There are about sixty lighthouses in Maine. In the course of a season we sail by
forty of them and half a dozen on even our shortest cruises. On board you see them as
they were intended, marking points of departure or arrival on distant passages,
harbor entrances, and points of land.
I used to say bring your camera;
now it's just bring your phone!
courtesy of Mike Carstanjen
Blue Hill Bay Light
No light in the tower,
no longer an active lighthouse.
Perch for two bald eagles
If I could remember which one
this is I would have said so.
Doug and Andy pointing out Norman's Woe on the chart.
Eastern Point Light (Cape Ann, Massachusetts) in the background, out of focus
Pumpkin Island Light at the western end of Eggemoggin Reach
In summer the owner fires a signal cannon as schooners pass
training his
bird dog to retrieve a decoy thrown in the water.
Marshall Point Light, Port Clyde
Forrest Gump ran to this light in the movie
Fort Point Light where the Penobscot River becomes the Bay
The wooden fort built here lasted long enough
to encourage the Penobscots to surrender.
The summer hotel is long gone and now it's a state park.
Hockomock Head Light coming into Burnt Coat Harbor on Swan's Island.
Once had two towers and a keeper family with twelve children.
Whitehead with it's green light marking the entrance
to the Muscle Ridge Channel
Goose Rocks Light in the Fox Island Thorofare
White Island, Isles of Shoals
Taken on our way to Gloucester
Swallowtail Light on Grand Manan. Stunning from either land or water
Little River Light, marking the Entrance to Cutler Harbor
And probably our favorite