
Board Highlights are timely recaps of School Board meetings. They are emailed to staff, parents, and interested community members before the official minutes are approved and posted. 


Links to pertinent memos and presentations from the Board packet are highlighted in green. Board packets are posted the day before regularly scheduled Board meetings.


Meeting podcasts, packets, and Board information can be accessed using the links on the left. 

Regular Meeti ng 

Kristen Hertel, Board President, thanked the Core Team and District for the time spent on the work toward Future Ready D36. She also recognized the nearly 400 community members who have engaged in meetings and outreach opportunities over the past week. She encouraged the community to remember that the concepts under review are only concepts and will undergo refinement. Ms. Hertel also wished all in attendance a restful spring break.

Trisha Kocanda, Superintendent,  noted the commitment to continuing a two-way dialogue between the District and community regarding Future Ready D36. She encouraged community members to take a survey open through April 2  and  email
with feedback. She shared highlights from the month, including a collaboration between New Trier and Greeley students, and thanked the Winnetka Public Schools Foundation for their support of a recent initiative at Crow Island.


Jason Lembke, DLR Group, shared a recap of the continuum of Educational Master Facility Plan concepts the Core Team is currently reviewing. Over the next few months the Core Team will be listening to community feedback, and refining the concepts intended to address the District's enrollment imbalance, aging facilities, and vision for teaching and learning. Click here to view the current iteration of the concepts. Mr. Lembke encouraged the community to continue to dialogue with the Core Team and complete the Future Ready D36 survey. He noted that by the School Board Meeting on April 24, refined concepts, including costs, will be presented.

Informational Memos

This monthly update highlights progress toward the Reaching All Learners goals in the District's Strategic Plan.  Highlights this month include: Improved parent communication practices for students receiving interventions, drafted visual continuum to represent District-wide continuum of service delivery options, and the Township-wide Technology and Innovation Showcase on April 28th.

The annual School Improvement Plans mid-year updates were shared. The new School Improvement cycle runs from spring to spring to better align professional development and planning.  The School Improvement Plans are customized to the needs of each school. The areas of focus include special education programming, response to intervention, community engagement, quantifying programmatic improvements, and advisory programming. Progress on goals will be shared in June 2018.

Next year's staffing plan includes a reduction in staffing by ~5% to align with an expected overall decline in student enrollment.  The staffing plan also includes programmatic improvements for technology/resource center and special education. The School Board voted to approve the plan later in the meeting.
Due to inclement weather this winter, the District closed schools on Friday, February 9, 2018. The last day of school will now be Monday, June 11th with dismissal at 11:25 am (elementary) and 11:50 am (Skokie/Washburne).  Friday, June 8th will be an early release schedule with dismissal at 2:30 pm (Skokie/Washburne) and 2:40 pm (elementary).

The before and after school care program is a tuition-based opportunity for child care offered to D36 families. With a District cost-neutral target, administration recommended FY19 monthly On-Deck fees. The School Board voted to approve the plan later in the meeting.

In an effort to replace equipment that was removed last school year due to deteriorating conditions, the District worked with school staff to determine an effective playground design. Administration recommended that the School Board approve the recommendation for the purchase of new equipment.

The Consent Agenda and the following Action Items were approved:
  1. 2018-2019 Staffing Plan
  2. Indemnity Agreement Between the Board of Education of The Winnetka Public Schools District 36 and the Winnetka Park District
  3. On Deck! Program Pricing 2018-2019
  4. Playground Improvements at Crow Island School
The Complete Board Packet for the March 20, 2018, School Board Meeting, containing all Memos and Presentations is here.
Upcoming Regular Meeting Dates

April 24, 2018

May 22, 2018
June 6, 2018
Regular meetings are open to the public and will be held at Carleton Washburne School through June 2018. Regular meetings begin at 7:15 p.m. Work sessions are also open to the public and may be scheduled at the discretion of the Board. Discussion topics and times for work sessions will be posted on the District website 24 hours in advance.
The Winnetka Public Schools community empowers every student to flourish in an innovative, experiential environment. We support and challenge all learners to actively engage in continual growth and achievement to make a meaningful difference in the world.  
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