March 1, 2022
Community Connections
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Guess What's New at the NACCC?
The Member Forum!
Rev. Dr. Cindy Bacon Hammer, Moderator
The Member Forum is a place on the NACCC website where individuals can share and discuss current topics in the life of the church. What do you do for Lent and Easter? How are children involved in your church? How do your committees and boards operate? How do you reach out to your neighborhood to find out what needs are present?

Please take a moment to register and log into the forum and share your thoughts and experiences with other clergy and laity. As we share with one another, we might think of new approaches to our work in the church, helping us to be more faithful to our God. And, we will build stronger relationships.

The Member Forum is a dedicated forum exclusively for individuals of NACCC Member Churches. Register for the forum here and then join the conversation!
The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches is gratefully receiving funds to assist with Ukraine refugee relief efforts.
Our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine as war devastates their homeland. Congregationalists join the world in lifting this nation up in prayer.

Grateful For Our Volunteers
Rev. Arthur P. Ritter, Chair, Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is grateful for the work of committees that serve to enhance the ministries of the NACCC. Finance and the Personnel and Administration committees have particularly large roles in assisting in yearly tasks and decisions. 

The Finance Committee (FC) shepherds the budgeting process, encouraging creative program requests and weighing those requests with the reality of funds available. FC also ensures that expenditures and revenues are accounted for correctly in an auditing process. Members serving are Jeff Dillon, Tom Van Tassell, Doug Loux, and Jim Walsh.

The Personnel and Administration Committee (P&A) reviews employee guidelines and workplace regulations and ensures that the NACCC is up to date on such matters. P&A also consults with the Executive Director on personnel evaluations and compensation matters. Members serving are Beth Bingham, Laura Hamby, and Robert Weers.

I thank committee members and I encourage others who are interested in serving to contact me.
Send us your news & photos!
Submissions for the April issue are due by March 20, 2021
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
8473 S. Howell Avenue, P.O. Box 288
Oak Creek, WI 53154
800-262-1620 ext. 1610