TCGIS Online Calendar
Upcoming Dates
Mar. 16 & 17: Parent Teacher Conferences
Mar. 17: No School
March 21: PTO Davanni's Pizza Night
March 23: School Board Meeting
March 24: K-8 Morning Circle & Kaffeeklatsch
March 27-31: Spring Break (No School)
April 14: No School
April 19: Early Release Wednesday
April 27: School Board Meeting
Volunteer at TCGIS!
Take a look at current volunteer opportunities! If you are not yet a volunteer, but are interested in becoming one - please email Tina Haarbusch. Vielen Dank!
Administrative Information
Registration for After School Activities Now Open
It is our final session of after school activities, can you believe it?! The spring session will start the Monday after Spring Break on April 3. Attached you will find all of the
of the classes offered, a
of the classes, and the
registration form
All registration papers and payment are due by March 24
. No late registrations will be accepted. Should you need a scholarship, please use the
. If you have any questions please email Lauren Kalish at
One More Chance For Girl Scout Cookies
TCGIS Girl Scout Troop #57317 is having a cookie inventory clearance booth 9 am-2 pm on Friday during parent-teacher conferences. We are low on Thin Mints and Carmel Delites, but have plenty of all other varieties, and our stock must go. Thank you for your support of our 88 Girl Scouts in grades K-5.
Musical "Z
irkus Morio"
The 3rd grade circus is in town! Come in and enjoy a fabulous show with lions, clowns, magicians, ballerinas, dancers and a lot of music.
The 3rd grades together with their drama teacher Frau Hall and their intern
s Frau Rödlach
and Herr Pic
hler are excited to announce the date for their musical performance on May 11th at 5 p.m. in the Aula. The whole TCGIS family is welcome!
TCGIS Plant Sale, March 2-24
Think Spring!! Please support TCGIS's Spring Plant Sale featuring an array of lovely hanging baskets and planters, or Gertens gift cards.
All order must be placed by Friday, March 24. There are THREE convenient ways to order: (1) Complete your order online through TCGIS's new Squared Up webstore (2) Drop off your completed order form and a check made out to TCGIS in the front office. (3) Stop by our Plant Fundraiser table in the Atrium during Parent/Teacher Conferences this Thurs/Friday and place your order there.
Pick up your plants either on May 9 or May 10 here at school. Proceeds will help the school fulfill its unique educational mission, through things like funding the internship program or purchasing German language materials.
Green Earth Growers, a local greenhouse producing high quality products with an emphasis on sustainability, has generously agreed to provide TCGIS with substantially lower procurement prices for this fundraiser. This allows us to sell the plants at lower prices than other local stores and nurseries (who buy their products from the same grower) while still making a profit for the school! Tell all your friends and neighbors, Oma and Opa too!
Questions? Email Christine Burbach at |
Re-Enrollment Form are due back!
Is your family planning to return to TCGIS in the fall? Please help us prepare for the 2017-18 school year by returning a re-enrollment form your child by Friday, March 17. Students will be bringing a paper copy home this week or you can download a copy here. All forms should be returned to your child's homeroom teacher or can be dropped off at the School Office during Parent/Teacher conferences.
Send Your Best Photos for the Yearbook
We are still accepting photo submissions for Yearbook. Have fun memories from school this year? *Our publication is especially in need photos from* K-4 grade classrooms, 5-8 grade classrooms, After School Activities, Halloween, and candid Staff photos. Please submit them for consideration in yearbook to Thank you to parents who've already submitted photos!
Call for Nominations & Applications for the
TCGIS School Board
Find out how you can help our school, connect with our community,
impact decisions and change.
The work we do helps ensure that our school is able to provide a meaningful experience for our students.
We will elect THREE board members this year to serve three year terms. We are seeking any interested person (parent, teacher or community member), especially those with experience in board governance, financial compliance, marketing and development, legal matters or education.
If you are interested in serving or would like to nominate someone to serve details and forms are attached in the links below. You do not need to be nominated to apply.
If you have questions or want to talk to a current board member further about the role, responsibilities and expectations, feel free to contact any of the
current Board members.
Important Dates
April 14: All nominations and applications due by 4:45 pm
Mid-May (TBD): Meet the Candidates Forum
May 15-19: Board elections, drop off all ballots by 4:45 pm on Friday, May 19.
Call for Nominations (detailed version)
Join the Strategic Planning Committee
We are establishing the TCGIS Strategic Plan that will guide our work along with the Vision, Mission and Values we created and affirmed in this past year.
We need the help of
5-8 parents/caregivers
to be members of the Strategic Planning Committee. This committee will divide the work among small focus area groups to refine one of the focus areas and provide a final draft to the board. Focus areas include:
chool culture, student engagement/whole child, teaching and learning, and German immersion.
: In the next 6-8 weeks, plan on about
15 hours
of time including our kick-off meeting on
March 20, 5:30-7:00 (dinner and childcare provided).
In addition, you can expect to have
additional meetings
in the months of April and early May. For further information or to join us, contact Christine VeLure Roholt,
If you can not be a part for the committee, join us for one of the feedback sessions in April and early May (TBD).
April Order Window for Bus, Kinderclub & School Lunch/Milk is Currently Open!
Please don't forget to place your orders
for April! Log on to our online store
now and place your Bus, Kinderclub and School Lunch/Milk. All orders are due by Midnight on
Monday, 03/20
If your family is new to our online store, please
for more information on our online store, how to "Register" for an account and how to navigate the website. Please note the school password needed during the registration process is
If you are a returning family and you need assistance with your Account Log-In information, please email us at
Celebrate Your Student - Buy a Yearbook Ad
Want to celebrate your 2017 TCGIS graduate? Want to promote your business? Want to recognize your favorite teacher? The possibilities are endless! We even help you design and proofread your ad at no extra costs!
Questions? Please contact us at
Submissions of your yearbook ad in jpeg from must be received by Sunday, April 2, 2017.
Ad rates for TCGIS families & friends:
1 page: $125.00,
1/2-Page: $70.00,
1/4-Page: $40.00.
Please drop off your check (made payable to TCGIS) at the front office.
Thank you for your support!
Sommercamp 2017- Discount on March Registrations
Don't miss out on the early bird discount by registering for summer camps online on or before March 31! Week-long day camps will be offered to incoming 3rd - 8th-graders July 10 - 28, 2017.
Click here for or details, including instructions on how to register.
We are looking for Playground Volunteers!
Physical activity has been proven to help improve student focus and learning in the classroom. This is why TCGIS is looking for volunteers to supervise an extra recess before school this spring. We need two volunteers per day. Volunteers would commit to a certain day (Monday, Tuesday...) for the entire month. If April does not work for your schedule please consider helping out in May. Please see the sign-up for additional information.
PTO Fundraiser at Davanni's Pizza
Dinner is covered on Tuesday, March 21. Eat in or take-out from Davanni's in Roseville
from 4:00-8:00 and 20% of the proceeds will be given to the PTO. Look for the order
ticket that was sent home with your child or grab one at Davanni's that night.
of the 5-Week De-clutter challenge
We've saved the best for last in the PTO Rummage Sale De-clutter Challenge...the garage! Are there tools you no longer use or sports equipment and games that your kids have outgrown? Tomorrow, March 17, is the last day to bring in items to drop off in the atrium.
Now that your home has more room, sign up to help at the Rummage Sale. We need volunteers to set up on April 7, assist during the sale on April 8, and tidy up on April 9. The sale will be open to the public so we need your help to make it a success.
Sign up here
. Thanks to everyone who has contributed items!
Submit Artwork For Yearbook Cover
Want your art work published? We are looking for students to submit art for Yearbook cover page!
Details: We are looking for student artwork, that fits with the theme 'In Stein gemeißelt." What does the theme mean? The phrase, in German, means 'writing in the stone.' Students this year are leaving their mark.
Drop off your artwork in box in the front office, or email to
PTO Announcements
to find out more about these upcoming events:
- Pizza Night at Davanni's Roseville, March 21
- Kaffeeklatsch, March 24
- PTO Rummage Sale, April 8
- PTO meeting, April 11
GAI Announcements
Pork Roast & Sauerkraut Dinner
Saturday, March 25
$15 for Adults, $12 for Seniors, $6 for Children under 12
1st Seating
Open/Walk-up Seating:
2nd Seating
It's the GAI's annual Pork Roast & Sauerkraut Dinner! Enjoy family-style portions and as much of our secret-recipe sauerkraut as you can eat. You'll want to break out your Dirndl and Lederhosen for this event, especially while sipping a Pils and eating the best sauerkraut in town. Sway in time to the music of Dale Grove on the accordion as he plays classic German tunes. Plus, enjoy perusing the vendors and partner organizations on the second floor before or after your meal.
Space is limited.
here to register today
and ensure your place at the table.
Spring Spezial - Special Language Classes and Programs
Want to work on your German but don't have a lot of free time? This spring we are offering three different special 4-week course that provide focused instruction for intermediate and/or advanced learners on specific topics, including Gesprächsrunde - Spring Conversation Course and Nachrichten & Aktuelles - News & Current Events. Plus, we will offer two opportunities for beginning German-speakers to start their journey into German. Register and learn more at
Why Learn German? Tell us and win!
We are once again launching a contest entitled "Why Learn German?" We are looking for any answers you and your students may come up with, sent to us in any form you like - notes, videos, collages, essays, photos, musical presentations - whatever fits your message and your mood.
We will post entries on our websites and offer the top three winners partial-tuition vouchers to a two-week summer program at Waldsee German Language Village.
Find out more |