TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Events
Mar. 16: Parent Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL
Mar. 22: Registration Closes for Spring After School Activities
Mar. 28: School Board Meeting
Mar. 29: Winter After School Activities End
Mar. 30 - April 6: Spring Break - No School
April 9: Spring After School Activities Begin
April 13: No School - Professional Learning Day
April 25: Early Release Wednesday
May 16: Early Release Wednesday
May 25-May 28: No School - Grading Day and Memorial Day
June 8: After School Activities End
June 12: Last Day of School
Administrative Information
Final Week to Register for After School Activities!
Registration for the spring session of after school activities is now open! Attached you will find the schedule and pricing of classes, the description of classes, the registration form, and a scholarship form. Please note: scholarships cannot be applied to the course offered by Mad Science.
Registration for activities will close on March 22. This is a change from what is written in our printed TCGIS calendar. No late registrations will be accepted. Please be aware that classes have size limits and will fill up; participation is on a first come, first served basis.
Order Window for School Lunches/Milk, Bus, Kinderclub and Sommercamp Opens Friday, March 16!
Please log on to our online store website
Boonli starting Friday
, 3/16, to place your child(ren)'s Bus, Kinderclub, Sommercamp and School Lunch/Milk order for
All orders must be submitted by
midnight on
Monday, March 26.
A Message from the
Student Council
This past Wednesday, the Middle School students organized and participated in a walkout to commemorate the Parkland school shooting. We centered it around the central message:
All students should feel safe and be safe at school
. We walked out at 10:00 for 17 minutes, went to Lexington and took 17 seconds of silence for each of the 17 victims. We felt that it was a great success, and are working towards possibly planning another protest on April 20th. Thank you for your support and understanding!
Listening Session Hosted by TCGIS Board & Admin
The School Board and the Administration will host a listening session for the TCGIS Community on 3/20 at 3:45pm. This session will be about current efforts to create a sustainable building, and finances related to constructing and operating all TCGIS facilities. This session will be in room 100, and we encourage all interested community members to attend!
*Families who need childcare for the sessions can utilize Kinderclub. Please fill out this form if you will need childcare. |
Still Seeking Sponsors!
Still seeking sponsors for our all-school picnic in June! This is a great opportunity to showcase your company AND help the school at the same time! There are many levels of sponsorship available. You can help us make a difference! Click
here for a list of sponsorship levels.
Questions? Contact Dianne Bell, Fundraising & Development Committee Chair, at
2018-2019 Re-Enrollment Survey - Response Requested
Is your family planning to return to TCGIS in the fall? Help us prepare for the 2018-19 school year by completing the re-enrollment survey
no later than Friday, March 16.
Please follow
this link to the survey.
If you have more than one student at TCGIS, please complete the form for each of your children.
Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you next school year!
Interest in a Middle School Cross-Country Team and/or track and field team?
fill out this survey
if your current
4th-7th grader
is interested in cross-country or
-and-field. We will be sure to avoid conflicts with other TCGIS sports - soccer, basketball and volleyball.
The Running Club
this spring (offered as an after school activity) is the trial run (no pun intended) for the interest in a middle school XC or track team. Assuming there are enough interested students, we would like to have a official team starting next school year. Even if your child can't participate in the running club after-school activity this spring, please fill out the survey.
Should you have questions, please contact Herr Tabisz. Vielen Dank!
Yearbook Ads
We are now accepting ads for yearbook, and including 8th grade graduation announcements.
Ad rates: 1 page: $125, 1/2 page $70, 1/4 page $40. Send to Checks can be made payable to TCGIS and dropped off at the main office.
Yearbook Cover Winner!
Congratulations Ariana Forsland (5C) und Carmen Koch (3A)! Their art will be featured on cover page and back page of the yearbook! We have received many wonderful TCGIS student-made works of art. Honorable mentions to Siri Strom (3A), Lula Eian (3A), Jasmine Freund. Many thanks on all 26 students that participated.
We are also still accepting photo submissions for 2017-2018 yearbook. We have received a number of photos since March 1, but yearbook is still looking for additional photos of classroom activities, field trips, after school activities, and capstone exchange. Parents, staff, and students are welcome to submit photos. Please email them to
Morgenkreis and Kaffeeklatsch on March 29
Joins us on March 29 for Morgenkreis and Kaffeeklatsch. From 8:15-8:30 please join your K-4 (elementary school only) children during their daily Morgenkreis.
Following Morgenkreis at
8:30 there will be a Kaffeeklatsch in the atrium outside the office. Come mingle with other parents and take advantage of this opportunity to also chat with Board members and Administrators.
Call for Nominations & Applications
for the
School Board
Find out how you can help our school, connect with our community,
ct decisions and change.
The work we do helps ensure that our school is able to provide a meaningful experience for our students.
We will elect
THREE board members
this year to serve
three year terms
. We are seeking any interested persons
(parents, teachers, and community members)
, especially those with experience in board governance, financial compliance, marketing and development, legal matters, or education.
If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate someone to serve details and forms are attached in the links below. You do not need to be nominated to apply.
If you have questions or want to talk to a current board member further about the role, responsibilities and expectations, feel free to contact any of the
current Board members
. Send your nominations or applications to
Important Dates
April 13
: All nominations and applications due by 4:45 pm.
Meet the Candidates Forum
May 14-18:
Board elections, drop off all ballots by 4:45 pm on Friday, May 18.
Free Workshop with Pacer
Pacer is offering a free workshop for parents of children with disabilities! Parents can register with Pacer or email with confirmation or questions. Click on the picture to enlarge it. |
Service Learning Now Accepting Donations for Animal Humane Society Project!
We are collecting donations in the office on the main floor. It is suggested that all students helping make the toys bring a 3 dollar contribution. The donations will help us pay for our supplies of fleece for the toys. It is also an option to bring old shirts and towels as a free will donation. We will use these as well to make the toys.
NOTE: The shirts and towels must be clean.
The deadline for the donations is on
Monday, March 26, 2018
Thanks for the Support!
Service Learning
Please note that the date of the finance meeting has been changed and is now
Monday, 3/19 at 6:30pm.
Plant Sale
Spring is coming so order your plants now. Hanging baskets, planters or a flat of flowers. Order
Rummage Sale
Looking for volunteers to help at the
April 14th Rummage Sale. Volunteer for 2 hours
Learn about German academic and vocational exchange programs for students who have finished high school. Two programs will be featured:
'Study in Baden Württemberg' presented by Emily Westhoven, and Congress Bundestag Vocational Exchange presented by Carrie Hess.
This event is free and open to the public - No registration required. Click HERE for more information.
This course is designed for students who already have advanced German language skills and are specifically looking to prepare for the AP exam. Instruction will be in German. Offered on four Saturdays leading up to the exam in May these classes will focus on the multi-modalities of the test, with a couple of hours of homework to be completed outside of class each week.
SATURDAYS, APRIL 14 - MAY 5; 9:30am to noon; $165.00 GAI members/$185.00 non-members (includes all materials). Click HERE to register.