march pear newsletter
springtime gift basket
The Gift of Spring.
Great idea for Easter, Passover or anytime.
Need a creative Easter Basket or handmade gift for Passover? Our bountiful gift basket comes packed with Springtime cheer: bulbs to plant with, moss to use to help you grow your Spring flowers.  And irresistible pear snacks to nibble on while planting. 

Yes, this gift basket is full of healthful treats from our orchard. But, oh so sweet & savory... you won't believe they are good for you.

wood chipping compost
Winter Work

While we wait for Spring to hurry up and get here (we've finished Winter pruning of our trees) our team continues to work to tidy up the orchard during these final days of Winter.

All the trimmings from weeks of pruning are gathered up into piles and stuffed bundle by bundle into a chipper. The resulting wood chips make for good compost to spread along the rows of our trees, naturally amending the soil.

Dried Asian Pear Beef Tips

Our Chef Terry thought we could all us a warming, comfort dish for these seemingly endless evenings of chilly/damp weather.

Check out this soulful recipe with beef, dried Asian Pears in a rich sauce of mushrooms, onions, red wine and more. 

Can't wait to ladle spoonfuls of this over a bed of egg noodles or nest of rice? Neither can we! 

dried pear beef tip dish
Click here to download this recipe.

To order dried Asian Pears to make this dish, shop online. We recommend our 9 ounce size package.