon at the Dr. George W. Davis Senior Center/Bayview Senior Services.

To help promote colorectal cancer awareness during March, download a badge for your email signature or a custom Zoom background.
Upcoming Events
John Kuriyan, PhD (Vanderbilt) will present, "Modulation of Allosteric Responses in ABL Fusion Proteins."

Please join Drs. Hope Rugo, Laura Huppert, and Dr. Michael Alvarado as they share updates from the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) that took place in December.

Mar 31 - Apr 2: UCSF SKY Happiness Retreat
The UCSF SKY Breath Meditation staff RCO is sponsoring a free stress management workshop for resiliency exclusively for UCSF faculty and staff. Reserve your spot.

Part of the 28th annual Breast Oncology Program retreat, this in-person event will feature multiple speakers.

Join the UCSF PurpleStride team, led by Dr. Andrew Ko, in supporting PanCAN's mission to improve patient outcomes and increase awareness about pancreatic cancer!