Montgomery County Democratic Headquarters
704 N. Thompson St. #195
Conroe, Texas 77301

March 1, 2024


See You at the County Convention

on March 23rd!!

Please note: our newsletters contain a lot of links to make viewing the source easier - just click on images or linked text to explore


  • URGENT - Poll Workers Needed - March 5th
  • Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
  • Inquiring Minds Need to Know
  • Am I Invited to the County Convention?
  • How to Write a Resolution
  • TDP Talking Points - Register for the Convention; Voting Resources
  • Check Voting Location and Sample Ballot - MARCH 5 - VOTE!
  • Be a Sign Shifter!
  • Road Trip to State Convention! Are you in?
  • Bridge Issues - Healthcare
  • Save Democracy - Become a Precinct Chair
  • Resources - Derek Ryan; Thom Hartmann
  • Alexei Navalny's Final Message
  • Scam Alert
  • State of Student Safety - Mar 8 - Sandy Hook Promise
  • Democratic Dames Dining for Democracy - Mar 14
  • Democratic Events Around the County
  • Biden on the Seth Meyers show
  • Joe and Kamala's Corner (click on an image to open)
  • Tweets (click on an image to open)
  • Texas Blue Store
  • Democratic Party Calendar of Upcoming Events
  • Other Groups and Community Events

This newsletter is published on or about the 1st and the 15th of every month.

Email content for consideration to

no later than 3 days before publication.

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

Each March, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), and our partners work together to create a social media campaign that highlights the many ways in which people with and without disabilities come together to form strong, diverse communities.

The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all facets of community life, as well as awareness of the barriers that people with disabilities still sometimes face in connecting to the communities in which they live.

DDAM 2024 Theme: A World of Opportunities

“A World of Opportunities” – we’re celebrating people and working together to remove obstacles. Our goal is to build a community that’s committed to creating a world where everyone can do well and succeed. Join us in making a world where all kinds of people have the chance to thrive.

Read More

Inquiring Minds Need to Know…


Democrats Voting In The Republican Primary Is Not Recommended (Why Not?)


Some Democrats think they can influence the choice between Trump and Haley in the GOP Presidential Preference Primary or make sure their preferred best of the worse choice in a Republican County Candidate (like Sheriff or County Clerk) succeeds in the GOP Primary.


Democrats have more important races to influence where their voice will actually matter a lot. We need their vote to choose the Democratic nominee to run against Ted Cruz and to help us choose the right candidate that can get us a seat on the Texas Supreme Court. And don't forget the important Railroad Commission contest!


Also, by voting in the Republican Primary, that makes that Democrat legally a Republican for the rest of the year. So, they would be ineligible to hold any party office like precinct chair, state/national delegate or participate in the County/CD & State Convention process as a Delegate. We highly recommend that Democrats to not vote in the Republican Primary.


 Primary Ballot Referenda

(Republicans Have Propositions On The Ballot & Democrats Don't: Why?)


Primary ballot referenda often confuse voters into thinking that they are making law, when in fact they are only making suggestions to their party's platform. Considering the national headlines around ballot propositions in other states changing laws around abortions and women's reproductive freedom, we don't want to risk voter confusion over the purpose of the Texas primary ballot propositions.


There is a high level of engagement with ballot referenda because voters carefully read them, and often this makes voters more engaged with the ballot referenda, rather than with the candidates they are selecting for party nominees.


We don't want to take away anything from our candidates. Longer ballots create longer lines at polling locations and voters take their time to read these propositions. We care about voter access, and we know longer lines reduce people's ability and willingness to show up to the polls. Without a compelling reason to have a ballot proposition, making people wait in longer lines doesn't balance out with what we'd get out of the results of a ballot referendum.


Even though it can be argued that there are positives to having Democratic Ballot Referenda, the implications we outline above are some of the reasons that the last two cycles the state Democratic governing board, the Senate District Executive Committee (SDEC), has not approved any primary ballot referenda.




The Montgomery County Democratic Convention is being held this year on Saturday morning, March 23, 2024, at Lone Star Community Center at 2500 Lone Star Parkway, 77356, in the great old city of Montgomery, Texas. The Convention will be gaveled into session at 10:00 a.m. in the morning and will last until 3:00 or 4:00 p.m.

The day’s events will begin with a presentation of the flag by a local color guard and other opening ceremonies featuring Democrats from the nearby precincts. The business of the day includes the introduction of our statewide and local candidates, an uplifting address by a well-known speaker, the nomination and selection of delegates to the state convention and other business.

We are specifically happy to invite all the Montgomery County Democrats that voted in the recent March 5th Democratic Party and any other registered Democratic voter in the County. Once these folks are signed in by the Credentials Committee, they become Delegates to the County Convention and can vote on all the Party business. 

But that is not all who can attend! We are also happy to welcome others to the meeting. You may come to the Convention if you are:

  • Someone who is interested in the political process.
  • A member of the press.
  • A young person of any age to experience the democratic process up-front.

If you belong to these categories, you will not be a Delegate and will not be able to vote on Party matters, but you are truly welcome to come.

In the past, we have found that our youth are particularly interested in the Resolutions process. This process involves submitting Resolutions which are then debated, voted on, and forwarded to the State Party.  Resolutions are submitted to the State Platform Committee for consideration of adoption into the Texas Democratic Platform.  They are also sent to Democratic lawmakers so they will receive first-hand knowledge of the issues that are important to us. It’s a great lesson in civics and citizenship for all who attend. And is a direct voice to our Party leadership and elected officials.

You do not have to pre-register to attend but doing so will help us know how many bagels and sandwiches to have on hand. Please use this link to let us know you are coming! Plus - it's fun!

How to Write a Resolution


“A resolution is a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent by an official body or assembled group; a declaration submitted to an assembly for adoption.” 


That is the formal definition of a Resolution. And at our County Convention we use the form found here to submit our proposed Resolutions to the Delegates for consideration and adoption. The form makes it easier for our Resolutions Committee to start out with documents that are structured the same way.

Submission of Resolutions and Platform


Individual Delegates to the County Convention may submit resolutions to the Resolutions Committee at the County Convention. The resolutions are accumulated by the Resolutions Committee where they combine similar resolutions, standardize the format and wording in order to report the resolutions approved by the Resolutions Committee to the County Convention. A priority at the County Convention is for the Delegates to vote on the Resolutions. The County Secretary certifies and submits our approved Resolutions to the State Party for consideration by the State Resolution and Platform Committee.


What Kinds of Issues are Submitted as Resolutions?


Resolutions range from issues such as support for Ukraine and Gaza or support for the separation of Church and state, social justice reform, wormen’s health, or whatever is important to you. 


Extra resolution forms will be available at the Convention and help will be available too.

Submitting a resolution for consideration is an important step in communicating with our Party’s leadership.  

You do NOT want to miss your County/Congressional District Convention on Saturday, March 23rd.

It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet other Democrats and strategize the roadmap to victory in November. 

Be involved in grassroots Democracy and become a Delegate to the County and State Conventions!

Pre-register TODAY for your County/CD Convention! 👉

Voting information available at

Track your mail-ballot:

Check Your Voter Registration, Voting Location, and Get a Sample Ballot!

It is important before each election to check your voter registration to determine where to vote and to be sure your registration is current. Note that Precinct lines have changed for many precincts because of the growth in our county. You may now be in a different precinct than you were in when you last voted in November 2023.

Also be sure to check where you MUST vote on Election Day.

On election day you must go to your assigned precinct.

You may also download a copy of your ballot for the March 5th Primary on the page below. You may take a hard copy of a sample ballot into the polls with you!

Always Check!!

Check Your Registration and Location

Be a “Sign Shifter”

Help us “Dress our Polling Places”


Most of the time when we go to our local precinct polling places on Election Day, we are met by a single sign that says, “Vote Here” and 10 or 15 signs promoting Republican Candidates.

It turns out that that is accomplished by some good planning and hard cash on the part of the Republican Party. When hard cash is not available, Democrats can achieve the same thing with some superior planning and some good old “magic.” 

We need some secret “sign shifters.” 

If you have a political sign in your yard for any of our candidates, please, in the quiet of the evening on the day before the general election, pull up the signs from your yard and shift them over to your local election location and put them in the ground next to the Republican signs that will already be there. 

It will be a happy and welcome surprise for all the Democratic voters who come to the polls on voting day and you will have accomplished some amazing magic by simply shifting your signs from your yard to your precinct polling place.     

Be sure to return at the end of the day to pick up the signs you shifted!!

Call if you need more information. 936-703-5841.  

No wizard’s robes or wands are needed. 

Become a “sign shifter” on March 5th!

Bridge Issues

Each month in 2024 we will focus on a different Bridge Issue

February's Issue is Voting!

One of the best sources for understanding a party's position on any issue is their platform. To that end we are providing links here to the national and state parties' platforms. We suggest bookmarking these pages and referring to them throughout this election cycle to see where the parties stand. It's informative! (these links are to the most current platforms available online). (NOTE: we have added a link to Project 2025 which is essentially the Republican Party's plan for our country should they win in 2024.)

Texas Democratic Party Platform

Texas Republican Party Platform

National Democratic Platform

National Republican Platform

Project 2025

We do not believe the majority of Texans supports the position of the majority party in Austin.

In March we will focus on HEALTHCARE!

In today's politically polarized climate, it can be difficult to find common ground between Democrats and Republicans. However, when it comes to healthcare, both sides can agree that improving access and affordability for all Americans is a top priority. In Texas, one area of contention has been Medicaid expansion and hospital funding. Hospitals and community clinics are closing, especially in rural areas, in an alarming trend due to lack of funding and qualified personnel. COVID pandemic funds have expired and Governor Abbott continues to refuse Medicaid expansion for Texans. The effect on communities, especially rural, is devastating. The loss of jobs and the longer distances residents have to travel to find medical care are taking a terrible toll. By finding agreement on this issue, both parties can work towards improving the healthcare outcomes of Texans. 

Additionally, the impact of Medicare Advantage on the cost of healthcare for seniors in Texas is another important issue that needs to be addressed. Many seniors are signing up for private Advantage plans, unaware that they are not receiving traditional Medicare coverage. Treatments or services may be denied that traditional Medicare covers. The creeping takeover of Medicare by private insurance companies is draining funds from the federally funded system by inflating charges for services, and reducing benefits for recipients. By collaborating on potential solutions, both parties can ensure that seniors are receiving the best possible care at an affordable cost. 

Let's put aside our political differences and work towards a shared goal of better healthcare for all Texans

Submitted by Carol Ortiz

Further reading:

Do You Want to Help Save Texas?

Become a Precinct Chair!

This article by Michelle H. Davis of LoneStarLeft tells the complete story about why precinct chairs are so important. Open it up and see how many precinct chairs there are in Montgomery County - let's get that number up!! Here's a teaser quote:

"For example, one Texas County in 2018 did an experiment on which voters were contacted and which weren’t.

  • 70% of voters contacted by their precinct chair turned out to vote.
  • In precincts where there was no chair, and voters weren’t contacted, only 38% of voters showed up to vote.

This is why precinct chairs are paramount in flipping Texas."

Please take the time to educate yourself and consider becoming a Precinct Chair!

Derek Ryan Voting Analysis

Derek Ryan produces an newsletter each election with careful and in depth reporting of voter turnouts, compared with other elections. Being informed is critical to a thriving democracy and these reports will inform you. Here is a link to one of his newsletters - sign up to receive them all!

The Thom Hartmann Radio & TV Program covers US politics and political news commentary, science, culture, and economics.

Click here for the homepage.

Click here for The Hartmann Report daily newsletter.

Several of our volunteers highly recommend Thom Hartmann's shows and newsletter. Check it out!


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."  

What are you doing?

Watch here

Democratic Party Activities Around the County

psst: you're missing a lot of fun if you aren't joining us!!

Afternoon Tea with Laura Jones

On February 25th the Women of MCDP Outreach group sponsored a fundraiser for Laura Jones with a fun theme - a traditional afternoon tea, complete with spring hats, tea, finger sandwiches and shortbread cookies! And each person took their unique, special tea cup home!

It was a wonderful three hours of great and supportive discussions about life and of course about what the life of a very determined candidate looks like! We raised some money and hope we offered Laura some energy to continue her fight for us all.

VOTE for Laura and consider donating to her campaign at this link.

In Case You Missed It!

Interview of President Biden on Seth Meyers - President Joe Biden Addresses Concerns Over His Age and Shares His 2024 Agenda



Blue Texas Store

Visit headquarters or Facebook to shop and check out what's available. Thanks to Judy Trosvig for the creation of the Blue Texas Store and of many of the beautiful items available in it!

Other Groups & Community Events

Democrats & Progressives of Montgomery County Area Meetup


Attend a Wednesday Evening Meetup - Dinner with Friends

Wednesday, , 2024

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM CST

Cafe Express Woodlands

3091 College Park Dr Ste 290 · The Woodlands, TX



OR Attend a Morning Coffee/Breakfast

Second Saturday of the month -

Saturday, Feb. 10, 2023, at 8:30 am

Start the new year right - with friends

The Whistle Stop Cafe

11133 Interstate 45 S · Conroe, TX

Hosted by Karen Cavanagh.


Recurring meetings, and related events

TUE, MAR 5 - PRIMARY ELECTION DAY, 7:00am to 7:00pm

TUE, MAR 5 - MOCO COMMISSIONERS COURT, 9:30am, 501 N. Thompson

THU, MAR 7 - TOUR HARC’S FACILITY, 6:00pm, 8801 Gosling Rd. 77381



SAT, MAR 23 - LWV: TOGETHER!, 1:00pm, SHSU The Woodlands Center


Chair: Ginger Blair

Deputy Chair: Kimberly Valdez

Secretary: Carmen McZeal

Treasurer: Michele Lightfield

Sergeant At Arms: Marc Meyer

Email us:
Friend us: Facebook@MCDPTX
Follow us: Twitter@MCDP-TX
Visit our website
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Paid for by the Montgomery County Texas Democratic Party, This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.