Triangle Insight Meditation Community
       March 2018                         
Greetings to all - 
We wanted to take this opportunity to follow up on  the February 4th board meeting that was open to any and all community members with an interest in how Triangle Insight reimagines and reorganizes itself going forward.  Our intention is to continue envisioning and planning for a sangha-wide gathering, a day or half-day of mindful speaking and listening, with open hearts and clear minds and many voices, in order to begin to develop together - as a community - a shared understanding of the norms, values, and culture of the sangha, and to explore ways our governance structures can better reflect those shared understandings.
In addition to the board, eight  members from the sangha were represented at the recent meeting as we continued in the discussion and planning for our next steps forward (minutes of the meeting may be found here).  There was agreement to follow the recommendations we have received to engage the expertise of a neutral facilitator for a sangha-wide meeting as well as for ongoing consultation around further exploration of values, vision, mission, and potential changes in our governance structure. 
Given the short notice regarding the February 4th meeting and the fact that some members of the sangha were unable to attend, we would like to extend an invitation to the community for an additional board meeting to be held March 18th, from 3:30 - 5:30 PM in the Episcopal Center Conference Room.  The purpose of this meeting is to both provide an update on the process thus far toward selecting a facilitator, and to give further opportunity for the board to receive additional input before making a decision about the next steps forward.  We will review at the meeting our interim decision-making process that is currently in place before proceeding with the selection of a facilitator.  To assist in planning for this meeting, please let us know via email at if you wish to attend (this information will be important as we may need to notify participants about any change in the venue if numbers exceed the capacity of the conference room).  Also, if you are unable to attend but would like to offer any input to be considered at the meeting, you may also send this in an email or via a representative to the meeting. 
We look forward to the meeting  on March 18th, and thanks for your ongoing support!

Scott Bryce, Phyllis Hicks, Cynthia Hughey, Jeanne van Gemert, and Ron Vereen


Sitting Opportunities
Upcoming Classes and Events
Deepening Our Pracitce with Jeanne van Gemert and Ron Vereen
True Refuge: Heart of Wise Action - an Insight Dialogue retreat
Goings on in the Sangha
(activity quick list) 
Triangle Insight Meditation Group  
on Facebook

Spiritual Friends Groups

Organizing Against Racism Workshops

Continuing the Conversation 

Spiritual Friends Groups
Kalyana Mitta 

Racial Affinity

To Be Here Now

All levels of meditation experience are welcome and the teachings are offered free of charge, with donations accepted to cover costs of using the facility and to support the study of the teachers. Please review our sangha guidelines before arriving. We also wish to maintain a hypoallergenic space, so please avoid wearing scents, colognes or perfumes. If you would like to submit items for inclusion in this newsletter, please review the newsletter guidelines.

Please note:
We are now asking that once the meeting begins at 6:30 PM, any latecomers, those leaving early, or those going outdoors for walking meditation, please enter and exit the building using the side doorway facing Alexander Ave. The side door is accessible via the walkway to the right as you are facing the main entrance. Once in the building, please follow the hallway to access the Great Room. Thanks for your cooperation to help reduce noise and distraction during the meeting. Note that this request is intended only for those who are physically able to navigate the front steps.


Wednesday Evenings
6:30 - 8:00 PM
(Insight Dialogue from 6:30 - 8:30 PM)    
March   7:  Scott Bryce
March 14:  Ron Vereen
March 21:  Sharon Shelton (Guest Teacher)
March 28:  Phyllis Hicks (Insight Dialogue)
April    4:  Ron Vereen
April  11:  Scott Bryce
April  18:  Joe Gilbert
April  25:  Phyllis Hicks (Insight Dialogue)
Monday and Thursday Morning Meditation  
7:00 - 7:45 AM (click  here for more info)
Episcopal Center at Duke    
505 Alexander Ave. 
Durham, NC 27705
Guest Teacher Series

at Triangle Insight 
Beginning in February, we are pleased to have five individuals share their wisdom with the sangha, each of whom has been participating in a new certification program to become mindfulness meditation teachers. We invite you to join us as we welcome these new voices to our Wednesday night gatherings: Sarah Bryce (Feb 21), Sharon Shelton (March 21), Joe Gilbert (April 18), Sarah Gardner (May 23), and Barbara Shumannfang (June 20).

The Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program is a 2-Year professional training program for teaching awareness and compassion-based practices with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. This new certification program through the Awareness Training Institute has been in the making for over 30 years. It is the result of the greater need in our world for more qualified mindfulness meditation teachers and the growing popularity of mindfulness, self-compassion, and meditation.

Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield have specially created a high quality certification program that has wide application and maintains both psychological and spiritual depth. It deepens the meditation training of each participant and prepares them to skillfully teach and guide others.

By studying to become a certified meditation teacher, they have:
  • Learned how to teach meditation with tools for body, heart, mind, and community (learning from both Tara's and Jack's successes and failures in teaching meditation for a combined 60 years)
  • Received professional mentoring (individual and group) offered throughout the two-year training by an international group of highly respected meditation teachers
  • Learned the application of mindfulness and self-compassion to relationships, conflict, trauma, organizational wisdom, and societal change
  • Have experienced a powerful way to grow and deepen their spiritual path.
We hope you will join us in welcoming these gifted individuals over the next five months as they deepen their experience of teaching through their offerings to our sangha at our Wednesday evening gatherings.

Wednesday Evenings, 6:30 - 8:00 PM 
Feb. 21, Mar 21, Apr 18, May 23, Jun 20

Transforming our Website
A new TI WEBSITE is under construction and may be viewed at this address:

Take a tour and try out some of the new features. What do you think? Your feedback is important!  

Try out the new Forums application!

Visit the main tab: All Forums. Pick the top Forum, scroll down and register. Log-in and you're set to comment on a topic, or create your own topic.

You are invited to use the  Feedback form on the website, or write directly to me with your ideas a nd suggestions, at 

--Leah Rutchick

Deepening Our Practice:
a Memorial Day Weekend  Residential Retreat   
with Jeanne van Gemert and Ron Vereen

Whether new to meditation or practicing for many years, we all share the potential for the path to deepen the faculties of conviction, persistence, mindfulness, concentration, and discernment.  These faculties become strengths that support us along the way toward the direct realization of mindfulness as a path of insight.  As these strengths unfold, we can find ourselves more capable of experiencing the joy and tranquility already present in our lives.

This residential retreat will provide an invaluable container within which to examine practice as a process that moves through levels of arriving, observing, opening, and being.  With the opportunity to experience the various qualities associated with each of these stages, we also come to realize that progression along the path does not necessarily unfold in a linear, stepwise fashion.  This heart-felt progression can be experienced both within ourselves and in relationship to our world.  No matter where along the path we may be, we begin to see our journey as a dynamic process of deepening, with each level providing what is needed for greater wisdom and compassion in that moment.

To register please go to this  Registration Link.

Thursday, May 24 - Sunday, May 27, 2018
Avila Retreat Center, Durham, NC 27712

Early Bird discount ends May 1st
Small Single:       $330 by 5/1, $360 thereafter
Large Single:       $355 by 5/1, $385 thereafter              
Dbl. Occupancy:  $305 by 5/1, $335 thereafter

*Requests for financial assistance will be considered such that no one is turned away due to inability to pay.

(Note: Jeanne and Ron are leading the retreat and offering their teachings free of charge.  An opportunity to offer your generosity to them will be provided at the end of the retreat)
Join the Durham CROP Walk team
sponsored by Durham Shambhala Center

March 25th
This year, the Durham Shambhala Center is sponsoring a team in the Durham CROP walk. We'd love to have you join us!

A team of Durham Shambhala Center walkers will be struttin' their stuff at the annual Durham CROP walk on March 25.  The funds raised by this walk help feed the hungry people in our Durham community and around the world.

This is the first year that the Durham Shambhala Center is participating. What an excellent opportunity to practice Meditation in Action!

We'd love it if you would walk with us.  

1. Click here: and select Join our Team.

2. From family, friends, coworkers, innocent bystanders, guilty bystanders, collect a few bucks to feed hungry people in Durham and around the world.

3. Walk with us on Sunday, March 25.  We predict it will be a beautiful day and a lovely walk.  And the company can't be beat!

Duke Chapel | 401 Chapel Drive | Durham, NC 27705

Registration Time: 1:30 PM
Walk Time: 2:30 PM
Walk Distance: 4.8 miles

March 25, 2018
Register to walk with the Shambhala Center team.

Mindfulness & Meditation Class 
taught by Bree Kalb and Jean Hamilton
This is an introductory class designed for adults who want to establish or revive a meditation practice. We also focus on strategies to bring mindfulness into your daily life. Classes are small (10-12 people), relaxed and enjoyable. Each class builds on the previous one, so plan to attend all 4 sessions. In addition to daily practice, you'll also be reading Jon Kabat-Zinn's classic, "Where Ever You Go; There You Are" between class meetings. We'll be meeting in west Chapel Hill, at Franklin Square, near Eastgate.

Signing up is easy: a brief informational phone call with either Bree  (919-932-6262 ext 216 ) or Jean  (919-943-6245 ) followed by advance payment by check.
Mon. March 5,12,19,&26; 6:15-7:30 PM 
Cost: $70 for entire series of 4 classes
More information here: 

Introduction to
Mindfulness Meditation

An Upcoming Class with Joe Gilbert

This introductory class will focus on establishing a daily practice of mindfulness meditation, cultivating spiritual friendships, understanding the Buddha's Four Foundations of Mindfulness, and practicing the Divine Abodes of loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity.

Beginning March 6th, each class will meet for five consecutive weeks on Tues. evenings from 6-7:30 PM and will include practice periods, a Dharma talk by Joe, guided reflections, and a time for Q&A.  The classes will be freely offered, and financial offerings (dana) are appreciated and helpful.

For more information or to register, you may visit Joe's webpage on this class  here.  If you are unable to make this class, Joe plans to offer it again in May.
Five Tuesdays Beginning March 6th 
Gilbert Counseling
3721 Benson Dr., Raleigh, NC 27609
6:00 - 7:30 PM

Mindful Tools for Everyday Life: 

A Day Long Workshop
at Beautiful Camp New Hope in Chapel Hill
with Kessonga Giscombe & Paula Huffman

This workshop will explore bringing awareness to thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations while they are happening and how consistent practice may allow us to develop a calmer baseline, manage catastrophic thinking, and choose to respond skillfully to difficult events in our lives. 
Included Practices; Seated Meditation,  Yoga, Body Scan, Walking Meditation, Loving Kindness Meditation.

To register or for more information, contact Paula at or 919-260-0255

Saturday, March 17th, 2017 
Camp New Hope
Cost:  $80 earlybird by 2/10, $95 thereafter

Exploring Mindfulness                        
Free four week course with Barbara Shumannfang
The Arts Center
Carrboro, NC
April 2018

True Refuge: the Heart of Wise Action   
with Phyllis K. Hicks and Sharon Beckman-Brindley 
An Insight Dialogue retreat at the 
Southern Dharma Retreat Center, Hot Springs, NC

As humans we are exquisitely sensitive and can easily become overwhelmed in the sea of relentless sensory contact. Learning how to cultivate mindfulness and tranquility in the flow of daily life is a profound resource for peace and for wise action.

In this Insight Dialogue retreat we will practice taking refuge in awareness, wisdom, and spiritual friendship (Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha).

We will investigate obstacles to friendship and beloved community, internally in the heart-mind, and externally in social constructions, cultivating Lovingkindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy, and Relational Equanimity. We will explore foundations for peace, possibilities for courageous personal and collective action, and the benefits of deep companionship on the Noble Eightfold Path.

This retreat is both an introduction to Insight Dialogue and an opportunity to deepen practice. It will be held in Noble Silence except for the Insight Dialogue sessions. We will alternate periods of silent meditation practice, Insight Dialogue, mindful movement and time in nature.

June 26 - July 1, 2018 
Southern Dharma Retreat Center, Hot Springs, NC  



Spiritual Friends Groups

In his recent dharma talk, Scott Bryce offered a beautiful exploration of Buddhist perspectives on love and relationship. As Tara Brach states in The Winds of Love: Taking Refuge in Conscious Relationship , "Relationships can be place of healing and awakening, a sacred refuge. We can learn to share our truths, hold space for each other, and look behind the mask to see the one who longs to love and be loved. Sharing our own vulnerability and learning to see the inherent goodness in others are some of the most beautiful practices I know for waking up with each other." Our Kalyana Mitta and Racial Affinity groups provide a special opportunity for this relational practice. As we deepen our connection to self and others, we see more clearly and move towards greater understanding and compassion. A wondrous aspect of this process is that as the heart of the dharma is enriched in our own lives, we are contributing to the spiritual journey of others. In this way, the third jewel of sangha illuminates the path that we travel together.
We currently have openings in four groups:
  • Young Adults KM Group, for those in their 20s and 30s;
  • Insight Dialogue KM Group for individuals with Insight Dialogue experience;
  • Chapel Hill-Carrboro KM Group; and
  • Secular Buddhism KM Group: Study Group.
  • Raleigh KM Group has a waiting list.
For details about any of these groups, please visit our List of KM Groups web page. You can also talk with Sarah Tillis, KM Coordinator, or email Sarah at .

If you would like to join a group, be on a waiting list, or start a new group, please send us a KM-RA Questionnaire . For information about our KM program, please visit our KM web page or contact Sarah Tillis, KM Coordinator 
Members of our Racial Affinity groups continue to deepen self-awareness around issues of race in small, racially homogeneous groups that integrate the dharma into members' personal and collective exploration. To support this process, groups follow Triangle Insight's   Mindful Sharing Guidelines  and  Ruth King's Guidelines for Cultural Affinity Groups .
We have six groups of white people within Triangle Insight who gather to "investigate and transform our individual and collective racial conditioning" (Ruth King). Waking up to white supremacy and the ways we have internalized it is a painful process, and the acceptance we bring to each other, as well as our shared understanding of the dharma, helps us to heal and to figure out how to act more constructively in the world. We are hoping that people of color will be able to form their own group.
If you are interested in joining a group or would like more information, please talk to Karen Ziegler, RA Coordinator, email Karen at , or visit our
Racial Affinity Groups web page , which also contains a list of helpful resources. Members of our sangha have a deep commitment to social justice, and group members are finding that exploration in a Racial Affinity Group is a rich and valuable path.

The KM-RA Coordinating Team of Sarah Tillis, Karen Ziegler, Tamara Share, Tom Howlett and Jeanne Van Gemert expresses deep gratitude for the dedication of our sangha. May our Kalyana Mitta and Racial Affinity groups be of great benefit to all.
Caring Circles 
A Sangha Support Initiative 

Caring Circles is a Triangle Insight program whose purpose is to connect community members needing temporary assistance with volunteers willing to provide help. Assistance can take as many forms as there is need, such as meals, rides, housework, lawn care or childcare.
This exchange pairs needed service with volunteers to match. If you wish be notified when another member needs and requests support, send an email to asking to be added to the list of potential volunteers. Thereafter, you will receive email notifications of care requests. You decide if you can and want to respond to any request. There is no obligation on your part by signing up to receive these notifications.
You can find this information plus details on how to request support on the Shramadana webpage. You can also speak with Gordy Livermore, Mary Mudd or Howard Staab for more information.
The Shramadana Project           
A Volunteer Initiative  of Triangle Insight
The Shramadana Project (SP) is a volunteer initiative of the Triangle Insight Meditation Community, organized to address some of the interests expressed within the sangha and for outreach to the community-at-large. Visit the SP website.
Mary Mudd is the current SP coordinator.

  • Meetings. Meetings are held on a quarterly schedule. Please email Mary if you would like to be part of the planning committee. The next meeting is being planned after the New Year.
  • Minutes. You can review the minutes of prior meetings on the TI website page for the  Shramadana Project. You will learn more about the worthwhile and exciting SP initiatives of the sangha.
  • Caring Circles. an open exchange for requesting and providing aide within the sangha. For more information on this Initiative, see the announcement above. 
  • Media Night. Join us to relax, have fun with sangha members, and enjoy films, music, improv, dance, art making--you name it!  
    Stay tuned for information about our next event!
  • If you would like to see a particular film, or have an idea for a program to share with Dharma friends, please contact Gerri McGuire at  
  • Lending Library. Triangle Insight now has a tiny library in our meeting place at the Episcopal Center. The Triangle Insight Tiny Library is located in the back hallway. To check out a book, just intend to bring it back when you're finished. To donate a book, simply add it to the collection. "Donate, Borrow, Return." Titles in circulation include Radical Dharma and Self-Compassion.
  • Volunteer Time on the Farm. Groups from Triangle Insight volunteered on two occasions at the Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge in Chatham Co. This animal sanctuary provides a rescue area and home for farm animals in need, and they rely on volunteer help to thrive. Please visit their website by clicking on the link above to learn more about the refuge and how you can donate your your time and/or money. 
OTHER OPPORTUNITIES for COMMUNITY ACTIVITY may be found on the Shramadana Project webpage  
  • list of community organizations seeking volunteers to further their missions of nonviolence, racial and social equity, and supporting youth. If you know of other groups to add to this list, please send a note with their contact information to Mary Mudd, and consider joining the SP group
  • Retreats/Workshops. Several of these events have been organized over the years. Upcoming is the Insight Dialogue New Year's retreat above and a retreat with Jeanne van Gemert and Ron Verenn being planned for May 24-27, 2018 at Avila.
  • REAL Durham builds relationships across lines of privilege, race and class to improve economic stability for everyone. It uses a racial equity lens to connect those with and without privilege for the purpose of transferring power and better positioning those without privilege to achieve financial stability. Volunteer training is held several times a year - check out their website for more information. 

If beings knew, as I know, the results of giving
and sharing, they would not eat without having given...       
-the Buddha

Workshops Bein g O ffered

In response to our efforts to engage the Buddhist teachings around the issues of Racial Justice and Diversity, we would like to recommend the training opportunities available through  OARNC (Organizing Against Racism NC)as a first step in this investigation. 

Eighteen  of us from Triangle Insight have already participated in these workshops and they come highly recommended, so you are encouraged to participate if interested.  If three or more attend an event from our sangha, you will each get a discount on the fee for being a part of the Triangle Insight Meditation Community. 

TI  is contributing $500 to start a scholarship fund for this purpose, and the community is invited to join the initiative by contributing specifically to the scholarship fund.  The fund will be available to support TI community members in attending OARNC or other similar trainings. The goal of the initiative is to help individuals and the community to deepen their understanding of the way the mind and human systems are limited by unexamined views of race. The scholarships will be available on a case by case basis to help supplement the cost of registration. To contribute now through PayPal, please donate here.
Sarah Tillis has graciously volunteered to keep a log of those from our sangha who participate in these trainings, and/or are a member of a Racial Affinity Group. At some point we plan to convene a meeting of this core group of individuals to discuss ideas about the best way forward. 
OARNC offers two phases of training, and the latter trainings are designed to assist us in bringing this knowledge back to our community so as to guide us more skillfully in addressing these issues in Triangle Insight. Please visit their website by clicking on the link above for descriptions of these phases of training.

Please contact us at if you: 
1) have any questions about this initiative
2) would like to be considered for a scholarship
3) want to contribute toward a scholarship, and 
4) wish to be a part of the core group to discuss our plans after completing the trainings. 
Meeting at a variety of times & dates in Durham & Chapel Hill

Each workshop is two days, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Cost: $275 ($225 with 3+ discount; student $175)
and includes breakfast and lunch

contact for information: 

Mindful Families of Durham

Currently consisting of ~ 16 families, this group is dedicated to creating a warm, loving community for parents and children to learn and practice together. Adults meet for one hour for meditation and discussion, while the children learn about meditation and Buddhism in Sati School with our marvelous (non-parent-member) teachers.

For more information,visit:
Mindful Families of Durham 

Sunday Mornings

10:30AM-12:00 noon
For info please contact

Sitting Together:
A Family-Centered Curriculum on Mindfulness, Meditation, and Buddhist Teachings

A three-volume book set for Mindful Families
by Sumi Loundon Kim
Sumi Loundon Kim, the minister for the Buddhist Families of Durham, Buddhist chaplain at Duke, and longtime friend of Triangle Insight has published a series of books titled Sitting Together. It provides children's lesson plans, an activity book, and an adult study guide for parents and teachers.

More information about this new 3-volume book, mindfulness exercises for children, as well as other mindful parenting resources can be found at this website:

**Read BOOK REVIEWS and more about the author on the website under the header "book" in the drop-down list.

Inner Resiliency Training for Healthcare Professionals
A Mindful Self-Compassion program
with Cornelia Kip Lee, M. Ed.

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life. - Christopher Germer, PhD
Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Inner Resiliency Training for Healthcare Professionals is a new program by Kristin Neff, PhD, adapted specifically for healthcare settings.  This brief training aims to improve wellbeing and decrease burnout among healthcare professionals by cultivating skills to deal with distressing emotional situations as they occur. 
MSC practices can be used on the spot while at work with patients, clients and colleagues. Participants of the program will learn tools and skills to care for yourself while caring for others; to listen with compassion; to handle difficult emotions with greater ease; and to reconnect to the values that give your life and work meaning. Cornelia Lee is offering this program locally starting in November this year.

Programs available starting November 2017
The program consists of four, 90-minute sessions; the number and length of sessions can be customized for staff needs.
Location : Your facility, institution, or other location to be arranged
Cost:  $100-$140 per participant (TBD with the facility or organization, based on number of participants and number/length of sessions)
Contact:  For more information about MSC Inner Resiliency Training, please contact Cornelia Kip Lee, M.Ed., at 919-428-3335 or
MINDED Classes in Carrboro and Chapel Hill:  Adult, Pre-Teen and Teen
MINDED is a new organization in the Triangle with the mission to provide Mindfulness classes to all sectors of the community. They offer classes to the general public for a fee. A large portion of the proceeds fund free or low cost classes to underserved populations and groups that may not know about the benefits of mindfulness meditation.

Chapel Hill 
Mindfulness Meditation Group
This group is an opportunity for new and experienced meditators to practice meditation in an encouraging and friendly group.  The leaders are experienced meditation instructors who will offer guidance and support as needed by those who attend.
Each session will begin with some basic instruction in mindfulness meditation and gentle guid ance during a 20-25 minute period of sittin g and 10 minutes of mindful movement. The session may have a suggested theme or be open ended.

1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Location: Unity Center for Peace 
8800 Seawell School Road, Chapel Hill  
Suggested donation for each class is $5 - $15, sliding scale. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Donations will be split between Minded and Unity Center for Peace. For more information, visit out website:
Additional MINDED Classes  with Laura Prochnow Phillips and Karen Bluth  
For more information and to register for these classes, visit

The Self-Compassion Workbook for Teens:

Mindfulness and Compassion Skills to Overcome Self-Criticism and Embrace Who You Are

by Karen Bluth, Ph.D.
Do you know teens who need mindfulness and self-compassion?  If so, this new resource, scheduled for release on Dec. 1st, is a one-of-a-kind workbook that includes fun activities based in mindfulness and self-compassion to help teens deal with the challenges of day-to-day teen life.

Karen Bluth, PhD , is research faculty in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. She conducts research, teaches mindfulness and self-compassion courses, and regularly gives talks and leads workshops at universities and schools.   

For more information on the book and on how to order, please visit Karen's website.

Goings- on in the Sangha  
This space is where sangha members can announce timely activities for everyone to view. If you would like to post something here, please submit your request by the 15th of each month to

The Beta version is available for review at  There is a "feedback form" on the website, easily available for your reflections on the current state of development.
For information on our Kalyana Mitta and Racial Affinity Groups, to join an existing group or to start your own, please click on the title link above.  NEW CHANGE: Karen Ziegler is now  coordinating the Racial Affinity groups.
TIM now has a Facebook Group where members can post information updates, ideas and articles pertaining to our practice, and events of interest to the Sangha. Click here to view the website, and request membership. 
  • This FB Group is built by its members, so everyone benefits when we contribute posts, offer comment, events of interest. Member requests are approved by the administrator for spam and troll-control. The current administrator is Leah Rutchick.
Racial Affinity work - OARNC
Organizing Against Racism Workshops: Intensive, long-range preparation and outreach. See the announcement in this newsletter for more information and registration. In Durham and Chapel Hill. Scholarships may be requested.
The Shramadana Project (SP) is a volunteer initiative of the Triangle Insight Meditation Community to address some of the needs within the sangha for service and to provide outreach to the community-at-large. One aspect of this outreach is the development of  Caring Circles. See this section of the newsletter for more information on this volunteer initiative of Sangha members.  
Continuing the Conversation 
B ased on the best-selling book, Being Mortal:For more information on this volunteer initiative of Sangha members, see Medicine and What Matters in the End, by Atul Gawande. If you would like to be on a mailing list to receive more information about Continuing the Conversation workshops or meetings, please let us know by writing to us at .  
  • If you wish to be involved in the further planning and development of this initiative, please include that in your email as well.
Free Introductory Self-Compassion Workshops  
with Corneila Kip Lee, MEd
Most of us feel compassion when a close friend is struggling, but we're much less sympathetic with ourselves. What would it be like to receive the same care and support from ourselves when we need it the most?
Burgeoning research shows that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional wellbeing, lower levels of anxiety and depression, and more satisfying personal relationships.
Cornelia is offering free, 1- to 2-hour, interactive workshops to organizations and groups in Durham and Raleigh that introduce the theory, research and practice of self-compassion, including opportunities to:

·   Discover how self-compassion could enhance your happiness and well-being at home and work
·   Have a direct experience of self-compassion
·   Learn simple skills for integrating self-compassion into daily life
To inquire about a free workshop for your group or organization, or for information about upcoming 8-week Mindful Self-Compassion classes this summer and fall, please contact Cornelia Kip Lee at .

Mindfulness Awareness Training
with Tamara Share, PhD

T amara Share will be offering an ongoing group for developing skills in mindfulness awareness practices.  The group will meet twice monthly, and is open to those 18 years of age and older.  A pre-group consultation is required, and you may contact Tamara at 919-442-1118. T he cost is $45/session if pre-paid in 6 session blocks ($270), or $60 if paid per session (sliding scale available).
Tamara L. Share, PhD is a Counseling Psychologist with more than 20 years of training and experience in human development, group facilitation, and personal growth.  Tamara's diverse background includes education/training in physics, psychology, wellness, philosophy, and complementary approaches to healthcare.  

2nd and 4th Thursdays 
HRC, Behavioral Health and Psychiatry
100 Europa Dr., Suite 260, Chapel Hill 27517
4:45 - 6:00 PM

Mindfulness-Based Stress dukemindfulness
Reduction Classes & Events

at Duke Integrative Medicine 

Please click on the following link for a variety of programs related to the practice of mindfulness:

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Classes, Workshops & Events.  or call: 919-660-6826, for more information.

Triangle Insight  Morning Meditation Group

This early morning sitting group led by Ron Vereen meets Mondays and Thursdays from 7:00 - 7:45 AM. The group begins with silent, unguided practice, with Ron giving a guided heart practice during the last 10-15 minutes. There is no charge for participation, and donations are accepted. For more info contact Ron at
Important note:   Only four parking spaces in the parking lot at the Episcopal Center are designated for our use at this hour and are clearly marked. Overflow parking can be found on the west side of Alexander Ave. 

Monday and Thursday Mornings
Episcopal Center at Duke
505 Alexander Ave.
Durham, NC 27705
7:00 - 7:45 AM

The Practice of Insight Dialogue
at Triangle Insight  
Insight Dialogue is an interpersonal meditation practice and is offered at Triangle Insight once monthly, usually on the fourth Wednesday of the month. It brings the mindfulness and tranquility of silent meditation directly into our experience with other people. The new website for Insight Dialogue is an excellent resource for learning more about the practice:

The evening begins with silent meditation practice, followed by gentle mindful movement, and then shifting into dyad practice where interpersonal mindfulness is explored with a partner in response to a contemplation that is offered. The dyad practice is optional so that anyone who chooses to remain in silent practice may do so, rather than shifting into dyad practice. One can investigate the guidance of the contemplation internally, noticing the moment by moment unfolding of internal experience. Also note that the ID practice goes from 6:30 to 8:30 PM to allow for more spaciousness and time for questions.  We hope you will be able to join us.  


Fourth Wednesdays
(unless otherwise indicated) 
Triangle Insight, Episcopal Center at Duke
6:30 - 8:30 PM

Duke Cancer Center Meditation Room  

A Quiet Center for everyone
Meditation sessions are held every Monday at the Duke Cancer Center Quiet Room from 12:30 p.m. - 1 p.m. Staff, volunteers, patients, family members and the public are invited to attend. 

The sessions are free, and there is no registration. For a map and the latest scheduling, see this  announcement

Contact Chaplain Olsen at, or call 919-684-3586 for more information.
Monday Afternoons
12:30 - 1:00 PM
The Quiet Room, Main Level
Duke Cancer Center 
20 Duke Medicine Circle 
Durham NC   27710

Mindfulness Programs uncmindfulness 
at UNC Integrative Medicine

Please click on the following link for a variety of programs related to the practice of mindfulness:   
or call  919-966-8586 for more information.



Recovery Group RecoveryGroup
a Buddhist Perspective on the Twelve Step Program
The meetings begin and end with silent meditation. For more information contact

Tuesday Nights
7:30 - 8:45 PM
Chapel Hill Zen Center
5322 NC Hwy 86
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Other Resourcesotherresources             
In addition to Triangle Insight, there are a variety of other meditation opportunities of which we would like for you to be aware. Rather than list them all here, we wanted to point you to the "links" section of our website at Triangle Insight.  There are other sitting groups in the community whose practice is similar to ours, as well as resources for retreat centers and other websites, both locally and nationally.  We do not offer an endorsement of these sites, but rather a suggestion for your exploration to see if any may have useful information to support your practice of insight meditation. 

For any questions please contact us at