March 2019
March 10 is the date to spring forward on the clock and a reminder to spring forward into bridge. Look for club games, including special games, tournaments, and the Nationals in Memphis. Even if you don't want to travel to Nationals, tune in the VuGraph on BBO for great entertainment while the games go on.

Reminder To Scroll Down To End Of Newsletter

Some of you said you had trouble viewing 4Spot on your mobile device or computer. 4Spot may be "clipped" by your Service Provider. The solution is to scroll to the bottom of the message and click on the link to "View Entire Message". 

District 4 Officers  
small margin
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Meyer Kotkin

Dave Kresge
Bill Bauer

Pat Civale  

Joann Glasson 
President's Message

Congratulations to Sam Maitra (U112), who became a Platinum Life Master by accumulating more than  10K masterpoints (MP). Becoming a Platinum Life Master, the second highest rank in the ACBL, is a noteworthy achievement but even better recognition than a mention in the 4Spot might be the great article written about Sammy by Sammy's wife, Yashu (U112), that you can find  here . The District 4 (D4) website at has a section reserved for "Our Players' Stories" where D4 players can contribute articles about themselves, their bridge accomplishments, rank achievements and their relationship to the bridge community. If you, a friend, significant other or publicist want to submit an article to D4's Our Players' Stories sections, please send the article to our webmaster, Joann Glasson (U141 - yeah, she does everything).
With the final tallies in from the ACBL, we know the winners of $100 each in the three yearlong 2018 D4 Masterpoint Races for the most points won in D4 Sectional and Regional tournaments during 2018. U141 players swept the races with Mark Bolotin winning the Jane Segal award for players that started 2018 with less than 500 MP, Larry Plotkin winning the Jeanne Fisher award for players who started 2018 with less than 2,000 MP and Meyer Kotkin winning the Dave Treadwell award for all players regardless of masterpoint holding. Mark also finished 4th in the Jeanne Fisher race and 20th in the Dave Treadwell race, and Larry finished 9th in the Dave Treadwell race. You can see the list of the top 25 finishers in each race here . Well done to all.
Speaking of masterpoints, 13 D4 players made the ACBL's Barry Crane 500 list for most points won in Tournaments and Clubs (but not online) in 2018. David Hoffner (U141) and Rick Rowland (U190) lead the D4 member on the list that you can find here . The ACBL also has Mini-McKenney (points won at tournaments and brick and mortar clubs) categories with maximum masterpoint holdings and corresponding Ace of Clubs categories (points won at brick and mortar clubs). The lists of D4 players who did well in each category of each race are on our website and are updated monthly throughout the year.
A special shout out to David Tukey (U141) who started 2018 with less than five MP and led D4 in both the 2018 0 - 5 Mini-McKenney and 0 - 5 Ace of Clubs categories with 122 MP and 66 MP won, respectively. Dave is very involved at the North Penn Bridge Club (U141) and he sent me an e-mail at 11:31 AM on a Friday asking if he could get an automated list from the ACBL of how players at North Penn were doing in the individual Mini-McKenney and Ace of Club category races during the calendar year. I responded to Dave at 12:06 PM because the service at my lunch counter was terrible. The D4 category race listings are not club specific and there seemed to me to be a significant amount of effort involved in tailoring those lists to specific clubs. However, I could understand how clubs would like such a feature so I sent an e-mail to Jay Whipple (D9) asking if he knew a way to give Dave what he wanted. Some of you may recognize the name as Jay was ACBL President in 2018. Jay is a super-brilliant, personable guy who knows the ACBL Information Technology infrastructure well and is always looking for ways to promote and help bridge. Jay is the father of both Fast Results (now ACBL Live), and the Common Game in which many D4 clubs now participate. At 12:30, Jay answered me and said he thought the idea was "interesting" and he might be able to do it quickly for clubs that participate in the Common Game. I have learned that when Jay says something is interesting, it is best to get out of the way and marvel at his expertise. After some back and forth with Dave, and some fortification from grapefruit, oranges or whatever people in Florida eat before early-bird dinners, Jay had a working prototype developed by 8:00PM for Common Game clubs using the Common Game Dropbox. This report is now available to all Common Game clubs on demand. Shoot me an e-mail if you want more details. Great big thanks to Jay for again taking time out of his very busy schedule to help D4, clubs and bridge.


There will be two National Bridge Championship tournaments starting in March. The ACBL's North American Bridge Championships (NABC) run from March 21 - March 31, although nine D4 pairs will begin play in the three flights of the North American Pairs Finals on March 20. Scores of D4 players will travel to Memphis to see Elvis and to compete for several other ACBL National Championships. It is inconceivable, at least to me, that any player would ever be denied the right to play in Memphis or any ACBL NABC because of race, religion, creed or sexual orientation. However, that has not always been the case. For decades, the ACBL denied membership to bridge players of color and, in fact, it was not until 1967 that the ACBL formally incorporated in its bylaws that no person could be refused membership in the ACBL based upon color, race or creed. With no formal bridge organization to join as well as being barred from most organized bridge tournaments, and with several states even having laws that prohibited whites and people of color from playing cards together, a group of brave and intrepid bridge players joined together in 1932 to form the American Bridge Association (ABA). The ABA membership is predominately, but not exclusively, black and many players hold dual ACBL and ABA memberships and are distinguished in both organizations. Claude Weems (U141), Tyrone Davis (U141), Mervin Jones (U190) and Catherine Jones (U190) are dual members who are in the Top 100 ABA MP winners of all time. The ABA National Championships run from March 30 - April 5 in Atlantic City, NJ (U141). As D4 has done in the past, we will be good bridge neighbors and lend the ABA some tables and other supplies to make it easier for the ABA to run their tournaments. Additionally, my friend Marc Labovitz (U190) and I are making plans to play at least one day during the ABA National Tournament. So, if you are free that week, consider going to Atlantic City and playing in a National Bridge Championship closer to home. You can find more information (history, tournament schedule, membership etc.) about the ABA here .
I conclude with the ABA mission statement taken directly off their website. I like the ABA Mission Statement a lot better than the ACBL Mission Statement:
ABA MISSION STATEMENT : The members of the American Bridge Association are committed to fostering an environment that stimulates competitive Duplicate Bridge card play, while respecting the basic worth of each participant at every level of performance. WE ARE COMMITTED TO recruiting and retaining members of the ABA through a diverse agenda of educational programs and a comprehensive slate of games. Officers and members of the ABA are also dedicated to encouraging individual members to upgrade their playing skills and performing at maximum potential, while providing challenging bridge games in an atmosphere of respect, tolerance, courtesy, kindness and friendship. Promoting, protecting and advocating a spirit of goodwill and positive interaction with local communities is a continuous goal. We recognize that our efforts are not terminal and therefore pledge our commitment to the ongoing task of optimum settings for the play of Duplicate Bridge.

As always, I welcome all comments and suggestions on any D4 matters and issues. My e-mail is and my cell is 856.986.5109
From the District Director 
joann glasson

District Masterpoint Races
Each year District 4 honors players who earn the most masterpoints in their category playing in District 4 events during the year. The winners receive a cash prize of $100 at the Philadelphia Regional Tournament at Valley Forge.  The award given to the top player in District 4 is named the Dave Treadwell award . Dave Treadwell was a very special player from Wilmington, DE, known not only for his terrific play (Hall of Fame member), but for his bad jokes that he would tell over and over at every table around the bridge club. 

My all-time favorite Dave joke:
Dave got on the elevator at an NABC and there was a young man on the elevator with long hair painted in neon-colored stripes. Dave couldn't take his eyes off him.  The young man turned to Dave and said: "What are you looking at, old man?"  Dave responded deadpan: "I had an affair with a peacock once and I was just wondering if you were my son? 

The 2018 winner of the Dave Treadwell award is Meyer Kotkin, our District 4 President.  The Jeanne Fisher Award is for players who started the year with less than 2,000 masterpoints. The 2018 winner is Larry Plotkin.  The Jane Segal Award is for players who started the year with fewer than 500 masterpoints. The 2018 winner is Mark Bolotin.  Click here  to see the top twenty-five players in each category.

District 4 owes special thanks to Susan Shively, who has compiled the statistics for these races for several years. Susan is retiring from this volunteer effort and Larry Plotkin has graciously volunteered to oversee the races going forward.
District 4 Schedule
Note:  Blue text indicates a link to a tournament flyer. Not all tournaments hav e posted information yet, but 4Spot will provide links as they become available.
February 3
February 8-10
March 8-10
March 19
March 29, 30
Webster, NY
April 13, 14
April 19, 20
April 26-28
Camp Hill, Harrisburg
May 11
May 18
State College, PA
May 31-June 2
May 31-June2
Ithaca, NY
June 1, 2
Webster, NY
July 13-14
August 11

Rochester Regional
August 5-11
Wilkes-Barre Regional
August 5-11
Lancaster Regional
October 28-
November 3
North American Bridge Championships
March 21-31

March 30-April 5
Atlantic City

July 18-28 

Flight A & C April 13, 14
Flight B & Open May 4, 5

February 18-24
June 3-9

For the District 4 full year,  click here
Our Monthly Feature

The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:

advancing logo
  Larry's Learning Center  by Larry Cohen:
  January, April, July, October

novices only logo
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November

abc logo
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
  March, June, September, December

This month, we look to Dave Wachsman for insights, tales, and teaching moments from the bridge universe:

Followers of this column know that the ABC of Bridge entails Always Be Counting, Always Be Communicating, and Always Be Curious. It is this last pillar on which we will focus our attention - Curiosity.
             Suppose your partner opens 2NT (20-21) and you hold one of the following hands. In each case, how would you seek to reach the optimum contract?
                 Responder Hand # 1                         Responder Hand # 2
                  â™  2                                                   â™  2
                  ♥ 63                                                ♥ Q65
                  ♦ K10987                                        â™¦ KJ109873
                  ♣ AQ1052                                       â™£ A2

             Does your bidding system provide a method for sharing and eliciting the necessary information to reach the proper contract? If not, let me suggest an approach. When partner opens 2NT and you have a hand that has slam interest in one or both minors, bid 3â™ . This alerts partner that you have such a hand and REQUIRES opener to rebid 3NT! The 3â™  response needs to be alerted.
             For Hand #1, responder rebids his shorter major (a singleton or a void) following opener's forced rebid of 3NT. This tells opener that you have at least 5-5 in the minors with definite slam interest. We will examine the balance of the auction after opener's hand is disclosed.
             For Hand #2 responder rebids his single suited minor, 4♦ in this case, and opener is now aware of the nature of responder's hand. Now let us look at opener's hand and observe how each auction could proceed.
                                       Opener's Hand
                                           â™  QJ10
                                           â™¥ AK42
                                           â™¦ AQ
                                           â™£ KJ97

             Examining Hand #1 and the opener's hand, you would like to arrive at a 6♣ contract. For Hand #2, you clearly would like to arrive at a 6♦ contract. Let's see how the bidding would proceed in each case.
             Hand #1 Auction (opponents passing)
                   2NT                 3â™  (alerted)
                   3NT (alerted)  4â™  (alerted)
                   5♣                   6♣
             Hand # 2 Auction (opponents passing)
                 2NT                        3â™  (alerted)
                 3NT (alerted)         4♦
                 4♥ (cue bid)           5♣ (cue bid)
                 6♦                           P

             Note that if opener had a hand with no interest in responder's minor suit, the opener can sign off in 4NT and it would be up to the responder to decide on the final contract.
             Some players who adopt this bidding method may choose to bid the other minor in Hand #2 so that the opener can bid the responder's minor and be the declarer. I prefer the original approach as it is least likely to be forgotten - i.e. bid what you have.
              The ABC of Bridge philosophy suggests that when you encounter a hand that is not readily handled by your bidding methods, explore how you can improve your bidding system. You will be applying the Curiosity principle of the ABC of Bridge.                
Master Solvers Club

Moderator: Nick Straguzzi

I don't know about you, but doubles always give me fits. Are they penalty, take out, or something else? Take this month's MSC problem. What does the double mean?

First,  click here  to read the analysis of this month's problem.

Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online:
USBF Supporting Membership

District Director Joann Glasson provides this information from the United States Bridge Federation about ways to support the USBF:

If you don't want to play in the USBF Championships that choose teams to represent the USA in the World Bridge Federation Championships, but do want to aid our events, a Supporting Membership can be the perfect way for you to be involved. As a Supporting Member, you are eligible to:

1. Enter the fantasy brackets, run on Bridge Winners, for the USBF trials choosing our Open and Senior teams for the World Championships. The highest-ranking Supporting Member in the fantasy brackets for each of these two events will win the prize of your choice - either an online match against the USBC winners or dinner with them at the next NABC.

2. Receive daily emails during the USBF Championships. These will summarize the previous day's results and provide Vugraph information and links to daily bulletins containing pictures and commentary on individual hands.

3. Upon advanced request, make arrangements for you to kibitz a USBF member of your choice for a session once each year - either at an NABC or the USBF Championships.
4. Upon advanced request, we will arrange for you to be one of the Vugraph commentators for one session of the team trials.
A Supporting Membership is $25 for one year ($75 for 3 years) and the ACBL now offers you the chance to become an USBF Supporting Member when you renew your ACBL membership. If you don't want to wait that long, you can join by choosing the red Donate Now button on the USBF website. Your donation will be used to cover inevitable expenses: attorney fees, accounting fees, website support services, tournament directors, insurance, WBF dues, and Vugraph operators. The USBF is an all-volunteer organization. Our meetings are by conference call and at NABCs. Board members and the organization's officers are not compensated for meetings, travel, or hotel expenses.
We hope you will join us.
News from Around the Units 
four corners
Unit 112: Central New York
Pat Stadelmaier

CONGRATULATIONS  to our members on their new masterpoint rank achievements:
Junior Master
Terry Badger, Rochester
Griffin Hedworth, Canandaigua
Edie Nupuf, Oswego
Arun Sheth, Vestal
Christopher Stine, Canandaigua
Club Master
Judith Christley, Sackers Harbor
Marilyn Fenton, Rochester
Marilyn Keehle, New Hartford
Frieda O'Hanlon, Canandaigua
Sectional Master
Mary Bowes, Ithaca
Jon Davidson, Cazenovia
Linda Fields, Painted Post
Victoria Krzywda, Elmira
Regional Master
Sue Cordier, Horseheads
NABC Master
Linda Kandel, Jamesville
Bronze Life Master
Mike Rudnick, Rochester
Continue on your masterpoint journey and make plans to attend our tournaments.
Attention Newcomers    April 19-20   199er Tournament
Location -The Strathallan Hotel
                  550 East Avenue, Rochester, NY
Friday, April 19         Stratified Pairs           11:00 AM
Saturday, April 20     Swiss Teams              11:00AM
Information - Mary Lou Lawson,

Hop into Spring  and join us at our UNIT 112 General Meeting at The Rochester Spring Sectional April 13th at 10:30 AM.
We will be honoring our 2019 - Unit 112  ACE OF CLUBS and  MINI-MCKENNEY  Winners at our General Meeting April 13th.  Congratulations!
                     ACE OF CLUBS               MINI-MCKENNEY     
0 - 5
Doris Ernest, New Hartford
Andrew Gilbert, Potsdam
Michael Olmsted, Fayetteville
Doris Ernest
Michael Olmsted
Andrew Gilbert
5 - 10
Angela VanDerhoff, New Hartford
Marilyn Smith, Syracuse
Jane Hicks, Canandaigua
Marilyn Smith
Angela VanDerhoof
Jane Hicks
20 - 50
James Patton, Pittsford
Elizabeth Patton, Pittsford
Ishwar Mathur, Pittsford
James Patton
Tara Holter
Elizabeth Patton
50 - 100
Donald McCoy, Sacketts Harbor
Jane Iannello, Vero Beach
James Sutter, Rochester
Richard Hartz, Jr, Deerfield
Debbie Carpenter, Ithaca
James Sutter
100 - 200
James Ertel, Fort Pierce
William Wooster, Fairport
Ann Schissel, Ithaca
James Ertel
Padmanaph Kamath, Rochester
Ann Schissel
200 - 300
John Nelson, Rochester
Robert McKinnon, Elmira
Barbara McIver, Rochester
John Nelson
Xenia Coulter, Moodus
Claire Downey, Manlius
300 - 500
Roger Newell - Fairport
Kathy Creveling, Rochester
George Isgrigg, Pittsford
Ornit Grossman, Ithaca
Kathy Creveling
Holli Mast, Corning
500 - 1000
Lawrence Waful, Liverpool
Stephen Pope, Ithaca
Graham Holroyd,Weebster
Stephen Pope
Edythe Krauss, Ithaca
Lawrence Waful
1000 - 1500
Douglas Bradley, Pittsford
Steven Shiffrin, Ithaca
Shirley Weiermiller, Elmira
Lawrence Kidder, Ithaca
Steven Shiffrin
Douglas Bradley
1500 - 2500
Michael Grenis, Vestal
Courtney Footman, Ithaca
Richard Hurd, Freeville
Thomas Andrews, Utica
Ellen Ryan, Ithaca
Courtenay Footman
2500 - 3500
Stewart Cramer, Pittsford
Mike Spitulnik,Rochester
Jerome Weiss, Pennfield
Jerome Weiss, Penfield
Betty Youmans, Whitesboro
Stewart Cramer
3500 - 5000
Celia Austenfeld, Vestal
Sally Hill, Webster
Betty Burns, Manlius
Larry Sunser, Syracuse
Celia Austenfeld
Sally Hill
5000 - 7500
Douglas Ross, Pittsford
Mary Poplawski, Vestal
David Hunt
Douglas Ross
Mary Poplawski
David Hunt
7500 - 10,000
Roger Woodin, Rochester
Sam Maitra, Rochester
Lois Sanders, Fairport
Roger Woodin
Sam Maitra
Lois Sanders
Over 10,000
Dan Boye - Farmington
Dan Boye
Rochester Spring Sectional

April 13 Webster Columbus Center - 70 Barrett Drive - Webster, NY
9:45AM - Lesson by Sally Hill - Responding to 2 Club Opening
10:30 AM & 2:45 - Stratified Open Pairs (two sessions)
10:30 AM & 2:45 - Stratified 499er Pairs (two sessions)
Players may opt to play morning or afternoon only
April 14 - 10:30 Stratified Open Swiss Teams (two session play through)
              10:30 Stratified 499er Swiss Teams - one session
Save the Date - Thursday, May 9th -Patti Lee will present a day-long workshop at the Penfield Country Club on "Doubles! Doubles! & More Doubles!"
9:30 Registration - Pre-registration is required.
For more information on upcoming tournaments check out our website. and make your spring plans!
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!  Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow on  
February 2, 2019, predicting an early spring is on its way, according to local lore.  Time will tell...  

When you have the opportunity, please MARCH up to Agnes M Raeven of  
Milford, PA and congratulate her achieving NEW JUNIOR MASTER!!  Woo Hoo!

Mark your Calendars for the Wilkes Barre 0-500 NLM Sectional!!

The results are in for 2018!!   Following are our esteemed 1st place winners for the Mini-McKinney Unit 120 race which is the total of all points won in clubs and tournaments:  

0-5               Warren Todd                 Dallas,   PA
5-20             Rita Groves                   Pittston,   PA
20-50           James Post                   Hanover Twp.,   PA      
50-100         Cecily Myers               Stroudsford.   PA    
100-200       Christopher Stephens   Scranton,   PA
200-300       Victoria Tarleton           Bear Creek Twp.,   PA
300-500       Gretchen Jack               Cape Canaveral,   FL
500-1000     W.F. Burns                   E Stroudsburg,   PA
1000-1500   Martha O'Connor         Scranton,   PA
1500-2500   Stephen Tillman           Shavertown,   PA  
2500-3500   Marlene Meyer             Scranton,   PA

The Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs race is the total of points won in clubs.   Following are our esteemed 1st place 2018 winners:

0-5               Edel Hofstetter               Equinunk,   PA
5-20             Rita Groves                   Pittston,   PA
20-50           James Post                     Hanover Twp.,   PA
50-100         Marla McNabb             S. Abington Twp.,   Pa
100-200       Christopher Stephens   Scranton,   PA
200-300       Harold Soskin               Scranton,   PA
300-500       Beverly Bright             Scott Twp.,   PA
500-1000     Ellen Preece                 Dallas,   PA
1000-1500   Martha O'Connor         Scranton,   PA
1500-2500   Stephen Tillman           Shavertown,   PA
2500-3500   Marlene Meyer             Scranton,   PA
3500-5000   Judith Argento               Naples,   FL
5000-7500   David Meyer                 Scranton,   PA

                          Luck of the Irish Limerick
                                          If ever a leprechaun played
                                          Bid he a heart or a spade,
                                          Grand slam he would make
                                          without a mistake,
                                          Rewarded Gold for deep finessing the J.

See you at the Bridge Tables!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Brian C Snyder 
Sue Wessner is hosting a bridge cruise May 9-18, 2019.   CLICK HERE  for more information.

Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Lois Fuini

Hello Unit 133,

Hope you are all surviving the winter snow and have not had to cancel too many bridge games. I'm sure we are all looking forward to an early spring. If there is anything you would like to contribute to this publication, please email me at .
In Memoriam
We are saddened to report the passing of Steward Parlin. Stew played for many years in the Bethlehem and Easton games. His fellow players remarked that "he was a really nice guy, even at the bridge table". Others commented, "Stew was an old-fashioned gentleman, always dressed in a suit and tie for the games". He will be greatly missed.

Congratulations to our members
for their new rank achievements!

            New Life Master
           Freda Witmer

New Club Masters
Laurence Brisman
Lee Stanley
New Regional Master
Scott Guiser

"Souper Bowl" Sunday a Huge Success !  
The New England Patriots won the Super Bowl in Atlanta, but here in the Lehigh Valley at the "Souper" Bowl Sunday Charity Game, the real winner was the Second Harvest Food Bank. Unit 133 donated 98 pounds of food and $478 to help those less fortunate.

Winners of the charity game for North/South-Linda Davis and Jon Clemens.
Winners of the charity game for East/West-Mary Ann Sharpless and Mike Adelizzi. Ken Haruta won free plays by predicting the closest score for the Super Bowl.

Check our website for an article about the "Souper Bowl" that appeared in the Morning Call newspaper on Monday. Thanks to Chuck Campbell for contributing to this article.

First Ever STaC Game at Lehigh Valley Active Life
One hundred and six players participated in the Unit 133 Monday,Thursday, and Friday STaC games at Lehigh Valley Active Life and Brookside Country Club. Everyone was excited to have the opportunity to compete for silver points at our own club.

Winners for the Monday 0-100 game-Karen Guido and Nancy Trawin. Winners for the Monday 0-500 game-Lois Fuini and Rita Keiper. Winners for the Thursday 0-299 game-Phyllis McDowell and Mary Ann Sharpless. Winners for the Thursday Brookside beginner game-E. J. Krall and Susan Keller. Winners for the Friday invitational game-Betsy Cutler and Mike Kohler Thanks to Betsy Cutler for organizing the STaC Games.

Unit 133 Country Club Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge Games!
History :
All three Country Club games were started by Else Gerbert about fifty years ago. Originally, Else directed all three games. In addition, she played at the Allentown Jewish Community Center and at the Easton game. She initiated the Tri Club Championship game where all three clubs met together three times a year to compete for the Tri Club trophy.
Today :


Lehigh Country Club


Bill Forrester has been the manager and director of the Lehigh game for ten years.  Games are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from April through November at 10:00am. There is a break for lunch, which is a fairly large buffet with excellent soups, salads, sandwiches, fresh fruit, and cookies. Hot and cold beverages are available throughout the day. The first game of 2019 is April 10th. Although this is an invitational game for members and guests, anyone who wishes to play is welcome and will be considered a guest. Total cost for bridge and lunch is $20. For more information, please contact Bill at .


Saucon Valley Country Club


Sylvia Hand has been the director of the Saucon game since 2007. The games are scheduled for the second and fourth Thursday of the month, year round at 10:00am. Saucon Valley Country Club urges both men and women to participate in a social game of duplicate bridge, earn masterpoints, and enjoy lunch. Come with a partner or contact Sylvia at for help finding a partner. The cost is $20 which includes bridge and lunch.


Brookside Country Club


John Schwartz is the director of the Brookside game. He recently became the director when longtime directors, Don and Bettie McLean retired. From November through March, Brookside Country Club plays every Tuesday. From April through October(golf season), Brookside plays the first and third Tuesday of each month. There are exceptions related to holidays and club closures, so please check the LVBA website schedule. Game time is 10:00am with a break for lunch around noon. The fee for bridge and lunch is $20. The club has no-denim and no-hat rules regarding attire. For more information, please call John Schwartz at 610-737-1042.

Please remember all Unit 133 games have a fragrance-free policy. Thanks to the directors and Marie Bond for contributing to this article.

Congratulations to Unit 133 Winners
2018 Mini McKenney Masterpoint Races!
0-5 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Beth Dimler
Lee J Stanley
Joanne Yanek
5-20 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Nelson Rabenold
Patty Fosselman
Elizabeth Stelts

20-50 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Scott Guiser
Bryan Snapp
Robert Dougherty

50-100 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Lauren Dougherty
Jon Clemens
Michael Dopera

100-200 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Karen Myers
Marieann Mazzafro
Craig Bailey

200-300 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Elizabeth Abrams
Lois Fuini
Mary Ann Sharpless

300-500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Betsy Cutler
Mike Kohler
Kay Hays

500-1000 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Todd Wachsman
Guinevere Ritter
Arup Mukherjee

1000-1500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Philip Geibel
Frank Morgan
Florence Futcher

1500-2500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Miriam Harris-Botzum
Gary Hillenbrand
John Botzum

2500-3500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Stanley Yellin
Barbara Miller
Bob Cole

3500-5000 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Paul Irvine
David Kresge
Valerie Barber

5000-7500 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Rhoda Prager
David Wachsman
C. Donald McLean, Bettie McLean

7500-10,000 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race
Deepak Khanna

Congratulations to Unit 133 Winners
Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race!
0-5 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Lee Stanley
Beth Dimler
Laura Rabenold

5-20 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Nelson Rabenold
Elizabeth Stelts
E. J. Krall

20-50 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Bryan Snapp
Robert Dougherty
Scott Guiser

50-100 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Lauren Dougherty
Jon Clemens
Michael Dopera

100-200 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Karen Myers
Marieann Mazzafro
Rita Keiper

200-300 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Elizabeth Abrams
William Mazzafro
Mary Ann Sharpless

300-500 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Mike Kohler
Betsy Cutler
Freda Witmer

500-1000 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Todd Wachsman
Guinevere Ritter
James Kenny

1000-1500 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Frank Morgan
Florence Futcher
Jeanne Kuebler

1500-2500 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Karen Yellin
Barbara Stabile
Carole Maisel

2500-3500 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Stanley Yellin
Barbara Miller
Bob Cole

3500-5000 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Valerie Barber
David Kresge
Walter Bell

5000-7500 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Rhoda Prager
David Wachsman
C. Donald McLean, Bettie McLean

7500-10,000 Ace of Clubs Masterpoint Race
Deepak Khanna

District Races
The Jeanne Fisher Player of the Year Award is given to the players in our district who started the calendar year with less than 2000 masterpoints and earned the most masterpoints in District 4 tournaments. Congratulations to Betsy Cutler who placed 16th, Betty Abrams who placed 21st and Thomas Kris who placed 23rd.

The Jane Segal Player of the Year Award is given to players who are members of our district who started the year with less than 500 masterpoints and earned the most masterpoints in District 4 tournaments. Congratulations to Betsy Cutler who placed 4th and to Betty Abrams who placed 6th.

What's Next?
March 28 - Over/Under Swiss Team Game at 12:30pm at LVAL. This game is part of our Mentor/Mentee program. However, any team is eligible to play, providing at least one player on each half of the team has less than 300 points. It is an excellent opportunity for players to try Swiss Teams at our home club. For more information, please contact Mike Kohler at .

April 26 to 28- Unit 133 Spring Sectional - Friday and Saturday, 10am and 2:15pm, Stratified Open Pairs and 0-500 NLM Stratified Pairs. Sunday, 10am-with lunch break, Stratified Open Swiss Teams two session playthrough or 10am single sessions 0-500 NLM Stratified Swiss Teams. Free lunch every day. For more information, please contact Pat Saeger at .

May 18- NLM Tournament at LVAL at 10am and 2pm. Two silver point games, 0-100 and 0-500. $25 per person includes lunch, snacks, and entry fees. Registration which is required is currently open. Please register early . Registration flyers are available on our website. For more information, please contact Lois Fuini at .
Unit 141: Philadelphia 
Howard Kahlenberg
May 19
As I take over as Unit 141 President, the first thing that I would like do is thank Joan Warren for an outstanding two years as President. During the past two years, Joan led the charge to make significant progress in terms of reigning in costs at Sectionals, and to streamline the Unit Board to make it more efficient. She has done these things, and many more, with an abundance of good humor that I will be hard pressed to duplicate (and probably won't J). Everyone in the unit owes her a big "Thanks."
Speaking of people doing good jobs, I'd like to thank Ala Hamilton-Day, Tom Purl, and Elaine Weintraub for collectively being Tournament Chairs during 2018, and to thank Donna Morgen for agreeing to be Tournament Co-Chair.
Since the State of the Unit is so good, I don't see any pressing needs to make big changes. The strong attendance at the January Sectional, in the face of weather concerns and Eagles conflicts, re-enforces for me the importance of having sufficient time between Sectionals, both in terms of our own Sectionals, as well as other tournaments. As we seek to schedule Sectionals for 2020, I intend to make this a primary consideration.
I look forward to seeing everyone at Bala the weekend of March 8 - 10. Don't be a stranger; stop by and say hi.
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Jeanne Gehret
CONGRATULATIONS  to these Unit 168 members on their new masterpoint rank achievements:
Club Master:
Sadik Akay, Charles Hall, Gropal Iyengar
Sectional Master:
Patricia Bettger
Regional Master:
Joyce Marafka
NABC Master:
Lynn Brown, Lyn Widmyer
Silver Life Master:
Mary Katzmann, Robert Stile, Beatrice Wolfe
Ruby Life Master:
Patricia Newbold
Sapphire Life Master:
Andie Sheaffer
Each year bridge players compete to be the top masterpoint earners in their Unit and District in 2 races - Ace of Clubs and Mini-McKenney. Unit 168 winners for 2018 are shown below. Please join us in celebrating their accomplishment!

Masterpoint Category
Ace of Clubs*
Mini-McKenney** Winners:
Jeffrey Osman
Jeffrey Osman
Nancy Myer
Jack Clime
Paul Sekula
Karen Gayman
Paul Romano
Barclay Richards
Cathy Brown
Cathy Brown
Janice Leuenberger
Janice Leuenberger
Frank Daub
Margaret Sobolewski
Ruth Ellen Maddock
Ruth Ellen Maddock
Jack Hund
Jack Hund
Vernon Hester
David Bort
Andie Sheaffer
Andie Sheaffer
Ray Adelizzi
Michael Zeller
John Albright
John Albright
Philip Monyer
Philip Monyer
John & Selena Swanson (tie)
John & Selena Swanson (tie)
*Ace Of Clubs race includes points won at local sanctioned clubs
**Mini-McKenney race includes points won at local sanctioned clubs and ACBL sanctioned tournaments
Both races exclude online points

Unit 190: Delaware 
Ala Hamilton-Day
Unit 190's Ace of Clubs and Mini-McKenney Winners, who were in attendance, were honored at the recent Blue Hen Sectional. Those present, from left to right, are Bernard Rehberg, Kurt Engleman, Debbie Schenkel, Rick Rowland, Karen Pollak, William Herdle, Jeff Ruben, Mark Henderson, and Teresa Spicer.
Actually, just how many boxes of Thin Mints
do I need to eat before they start working?

February 8 - 10
Top DSBA Award Winners

1. 25.61 Rick Rowland
2. 12.02 John Strange
3. 11.46 Melody Henderson
4. 11.46 David Venetianer
5.  9.69 Kurt Engleman
6.   8.11 Fred Gillespie
7.   7.30 Mark Henderson
8.  6.88 Barbara Rhoades
9.  6.53 Caroline Hughes
10. 5.84 Cindy Rowland
11. 5.82 Karen Pollak
12. 5.48 Thomas Tully
13. 5.08 Mervin J. H. Jones
14. 5.08 Herb Chalek

CLUB MASTER Larry Stetson
REGIONAL MASTER : John H. Chadderdon
NABC MASTER : Carol Retherford
LIFE MASTER Anne J. Cullom, Peter Wise and Teresa Young
RUBY LIFE MASTER David R. Venetianer

Ms. BrokenHeart February
Next Beer Card Day - March 4th

ALERT - A New Life Master
Jill Itzkovitz, playing with Thomas Tully in the STAC game at the Bridge Studio on February 23rd, earned 0.55 silver points  and is now a card-carrying LM.
For news and results from around Unit 190, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the link below for the February  Dummy, which was late. As a dear friend of mine would say, "Deal with it." 

Unit 217: Susquehanna  
Jim McKeown
Check back next month for news from Unit 217.
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4Spot | March 2019 | Editor: Janet Johnson |