Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday, March 14

A reminder that we "spring forward" this weekend; and clocks should be set one hour ahead at 2:00 a.m. Sunday, or before bedtime on Saturday, March 13th.
Highlights of this issue include:
  • A Word from Andy+: Preparing for New Life Ahead
  • In-person, Outdoor Worship Sunday at 11:15 a.m.
  • Lenten Adult Forum Series: Being Christian, Part 4 this Sunday
  • Food Packing for Food for Others; drop-off Saturday, March 20
  • Contemplative Walk in the Woods, Sunday, March 21
The Fourth Sunday in Lent
Join us for our in-person, outdoor service of Holy Communion Sunday, 11:15 a.m.

We are excited to resume our outdoor,
in-person service of Holy Communion on the South Lawn of the Historic Church. In compliance with guidelines, the service is limited to 50 worshipers. Sign up here.

You may also join us for a digital, livestreamed Service of the Word
on YouTube, Sunday at 9:00 a.m.

If you cannot join us for the live streaming at 9:00, you may watch the service on your own schedule. If you are not watching live, fast forward through the first five minutes to the start of the service.

All livestreamed worship services and Adult Forum sessions are recorded and available on our YouTube channel. To receive notices of new content, go to our YouTube page and click the red Subscribe button.
Lenten Series
Part Four of our five-part series on Being Christian, Sunday, 10:00 a.m.

Our Lenten series continues this Sunday with a conversation on Prayer and is led by The Rev’d Henry SchoenfieldRowan Williams tells us that growing in prayer is growing in our Christian humanity. Through prayer, the life of Jesus comes alive in you. Henry explores Archbishop Williams' insights on prayer expressed in Chapter 4 of Being Christian, sharing what he has learned in what he calls his relationship with prayer. This relationship with prayer is a matter of allowing God’s loving gaze to be fixed upon us in ever deepening ways so that we can open ourselves to deeper relationships with the community of faith and what we do together to embody God’s Kingdom becoming a reality in our world. Join us on Zoom to explore deepening your relationship to God, others and yourself through prayer.
Love is the Way by Bishop Michael Curry Part 3, Sunday, March 14

We have intentionally entered into a partnership with The Church of the Epiphany, an urban parish in downtown Washington. The Rector, the Rev'd Glenna Huber, has invited us to take part in Epiphany's Lenten series based on Bishop Curry's latest book, Sundays 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

"The way of love is essential for addressing the seemingly insurmountable challenges facing the world today: poverty, racism, selfishness, deep ideological divisions, competing claims to speak for God. This book will lead readers to discover the gifts they need in order to live the way of love: deep reservoirs of hope and resilience, simple wisdom, the discipline of nonviolence, and unshakable regard for human dignity."
This week's Youth Forum activity is available here

Youth Groups meet Sunday, March 14 afternoon, in person

We have moved back to outdoor small groups instead of Zoom meetings. Group members will be notified about when their group is meeting. If you are not sure you are registered for a group, please email John to confirm registration.

Youth are expected to maintain proper social distancing AND wear a mask at all times while at Youth Group. Youth are also encouraged to bring their own foldable lawn chairs (instead of using a chair from the church).
Children's Ministry
TFCE Week-at-a-Glance
Sunday, March 14 – Sunday, March 21
  • 9:00 a.m. – Live-streamed Service of the Word with the Decalogue and Penitential Order
  • 9:45 a.m. – Children's Formation (email Lauren for information)
  • 9:50 a.m. – Coffee Hour/Adult Formation (click here to join)
  • 11:15 a.m. – In-Person Worship, South Lawn of Historic Church
  • Afternoon – Middle & High School Youth Groups (email John for information)
  • 2:00 p.m. – Prepare dinner for Bailey's Crossroads Shelter
  • 7:00 p.m. – Adult Formation Committee

Monday, March 15:
  • 6:30 p.m. – EfM Seminar
  • 8:00 p.m. – Compline 

Tuesday, March 16:
  • 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. – Staff & Liturgy Planning Meetings
  • 6:00 p.m. – Evening Prayer

Wednesday, March 17:
  • 10:00-11:00 a.m.– Foyer Group – Interim Rector’s Bible Study (email Andy for more information or to join)
  •  Noon-1:30 p.m. – Buildings & Grounds Committee
  • 7:00 p.m. – March Vestry Meeting

Thursday, March 18: 
  • 7:30 a.m. – Morning Prayer
  • 7:00 p.m. – Foyer Group studying Being Christian led by Tiffany Smith 

Friday, March 19:

Saturday, March 20:
  • 9:00 a.m. - Noon – Lenten Service Project
  • 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. – Historic Church open for Quiet Prayer

Sunday, March 21:
  • 9:00 a.m. – Live-streamed Service of the Word with the Decalogue and Penitential Order
  • 9:45 a.m. – Children's Formation (email Lauren for information)
  • 9:50 a.m. – Coffee Hour/Adult Formation
  • 11:15 a.m. – In-Person Worship, South Lawn of Historic Church
  • 3:00 p.m. – Lenten Walk in the Woods (Riverbend Park, Great Falls)
  • Afternoon Middle & High School Youth Groups (email John for information)
A Word from Andy+
We are Preparing with Joy and Hope for
New Life Ahead!

Dear Falls Church Family,

This Sunday at our outdoor Eucharist, we will acknowledge this truth about God’s desires for us in Lent: You bid your people cleanse their hearts, and prepare with joy for the Paschal feast (Easter)...that they may come to the fullness of grace which you have prepared…
It’s mid-Lent and this Sunday is known as “Refreshment Sunday.” We claim that God is preparing and offering abundant grace! And so we prepare in joy and hope for the new life ahead we especially celebrate at Easter.  

I am happy to tell you that at The Falls Church Episcopal we are doing just that! I know we are all ready to claim new life and possibilities ahead as we begin to emerge from the days of COVID. With so many people getting vaccines (I’ve received my second dose, as have the majority of the staff and clergy) and the virus trending down, we are preparing in joy and hope. Let me share a few things that will be more fully reported in next week’s E-News.
Parish Prayer List: Prayers & Transitions
Please use the Prayer List in your prayers for each other and the world. 
Praying for each other and the needs of the world is a powerful way to love our neighbors as ourselves! THIS WEEK’S PRAYER LIST
Parish News & Updates
Lilies for Easter

Contributions to help decorate our sanctuaries with Easter Lilies for Easter are welcome. Any amount is appreciated, but the cost to TFCE is usually about $20 each. If you'd like your donation to be in memory of or in celebration of a loved one, please add this information to your memo line of the check - and we will post it in the service bulletin for Easter Day. Please submit your dedication to the front office no later than Sunday, March 21.
Information on vaccine availability (current as of March 11):

  • Vaccines are now available at selected pharmacies throughout the area, including Alexandria, Arlington, and Fairfax. You must be 65 or older and registered with your local health department. You can search for available appointments and sign up here.

  • The Fairfax County Health District includes Fairfax County, the Cities of Fairfax and Falls Church and the Towns of Herndon and Vienna. Residents of these locations can get their vaccine through the Fairfax County Health Department. Federal and state first responders should see their agencies for details.

  • Click the summary page to register for a Covid-19 vaccination. This is the main page that lists the groups that are currently eligible to register for a vaccine appointment and contains links to all the other resources available. 

  • If you're not sure which group you're in, take this quiz to find out.

  • You may also call 703-324-7404 from Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., or Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Online registration is preferred, but phone registration is available.

  • FAQ's and answers about the vaccine
Ways to Serve
Prepare dinner for Bailey's Crossroads Shelter, Sunday,
March 14, 2:00-4:30 p.m.

For several years, The Falls Church Episcopal has been preparing dinner on the second Sunday of each month for the people staying at the Bailey's Crossroads Community Shelter. We have gone back to cooking the meal at TFCE in a responsible and safe manner. Here's what we need:

* Make cupcakes at home and bring to the church
* Cook the beans at home and bring to the church
* Cut up the onions and peppers at home and bring to the church
* Cook the meat and rice at church and assemble the burritos and put them into trays. Put the beans, onions and peppers, and rice into large trays for delivery. Masks and gloves are mandatory at all times and we will use both the kitchen and Fellowship Hall to help socially distance.
* Deliver the trays and cupcakes to the shelter
* Clean up the kitchen and Fellowship Hall afterwards

Please use the SignUp Genius to volunteer.

If you have any questions, please contact David Raglin via email
or 703-835-1198; or Barb Mantegani at 703-835-1194.
For our Lenten service project, we are planning to make 375 Power Packs to benefit Food for Others. These packs go to children in low-income public schools in Fairfax County. Instructions for putting packs together here.

Use the SignUp Genius to volunteer for Saturday's event.
Silent Witness against Racial Injustice on Saturday, March 27 from Noon to 1:00 p.m.

Members and friends of The Falls Church Episcopal ae invited to join Falls Church Presbyterian Church for the next Silent Witness protest on Broad Street. Participants are asked to wear masks and maintain social distancing.
Protests are held alternate Saturdays, rain or shine.
Make sandwiches for those in need
Make sandwiches or bag lunches for drop-off at the Bailey's Crossroads Shelter or New Hope Housing's Eleanor Kennedy Shelter near Ft. Belvoir.. Please see the attached flyer and contact Sami Smyth at 703-799-2293 x11 or via email for more information.
The Little Free Food Pantry
On Fairfax Street near the church’s Thrift Shop is a small “take some food, leave some food” pantry (like the “little libraries” where people can take or leave a book). We are definitely seeing people use that pantry to supplement their groceries, and you can drop off non-perishable food items there at any time.
Organ Renovation Project
Renovation Campaign Nears Fundraising Goal

Thanks to the generosity of The Falls Church Episcopal community, we are nearing our fundraising goal for restoration of the Shantz Organ (click link for video) in the Historic Church. We will feature an update on the campaign in next week's eNews!
Ways to Connect
Contemplative Walk in the Woods, Sunday, March 21, 4:00 p.m.

The Adult Formation Committee would like to offer you the opportunity to take a walk in the woods! Walking is a spiritual practice that yields so many benefits like replenishment of the soul, connection with the natural world, health and healing, and connection. So join us as we
walk together in reflection and fellowship. 

The walk takes place at Riverbend Park in Great Falls

Check the SignUp Genius for information and registration.
The Falls Church Episcopal historic church is more than 250 years old, and the grounds on which it stands carry vestiges of the entire sweep of American history.

The Falls Church Episcopal welcomes you to our church grounds to “Hunt for History,” a scavenger hunt list that offers you, family, friends, and neighbors a way to get fresh air while maintaining vital social distance. You can:

·       Spend time together as a family or friends, or or visit in contemplative solitude on the picturesque and historic grounds of The Falls Church Episcopal.
·       Learn American history, and pass it on it to children and newcomers in our community.

“Hunt for History” features 19 items that mark the life of the church and the nation, from their beginnings in colonial America to the pre-revolutionary era, to the building’s 250th birthday that was just celebrated in 2019.

The brochure is available in three locations around the church grounds. Thanks to Paul Allvin for his wonderful work on this project!

TFCE Nave Open for Private Prayer Saturdays
The Historic Church is open for silent prayer each Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We ask everyone to wear a mask, and use hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the Sanctuary. Please click here for rules and expectations. Questions? E-mail Parish Administrator D'O Dillard.
Ways to Give
We are still checking the mail and depositing checks! 
Please mail your check to:
115 E. Fairfax Street
Falls Church, VA 22046
Donate safely and securely through our website. 
Text “TFCE” and the amount to 73256. 
If you have any questions about Realm or eGiving, please reach out to
Are you shopping more online these days? If you’re buying more items from Amazon, please consider adding The Falls Church Episcopal to your AmazonSmile account. With every purchase you make, the church earns a small percentage. Simply click here to
add us to your account! 
Worship and Reflection
Weekly meditations by our Bishops. This week's mediation is by Bishop Jennifer: Getting Out There
Here are some ways to enhance your spiritual journey at home as suggested by the Washington National Cathedral.