courtesy of Joe Gough

Schooner American Eagle Newsletter
March 2019
In This Issue
Crew's News
Cruise News
Now for Dessert
Postcards from Away

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This is our lighthouse issue, headlined with Joe Gough's shot of the American Eagle rounding the northern point of Campobello underway for North Head, Grand Manan  in July, 2018. 

The tide runs pretty hard around Head Harbour Light as you see from the eddies around the ledges. It's also one of the best feeding spots close inshore for minke and humpback whales, gray and harbor seals, and porpoises; all overseen by bald eagles. We have spent some of the time sailing by counting the Adirondack chairs and maple leaf flags in front of the cottages along the rocky shore. 

Crew's News

courtesy of Ralph Smith
Setting out at sunrise on one of our longer adventures around the Gulf of Maine.

It's over a mile from our berth at the North End Shipyard to the Rockland Breakwater Light.  We've had the yard since 1973 when the neighbor was a fish rendering plant. Most of the other windjammers are hauled out on our marine railway for spring inspections and bottom painting.

Crew come back April 1 st and I hope they will be surprised by how much of the work has been done over the winter. Sarah has been working full time since the end of November and remembers where all the parts and pieces are, from icebox grates to the last block and oarlock.

First adventure boards June 4 th ; come with us for the kickoff for our thirty-third season of adventure.

Cruise News ...lighthouses

There are about sixty lighthouses in Maine. In the course of a season we sail by  forty of them and half a dozen on even our shortest cruises. On board you see them as  they were intended, marking points of departure or arrival on distant passages,  harbor entrances, and points of land.  I used to say bring your camera;  now it's just bring your phone!

Inside the Rockland Breakwater
courtesy of Mike Carstanjen

Eagles perched on lightkeepers house
courtesy of Ralph Smith
Blue Hill Bay Light
No light in the tower,  no longer an active lighthouse.
Perch for two bald eagles

Identify this lighthouse and I'll send you a hat.
If I could remember which one  this is I would have said so.

Where are we
Doug and Andy pointing out Norman's Woe on the chart. 
Eastern Point Light (Cape Ann, Massachusetts) in the background, out of focus

Pumpkin Island Light
Pumpkin Island Light at the western end of Eggemoggin Reach
In summer the owner fires a signal cannon as schooners pass 
while  training his  bird dog to retrieve a decoy thrown in the water.

Marshall Point Light, Port Clyde
Forrest Gump ran to this light in the movie

Fort Point Light (Maine) in September
Fort Point Light where the Penobscot River becomes the Bay
The wooden fort built here lasted long enough 
to encourage the Penobscots to surrender.
The summer hotel is long gone and now it's a state park.

Hockomock Head Light coming into Burnt Coat Harbor on Swan's Island. 
Once had two towers and a keeper family with twelve children.

Whitehead with it's green light marking the entrance
 to the Muscle Ridge Channel

courtesy of Fred LeBlanc
Goose Rocks Light in the Fox Island Thorofare

White Island off Star Island by Nola Logan
courtesy of Nola Logan
White Island, Isles of Shoals
Taken on our way to Gloucester

courtesy of MB Rolfe
Swallowtail Light on Grand Manan. Stunning from either land or water

Little River Lighthouse Cutler ME at Sunrise
Little River Light, marking the Entrance to Cutler Harbor
And probably our favorite

And now for dessert

courtesy of Nola Logan
High style

picnic plates when blueberries are ripe

courtesy of MB Rolfe
Beth's real strawberries

courtesy of Sarah Collins
Pie is good for you.

courtesy of Sarah Collins
Fruit for dessert?

There are brownies under there somewhere

courtesy of Ralph Smith
More fruit and nuts for a healthy dessert

Holiday Pumpkin Pie
courtesy of Ralph Smith
Holiday Pumpkin Pie

Blueberry Rhubarb Pie
courtesy of Ralph Smith
Andy serving up his blueberry rhubarb pie

courtesy of Ralph Smith
One version of apple pie

courtesy of Ralph Smith
Strawberry Shortcake

courtesy of Nola Logan
Chocolate pie

Nola serving up blueberry pie
courtesy of Ralph Smith
Pie a la granite island 
Pie carrier the snipe trap in the background

Postcards from Away  

Arizona mailed from Rhode Island

Shary and Coco's favorite 
Maybe we could use a flock of lawn mowers  at the shipyard this summer?

Island picnic

I'm watching that the lobsters don't escape and wander off.
Lots of pictures of the crew at work next month.

  John and the crew

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Schooner American Eagle
P O Box 482 
Rockland, ME  04841
(800) 648-4544