Steering Committee Meeting
Next Meeting:
April 2, 2019
Hyatt Regency Sacramento
(in conjunction with the CCCAOE Spring Conference)
4:00pm - 8:00pm in Carmel A&B
Agenda will be sent out prior to the event.
Future Steering Committee Meetings:
Past Meetings Minutes:
Find It. Be it. Enrollment Campaign
CRC Launches Regional Career Education Enrollment Campaign
Weekly update are available by request for the most up-to-date results. Email
April Farkas
if you would like a copy of the weekly update Full Capacity. There have been 64,681 visits to the website so far and the press release distributed on February 8th has had 168 pick-ups by media outlets to date, with a potential audience reach of 84,161,420. The YouTube employer and student videos have been viewed a total of 8900 times.
New ads available to colleges for use found
K12 SWP Updates:
K12 Selection Committee -
The K12 Selection Committee members and alternates have been selected, and training is underway. Special thanks to the Review Team chaired by Dr. Thad Russel for all their hard work and dedication to the process! Much appreciated!
Submitted LOIs
RFA Revision
- The RFA section “G. Required Match” has been revised to provide updated guidance on the match requirement. CCCCO has also corrected a typo on page 26 of the RFA that incorrectly indicated that applicants would select California Community Colleges sector(s) in the “Statement of Need” section of the application. It has been corrected to state that applicants should select the appropriate California Department of Education sector(s). The revised RFA can be accessed
Application Review Rubric
- The CCCCO has posted an updated scoring rubric which adds information on how reviewers will assess applications. This updated rubric does not change how sections will be scored. The Rubric can be accessed
K12 SWP 2018-19 Application DEADLINE –
Applicants have the ability to submit and un-submit their application up until the deadline. Institutions can make changes, if needed, before they submit their application by
on March 15, 2019.
Late applications, and applications that are not submitted by 5:00pm, March 15
will not be accepted.
Applicants are being urged to give themselves ample time to submit their application.
Work Based Learning Pilot - Foundation CCC
Recommended Conferences & Workshops:
Building Cross-Sector Work Based Learning Partnerships - April 23-25th (North/South TBD)
New Resources:
March (Date TBD) - Passing the C&I Test: Introducing New Internship Courses, Masood Kamandy, Pasadena City College
April 25th - Community of Practice Call #3
The Quarterly report schedule is:
3rd Quarter: 1/2019 - 3/2019 Due
4th Quarter: 4/2019 - 6/2019 Due
Email April Farkas:
for a reporting schedule.
Work Based Learning - Regional Project
Lead College - Merced College
Community of Practice Conference Call on 4/16/19 at 10am -
April Farkas
if you have any questions or would like to participate.
Teacher Preparation Pipeline Project
Lead College - West Hills Lemoore
Upcoming Community of Practice Meetings:
3/8/19 at 10:00 am Conference Call on Zoom
5/3/19 at 10:00 am Conference Call on Zoom
Upcoming Jobspeaker Webinars:
Currently we do not have any scheduled, however we are working on putting together a new series. Stay tuned.
To learn more about these developments and for any questions or assistance, contact your Account Manager Yousif Sassi at
or 510-847-2144.
Equity - The Statewide Collaborative Corner
The Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee (JSPAC) and the Statewide Collaborative for Special Populations
calls all educators to EQUITY ACTION!
Over the past few years, there have been dramatic improvements in education, with equity at the heart these efforts. As an educational community, we have realized that the traditional “one-size-fits-all,” time-based, curriculum delivery system does not work for all students. Unfortunately, the students who have been most affected by the traditional system are students of color, special populations and non-traditional groups, all of which have been labeled as “historically underserved.” The students who have benefited the most are mainly those students who qualify as “middle” and “upper” economic classes, demographically white, and for the last twenty years, predominantly male. Across the country, educators and policymakers are coming to the same conclusion: the structure of the traditional system is a barrier to equity.
Join the California Perkins Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee (JSPAC) and the California Community College Statewide Collaborative for Special Populations in our webinar series
Call to Equity Action
, as your institution begins planning your 2020-21 Equity Framework,
charting the next phase of equity efforts
Webinar topics and dates will be announced soon!
The Statewide Collaborative’s goal is to improve access and performance in Career and Technical Education for students from special populations.
2019 Economic Summit 11/7 - 11/9/19
West Hills CCD CTE Newsletter - February 2019
Columbia College CTE Newsletter - February 2019
State Center Adult Education Consortium Newsletter - January 2019
to subscribe to this newsletter.
TK College & Career Collaborative
BusinessU: Maximize Business Engagement
WHCCD Apprenticeship Grant Award - Press Release
Associate Vice Chancellor, Economic and Workforce Development
The Associate Vice Chancellor, Chief Economic and Workforce Development Officer, reports directly to the Vice Chancellor, Educational Services, and provides overall leadership in the planning, organization, administration, evaluation, policy development, and implementation for the Economic and Workforce Development programs and initiatives throughout the District.
This is an exciting opportunity to lead the programs for our three colleges that cover almost 25,000 square miles that includes over five counties and the Sierra Mountains, Southern San Joaquin Valley, and the Eastern Sierras including Mammoth Lakes. The primary areas of responsibility include working with the three college deans in providing administrative oversight for the Career and Technical Education programs, all of the economic and workforce education programs, Strong Workforce programs, leadership for the high school to college completion pathways projects, including dual enrollment and articulation, and leadership for the adult education consortium. Our colleges are providing a variety of innovative programs dedicated to student success that are recognized statewide.
Minimum Salary:
$134,787.12 annually
Maximum Salary:
$176,852.38 annually (Maximum entry level $141,610.72)
Medical, dental and employee assistance plans are provided for the employee and dependents. The District also provides life insurance plans for the employee, as well as an 8.25% contribution to the State Teacher’s Retirement plan. Additional types of insurance may be purchased with pre-tax dollars through an IRS 125 flexible benefit program.