March 2, 2022
Although not unexpected, many of you probably experienced sticker shock when you first saw your 2022 real estate tax assessment. If you know anyone who has sold or bought a home in the last year, you're aware that home values have gone up significantly in our area. Market values and other factors have resulted in an average increase in Hunter Mill District of 9.07 percent just during the past year, but many residents have seen increases of more than 20 percent. I encourage you to watch this video to learn more about how your tax assessment is determined.
This is also an unusual year on the personal property tax with the pandemic-related spike in automobile values. So the personal property tax rate will be getting extra attention this year.
While the Board of Supervisors does not determine tax assessments, we do set the tax rate and are very concerned about the financial impacts of these taxes on our residents. It is important to note that the estimated tax on the assessment notice you recently received is an estimate (required by state law) based on the current tax rate.
At our meeting next Tuesday, March 8, the Board will be advertising maximum potential tax rates for FY 2023, including rates for the real estate tax and the personal property tax. That means that the Board can set a lower tax rate, but it can't be higher. While home and auto values have increased, so have the needs of our county and school employees whose compensation during the COVID years has not kept up kept up with inflation. And other critical needs like affordable housing and taking care of our most vulnerable residents have increased also. When voting on the tax rate ceiling I will keep all these issues in mind, and would welcome your thoughts. There are many opportunities for you to provide input on the tax rate and the FY 2023 budget, which can be found below in this newsletter.
In addition, seniors and people with disabilities may qualify for real estate tax relief. The Board recently expanded the tax relief program, offering more relief and allowing more people to qualify. For 2022, the maximum gross income to qualify for tax relief was raised to $90,000, and the limit on net worth increased to $400,000.The filing deadline for tax relief is May 2 and you'll be notified about your tax relief status by June 30. Learn more.
If you have questions about your real estate assessments, call the Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration at 703-222-8234, or contact my office at
COVID-19 Update (March 2)
Weekly COVID-19 Case/Vaccine Information Chart:
Data resources:
Current Number of Cases in the Fairfax Health District
Daily reported case information for the Fairfax Health District: here
Daily reported case information throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia: here
County Executive's FY 2023 Proposed Budget
Key Points:
What to Know About the Proposed Budget:
Provide Your Input:
Virtual Budget Town Hall on Wednesday, March 30, 7 to 9 p.m.: The meeting will be hosted on the Webex platform. Melanie Meren, Fairfax County School Board representative for Hunter Mill District and Christina Jackson, Fairfax County's Chief Financial Officer will also be participating. The meeting will be hosted on the Webex platform. Use this link to attend and participate in the meeting. To listen to the meeting on your phone, call 1-844-621-3956 and use access code: 2334 051 4882. You also can watch the meeting on YouTube Live.
Public Hearings: Board of Supervisors' public hearings are scheduled for April 12-14.
More information can also be found in the Feb. 23 newsletter. The FY 2023 Budget becomes effective July 1, 2022.
Board of Supervisors Update
The Board of Supervisors held several committee meetings yesterday, March 1, including a joint meeting with School Board members to discuss our proposed FY 2023 budgets. Here are the meeting materials and links to watch the meetings.
The next regular Board of Supervisors meeting is next Tuesday, March 8. More information.
Land Use and Transportation
Reston Comprehensive Plan Study Task Force Update
My office and Task Force members are beginning the first phase of community outreach of the Task Force’s interim recommendations on the 14 areas of the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study. These interim recommendations have been received by the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Development and are undergoing a comprehensive review. The Transportation chapter is also undergoing a thorough review by the Fairfax County Department of Transportation. Input by the county agencies is expected by spring/early summer and community outreach will continue through the summer.
Upcoming scheduled meetings for the Task Force members to present their interim recommendations include:
- Reston Association, March 2
- Reston Citizens Association, March 7
- Coalition for Smarter Growth, March 14
- Reston Town Center Association, March 14
- Baltimore-DC Building Trades, March 15
- Reston Planning & Zoning, March 21
- Sierra Club Great Falls Group, March 29
To learn more about the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study and the Task Force, visit the Reston Comprehensive Plan Study webpage. The archive of meeting details and agendas is here. The video archive of all past task force meetings can be found on my YouTube page. If you have questions or would like to provide input, please email
Hunter Mill Land Use Committee Virtual Meeting, Tuesday, March 15, 7:30 p.m.
The meeting is hosted on the Webex platform. Use this link to attend and participate in the meeting. You will be prompted to register with your email address and ZIP code before logging into meeting. If you prefer to only listen to the meeting, you may call 1-844-621-3956 and use code: 2330 638 6343. For information, contact Jose Delcid, 703-478-0283.
Reston Planning & Zoning Virtual Meeting, Monday, March 21, 7:30 p.m.
The meeting is hosted on the Webex platform. Use this link to attend and participate in the meeting. You will be prompted to register with your email address and ZIP code before logging into meeting. If you prefer to only listen to the meeting, you may call 1-844-621-3956 and use Access Code: 2342 796 1153. This is also the number to use if accessing TTY 711. More information.
Nominate an Outstanding Volunteer
Do you know someone who provided an outstanding volunteer service to the Town over the past year? Nominate them for the Mayor`s Volunteer Reception on Tuesday, April 19. The deadline is April 1 to nominate individuals and groups.
Virtual Joint CAC Meeting, March 10 at 7 p.m.
The joint meeting of the McLean and Reston Police District Stations' Community Advisory Committees (CAC) is March 10 at 7 p.m. Courtney Arroyo, Fairfax County Department of Emergency Management and Security, along with other emergency management professionals will discuss preparing for emergencies, what hazards affect our area, and steps you can take to protect yourself. In addition, information will be provided on the Fairfax County Citizen Corps Council, which brings together our community’s public safety agencies, health care providers, other county support agencies, and the volunteer community to involve all citizens in emergency preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery, crime prevention, and emergency training.
You can also dial in at 872-240-3412, use access code: 320-967-781 followed by the # sign
5 Key Findings of the Climate Projections Report
1. Hot days above 95 degrees
Very hot days at or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit are projected to rise significantly from seven days per year currently to more than 36 days per year in 2050. By 2085, it is likely that most days of the summer will reach 95 degrees.
2. Consecutive hot days above 95 degrees
Historically, the maximum number of consecutive days at or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit stands at 2.6 per year. According to one scenario played out in the climate projections report, Fairfax County can expect to see up to 22 consecutive days at or above 95 degrees per year by 2085.
3. Hotter spots in urbanized areas
The NASA DEVELOP report found that the hottest spots in the county are densely urbanized with land surface temperatures as much as 47 degrees Fahrenheit higher than those in undeveloped forest reference areas.
4. Intense precipitation and inland flooding
Along with changes in temperature, Fairfax County is projected to experience more intense precipitation events, which will amplify inland flooding.
5. More severe thunderstorms
Currently, Fairfax County sees between 37 and 45 days of thunderstorms per year, on average. The climate projections report indicates that an overall increase in the frequency of severe thunderstorms is to be expected in the county.
Friends of Frying Pan Farm Park Photo Contest
The Friends of Frying Pan Farm Park are hosting the second annual Focus on the Farm photo contest fundraiser. This event is open until April 30 to photographers of all ages and abilities with these categories:
- Farm Animals
- Nature
- Landscape & Scenery
Winners will have their photos displayed digitally on the Friends of Frying Pan Farm website. The per photo entry fee of $7 (adult) or $5 (youth 16 & under) will directly support the care and feeding of the animals and Frying Pan Farm Park. Judges will select the winning photos based on their personal interpretation of composition, creativity, impact and overall effect. If you have questions, email the Friends of Frying Pan Farm Park. Learn more.
Update Your Medicaid Information
It’s important that Virginia Medicaid has your most current mailing address, phone number and email address so that you can be reached with information about your health coverage. Members can make updates:
Rediscover Spring: Head Into the Woods at Frying Pan Farm Park
In conjunction with the National Cherry Blossom Festival, residents are invited to attend a free event at Frying Pan Farm Park, Saturday, April 2. A self-guided adventure will guide your family to Frying Pan’s nature trails. The journey will wind down at the historic, 200-plus-year-old Meeting House, where you can enjoy Japanese teas. Learn more.
Stay Informed and In Touch
Hunter Mill District Supervisor Walter Alcorn
703-478-0283, TTY 711