Dear Members,
As Spring approaches, our Bylaws require us to plan for next year by reviewing the Bylaws, putting together a budget, and filling Board and Committee vacancies. The most time consuming part of these responsibilities is the last one. Phone calls have been made and some members have already stepped forward to be part of the leadership team. Further down this newsletter is a listing of Board positions and Committee Chairs that will be open for next year. Your help is being solicited with this important task.
Though we are busy planning for next year, we still are holding programs to educate our members and the public this year. Second Tuesday, Drinks & Dialogue, Member Mingle, Great Decisions, Tough Topics and a Rachel Carson presentation are all scheduled for the upcoming months. We hope these programs entice you to come out and be part of the League experience. And remember, you can always bring a new friend to be part of the experience too.
Finally, remember that the March 15 Primary Election is important. Remember to vote and remind friends, neighbors, and loved ones to do the same.
Peggy Kell
On Tuesday, March 8, from 9:30-11:00am, , Christy Harris, program director of Prevail, will be discussing and answering questions on the Housing Forward Mission. This program is held at the Nineteenth Century Club, located at 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park.
Please join us for this free presentation. Bring a friend to share in the discussion!
On March 16, at Doc Ryan's, Forest Park, Ann White,
 from the Green Sanctuary Committee of Unity Temple will speak on "Hungry for Change:The Politics of Food". We will also hear from Marsha Borders, our League Environmental Committee Chair, on plan proposals for the upcoming year. From 5:30-7:00 pm, members and their guests, can enjoy refreshments and learning about these important topics. Doc Ryan's is located at 7432 W. Madison, Forest Park. See you there!
Our League Board and Committee Chair vacancies for the 2016-18 year are as follows:
President(or Co-Presidents)
if we find a State of the Villages Chair]
Committee Chairs:
Second Tuesday
Drinks & Dialogue
Archive Committee
Nominating Committee
State of the Villages Fundraiser Coordinator
(sub-committees are staffed already)
Are you interested in being more active in our League? Can you recommend someone for us to call? Do you need more information on the responsibilities of a vacancy? Then
please contact
Beverly Graham
Peggy Kell
ASAP. We need to assembly a slate before our Annual Meeting in May. We need your involvement to keep our organization vital.
The Children and Youth Committee is currently forming a planning group for their first installment of the
Tough Topic Series. The
Tough Topic Series will be a series of events that tactfully address sensitive issues involving our children and youth. The first installment will be:
Addressing Sexual Violence within the High School Community. The aim of this event is as follows:
1. To stimulate a dialogue between students, organizations, and the greater community on tangible measures that can be taken within our community to prevent sexual violence among high school and college students.
2. To provide our students and parents with information on how to identify sexual violence and what they can do to prevent it from occurring within their community.
3. Learn about the most recent policies addressing sexual violence intervention and prevention and the key players who are making a difference in this field.
Please email Children and Youth Committee Chair Michelle Mbekeani-Wiley at
mdmbekeani@gmail.com if you are interested in joining the planning committee.
Our Great Decisions groups will be discussing the Future of Kurdistan the first two weeks in March and Migration the last two weeks in March. Check out the complete schedules for times and dates. Great Decisions 2016 Schedule Important Note: The Maze Library will be closed for repairs March 3. The Maze discussion group will meet at the Main Oak Park Library on March 3 in the 2nd floor conference room, from 1:00-3:00 pm. |
The League of Women Voters of Cook County in partnership with WTTW has put together a Video Voter Guide for the upcoming March 15 primary. You can watch 2 minute statements for each candidate. Check on the
LWVCook County website link to choose a candidate video. Also, check out the list of live candidate forums broadcast on
WTTW Candidate Forum List and the Cook County State's Attorney Candidate Forum that you can attend at WTTW Studios on March 10.
Candidate Forum Invitation
Our next get together for current, new, and prospective League members will be on Tuesday, April 5, from 6:00-8:00pm at Brian Boru Irish Pub, 7652 Madison St, Forest Park. We will hearing from the Voter Service and Observer Corps Chairs. Drinks and appetizers will be served. An invitation will be emailed soon to all current members to get an accurate count for food. Please contact
Marilyn Cantisano or
Donalda Ellek
with any questions.
Mark your calendars now for a celebration of 125 years of the Nineteenth Century Club in Oak Park. There will be famous and infamous character portrayals on May 1, at 1:30 and 4:00 pm. Reserve your tickets now.
Event Flyer
Thinking of Spring?? Then put thoughts to action and order some flowers to help support the League and your garden. The deadline to preorder your flats of assorted annuals and perennials is April 15. You need to fill out an order form and mail it to Sylvia Christmas. Flowers will be ready for pick up on April 29, 30 and May 1 from Good Earth Greenhouse, 7900 W. Madison St., River Forest. Flower Order Form
Biologist and author Rachel Carson warned the world of the potentially dire environmental impact of chemical pesticides in her best-selling 1962 book,
Silent Spring
. In a new living-history program, set in 1963, actress and historian Leslie Goddard portrays Carson as she discusses her childhood love for the living world, her passion for writing, and her work to awaken the world to the beauty and fragility of nature. Our League is co-sponsoring this presentation along with the Oak Park Library on April 20, at 7:00 pm. Mark your calendars now.