The Board of Directors is grateful for the work of committees that serve to enhance the ministries of the NACCC. Finance and the Personnel and Administration committees have particularly large roles in assisting in yearly tasks and decisions.
The Finance Committee (FC) shepherds the budgeting process, encouraging creative program requests and weighing those requests with the reality of funds available. FC also ensures that expenditures and revenues are accounted for correctly in an auditing process. Members serving are Jeff Dillon, Tom Van Tassell, Doug Loux, and Jim Walsh.
The Personnel and Administration Committee (P&A) reviews employee guidelines and workplace regulations and ensures that the NACCC is up to date on such matters. P&A also consults with the Executive Director on personnel evaluations and compensation matters. Members serving are Beth Bingham, Laura Hamby, and Robert Weers.
I thank committee members and I encourage others who are interested in serving to contact me.