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Philippians 4:6a

"Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything."
When Worries Cease

We know we're not supposed to worry. We're told everything will be fine. Trust God. We don't want to be worriers. But what do we often find ourselves doing? Worrying...

Instead of constantly bringing more guilt and frustration upon ourselves in trying not to worry and worrying about worrying, let's look at the opposite side of the coin...what happens when we do actually stop worrying and live free of its control.

1. We fully embrace the day at hand and do the "little" things well.
"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." Matthew 6:34

2. We are at peace within our souls, even during hard times.
"Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand."
Phil. 4:7a (continued from above)

3. Others (family, friends, coworkers, etc.) are free to make decisions about their own lives with ours as an influence but without our control.
"For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps." 1 Peter 2:21

4. We let God be the God He says He is-Provider, Protector, Lover, etc.
"I am the LORD, and there is no other." Isaiah 45:5

5. We bring glory to God by being our full, true and alive self.
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them." Genesis 1:27-28a

SpotlightWinning Women Spotlight 
Abby Tigulis

Former athlete through high school and college, and current teacher, coach, high school football coach's wife, and mom of three athletes, Abby has experience with it all. She was born, raised and now currently resides in Fort Wayne, IN, living a life of love, commitment and service with her family, and sees all of it as  a ministry.  It's  not always an easy "job," bringing with it joy, stress, pride, worry and love sometimes all at the same time, but it's one she gives her all to while trusting and following God, and learning and growing through it every day. She (and her kids) are completely invested with her husband (their dad) as they are driven by and passionate about helping and loving on students and athletes however they can to be the people God created them to be, on and off the field/court.
Blog  Blog
In the Life: With Palms Wide Open
By: Denise Cheviron

Take a look as Denise, co-founder of Winning Women, former athlete and coach, and current coach's wife, mom and sports ministry worker, introduces her life journey and how she embraces it. With many rich years of learning and experience under her belt to glean from, the Lord isn't finished with her yet.

Resources  Resources
Movie: Remember the Goal
Cross a lot like life.

A new female coach fresh out of college takes over the cross country program at an all girls private Christian school and tries to lead them to their first state title.

Watch the Trailer
Events  Events
Women in Sport Retreat
May 5-7, 2017
The Manly Minute:
Reconciling the male and female relationship  ManlyMinute
"Boys Will Be Boys"

You may be familiar with Kristina Kuzmic's videos on parenting and life. Click the picture below to be led to her humorous yet thought-provoking video on the phrase "boys will be boys" and "guy talk."

A question to ponder: What phrases or statements might we use, think and believe (similar to "boys will be boys") that excuse or give leeway to us or others (male and female) from giving or being less than the best God created, desires and commands us to be, even in our imperfection?


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