The National Association of the
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
                                             United States

Advent Starry Night 2 © 2006 Virginia Wieringa,
Used with permission.
O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!  
Isaiah 2: 5
May this Season of Advent be a time of walking with the children in the light of the Lord.

May we listen deeply with them to that voice in the wilderness that calls us to make straight the path.

May we invite our Good Shepherd into our hearts and into our world.

May we sing with them songs of preparation and hope.

May we enjoy  the beauty of being together along the way.

Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus. 
The Infancy Narratives
Each book in this five-book set contains the Scripture passages of the Infancy Narratives and is illustrated with simple, beautiful drawings. With very readable font, the presentation of these individual Infancy Narratives in beautifully bound books allows the child to interact with the Word in a profound way.
Parent Newsletter for December
The infancy narratives and biblical geography allow the child to reflect upon the person of Jesus as revealed in Scripture. 

Please share the December newsletter with the families in your community.
by Suzanne M. Lewis
Inspired by themes of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, this collection of meditations and prayers uses familiar biblical narratives, rites of the Church and original compositions to help guide our  journey   from Advent into Christmas. Consider using this book with your fellow catechists and parents this Advent. 
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd | 480-874-3759 |

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