The week offers several ways to join the campaign to end domestic violence and sexual assault:
--Donate to
Memphis Says NO MORE
national NO MORE project and Verizon Wireless offer a fundraising challenge for organizations
with budgets less than $2.5 million.
The organization that raises the most between March 2 at 12pm ET and April 11 at 1:59 p.m. ET
will win a $40,000 donation to its cause. Second place will receive $20,000, third will win
$10,000, fourth will win $5,000, fifth will win $3,000 and sixth will win $2,000.
--Follow MSNM on Twitter @mem_saysnomore and like MSNM on Facebook as we
boost our social media outreach. Share info with your friends and circles.
--If you or anyone you know experienced sexual assault in the past and believes a rape kit
could be in the backlog now being tested, please contact the Memphis Police Department
at 545-2677. Some cases with DNA matches cannot proceed because investigators cannot locate victims/survivors. For emergency help with rape or any crime, always call 911.
--Bring old cell phones to the Women's Council at 2574 Sam Cooper Blvd. - for Verizon's
HopeLine project.
HopeLine collects no-longe
r-used wireless phones, batteries, chargers and accessories in any
condition from any service provider to benefit victims and survivors of domestic violence.
Wireless phones given to HopeLine are turned into valuable financial support for domestic violence awareness and prevention initiatives.
--Watch for an announcement next week of a very special, creative gift to the
Says NO MORE campaign by some local men who want to help make change.
Be a part of
Memphis Says NO MORE - changing attitudes, sharing help for survivors and
increasing bystander support.
Specialized training and awareness for employers -- "Violence at Home. Victims at Work" -- will be presented on May 11. This two-hour training prepares supervisors, managers and business owners to recognize domestic violence among staff and workers; respond appropriately and with compassion and connect needy employees or colleagues to community resources.
The Women's Council has provided this training to more than 300 employers - facilitated by Dr. Carol Danehower, associate professor of management, University of Memphis Fogelman School of Business, and Deborah Clubb, executive director, Memphis Area Women's Council.
Registration at 8:30 a.m.; session 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Fee $25. Location to be announced soon.
About Memphis Area Women's Council
The Memphis Area Women's Council is a non-profit dedicated to advocacy to assure equity and opportunity for local women and girls. Our goal is strategic changes in policy, procedure, law and regulations that remove barriers, eliminate sexism and assure equal access.
or contact Deborah Clubb at
901-378-3866 or