March 2019 Newsletter
Weekly Temple Services 
Monday - Friday 6:30 am and 6:30 pm Meditation , Saturday 9am full service + meditation
Dear ones,

We have cancelled our Metta retreat this month. Snow, cold, a dying friend, and other factors limited our practice. We hope to reschedule a Metta Retreat this year.

Trinity Natural Medicine is starting a new group: HAVEN which "offers space to take some time out of your daily routine to find quiet and peace. Our body arts studio will be open for anyone to sit in meditation or to refine your personal practice. Come in and find space for a deep breath and inner serenity. Thursdays starting in April 11:00am - Noon".
What a wonderful concept - sort of a coffee break for the heart & mind..... Thay Kozen.
Our winter has been a very cold time of year. Several feet deep in snow, temperatures below freezing, and icy winds. Out temple's water lines are all frozen which may cause us some costly repairs when they thaw out in the Spring. Yet, it has also been a time of beauty and contemplation. Each moment in our lives offers us the chance to like or dislike, to approve or disapprove, to judge. Our historical teacher's message offers us freedom from suffering. Letting go or releasing our judgements, likes, dislikes, etc allows us to live in the moment and just to experience the now.
Our noisy brothers and sisters who loudly proclaim their likes and dislikes might gain insight from The Buddha's teaching.

“Know from the rivers in clefts and in crevices:
those in small channels flow noisily,
the great flow silent. Whatever’s not full makes noise.
Whatever is full is quiet.” The Buddha

I am going to Florida again for a last visit with my dying friend. His pain and suffering is great, his peace minimal, his life quality is very poor. May he find peace soon.

May we all be well and happy. May we all know love and peace....Thay Kozen
We are happy to announce three new Public Services from our temple.

Recovery - Support for people who seek recovery from alcohol and drugs. Dick Withers, e-mail [email protected] is experienced in mindfulness and meditation practice in recovery.

Mental and Emotional Health - Support for people who seek support for emotional or mental health issues. August Jensen M.A. is our spiritual counselor. He is available for individual and family sessions.

Notary Public - Claire, our business manager, is now a Notary Public. You can get paperwork notarized here at the Abbey Monday - Friday from 9am - 4pm but it is best to call her in advance. We accept donations for the Tibet Children's college fund in lieu of charging for notary service.
Winter for a Vietnamese Monk
Thich Vinh Minh is experiencing his first real winter the USA.
Thay Vinh Minh is very well adapted to US culture and food but winter is a bit of a challenge for him. Vietnam has a warm often humid climate with average temperatures of 63-84° F (17-29°C)
We've had temperatures below 20° F (-7°C) and that is a bit cold even for us long term residents.
Our young western novice monk, Minh Phap, is teaching Thay how to use snow shoes. It was a great fun time with only one fall into the snow.
A local temple member has promised to take Thay Vinh Minh up to Mount Hood to learn to ski. While snow shoes and skiing are great healthy recreational fun, they are also good skills to have for our daily life when we have so much snow.
Thich Minh Tinh (Thay Kozen) stands at the entrance of our temple. We plow our road so that we can drive our cars and also have guests.
The compassionate and merciful bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara with a snow hat and shoulder scarf stands in peaceful silence
Thay Z at the ocean
Thich Minh Thien's Column
Breathing Out
In meditation, we focus on breathing in and breathing out. Our contemporary Teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh puts it this way….”Breathing in, I smile. Breathing out, I release. Breathing in, I dwell in the present moment. Breathing out, I feel it is a wonderful moment.”
Our breathing is stable, solid ground where we can take refuge. Regardless of the turmoil and activity of our minds - our thoughts, emotions and perceptions - our breathing is always with us like a faithful friend. Whenever we feel carried away, or sunken in a deep emotion, or scattered in worries and projects, we return to our breathing to collect and anchor our mind.
Feeling the flow of air coming in and going out of our nose, we feel how light and natural, how calm and peaceful our breathing functions. At any time, while we are walking, gardening, or even typing an article, we can return to this peaceful source of life. Conscious breathing is the key to uniting body and mind and bringing the energy of mindfulness into each moment of our life.
I recently heard a dharma talk that paid particular attention to letting go with the out breath. The key message was that when we practice letting go with the out breath, we do not need to worry about the in breath; therefore, the encouragement was to let go and completely surrender into the out breath. Let go and surrender into the infinite-ness of the universe. Let go of every attachment and trust yourself in just being. Let go into the great unknown with every out breath.
As a gift of this focus, the in breath comes without effort. We can be very grateful and feel happiness and joy in the action of breathing in. And then, not holding onto this gift with the in breath, we can let it go. Let it go with the out breath. Let it go with each out breath, again and again. Soon, another gift, the gift of this life, comes without even thinking about making it happen.
Our practice of meditation on the breath is very powerful. When we deeply meditate on the breath, we have the opportunity to experience many helpful insights. Being grateful for the breath, it is easy to find gratefulness for everything else. When we are grateful for something as simple and ordinary as breath, then everything around us becomes extraordinary. The dharma talk ended with these thoughts:
So let go…
just let go…
As we let go, joy is natural. Peace is natural. Feeling present is natural.
I am home is natural.
Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa
Budding Dharma News
Budding Dharma has begun adding Shibashi to our  7pm  full service. We are learning one new movement each week and building this mindfulness practice a step at a time. We currently practice 6 movements.
Budding Dharma is Thay Z's temple in Arlington Texas. They are a sister temple tour our temple.
We call our practice here Laughing Farmer Zen

We call our temple practice Laughing Farmer Zen. We take joy in the practice of work. How we look at everything is a matter of perspective.

The Zen Pig Farmer went out to slop the hogs one day. He poured the slop into the trough, and the pigs came quickly and started eating. He stood and watched. After a bit, one pig looked up at him. Licking slop from its chin, it said, "You know, every day you come here and bring us our food. All we do is lie around and eat, yet you see to all our needs. Why do you do this?" The Zen Pig Farmer stroked his beard slowly and said, "They call me The Zen Pig Farmer because of what I do." The pig went back to eating.

A little later the pig looked up again. It said, "Did you ever consider that maybe you are called The Zen Pig Farmer because you are a pig farmer and I am the Zen Pig?" The farmer said, "Um... no..."

located somewhere on the internet by Scott See
Welcome August Jensen M.A.
August received his master’s degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa — a Buddhist contemplative university in Boulder, Colorado. A veteran of the Iraq war, he has worked as a wilderness rites of passage guide, school counselor, and psychotherapist. August joins our temple community as a mindfulness teacher and pastoral counselor. For those looking for one-on-one guidance in their meditation practice, or needing support with personal, marital, or family difficulties, August can offer a warm and caring presence.
He is leading a day-long mindfulness retreat at the Temple on June 22nd, but keep an eye on the events calendar for more opportunities to attend an event with August.
He lives here in Trout Lake with his wife Claire (who you may see around our office!) and their son, Asa.
August will be heading up our Mental Health services at the Abbey, providing spiritual counseling and support.
He will also leading a new weekly Mindfulness Group in Hood River starting in April 5:00 - 6:00 pm Thursday evenings.
"Happy Hour"
with August and Kaye
Starting in April
Thursdays 5:00pm at Good Medicine
The Mt. Adams Zen Buddhist Temple is sponsoring a weekly meditation class in Hood River, facilitated by August Jensen and Kaye Jones, focusing on Vipassana (mindfulness) and Metta (loving-kindness) practices. Each session will consist of a short Dharma talk (presenting the view, theory, philosophy of practice) and instruction on formal technique, followed by a period of meditation practice, to conclude with a group discussion and Q & A.
Aimed at developing our ability to open to, and inhabit our lives, this group welcomes all skill-levels, from beginner to advanced practitioners. Each week we will explore different aspects of the practice (body, breath, emotions, mind, thinking, daily life) and leave space at the end to discuss the variety of challenges and insights we discover along the path.
August Jensen is a recent transplant to Trout Lake with his partner and son. He received a Master’s Degree of Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University — a Buddhist Contemplative University in Boulder, Colorado. A veteran of the Iraq war, he has worked as a biologist, wilderness rites of passage guide, school counselor, and psychotherapist. August is a former student of the secular tradition of Shambhala Buddhism, developed by the Tibetan Buddhist Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche (also the founder of Naropa University). Currently, he is a mindfulness teacher and pastoral counselor at the Mt. Adams Zen Buddhist Temple, and was recently accepted into the Buddhist Ministerial training program in Vietnamese Zen. August will lead a one day retreat on 22 June, Mindfulness / Vipassana practice.
Kaye Jones is a homesteader in Trout Lake, an educator, and mother of three with her partner Adam. She is a student of nature, and of reality, and chaos~ as understood through the lens of the dharma and natural systems. Kaye has her MSc in Holistic Science from Schumacher College, and is a student of Tibetan Buddhism. Her study of Vajrayana is in the lineage of Chogyam Trungpa and Dharma Ocean, with a focus on somatic meditation. Joanna Macy has been Kaye’s root teacher and collaborator for 15 years. She is currently at work providing research for a forthcoming book on Joanna Macy’s life-work to be published by Shambhala in 2020.

Women and Dharma April 27 9am-4pm
Contact Kaye Jones for registration or to be added to the women and dharma mailing list  [email protected]

Join us for a day of dharma in the company of other women, as we explore together our experience as female practitioners in this tradition. The day will include time in nature, in meditation, with the Dharma, and quiet reflection. In this series we gather twice yearly, finding nourishment for our journey with visiting teachers from a variety of traditions within the Buddha Dharma. 

Please join us, experienced practitioner or new to dharma. ALL women are welcome, from across the vast gender spectrum. Come as you are. Led by Kaye Jones/ Broadfork Farm in collaboration with the Abbey.
Ven. Jeff Miles
Fa Hsing 法 行 , Tâm Minh 心 明
Wrapped in darkness,
Resting in stillness,
I hear the quiet call of solitude
In the whisper of the falling rain.

The leash has come off,
Now go jump in the stream 
You'll never awaken
In another man's dream.

Snowy dawn 
Firs and cedars wake up
With traces of white
In their windblown beards.
Mt. Adams Zen - Outside Of Our Temple
Trinity Sangha , at Trinity Natural Medicine
New Location - 1412 13th Street, Suite 200 which is located behind Joy's Art Studio
and 10 Speed Coffee Co. Every MONDAY at noon
Insight Mindfulness Meditation
THURSDAY 5:30 - 7:00PM Starting April 18
Center for Vibrant Living 1029 May St. Hood River, OR 97031
Instructors Rev. August Jensen , Naropa University certified mindfulness
and Kaye Jones

1st and 3rd Wednesday Evenings - Trinity Sangha Stu dy Group Time 6:30-8:00pm
Where: at Withers residence, 1829 5th St., Hood River (Sieverkropp Development behind Rosauer's)
Book to be studied: passages from Path to Emancipation , by Thich Nhat Hanh.
It is not necessary to buy the book.
Recovery Support for our friends dealing with addiction Contact Dick Withers: [email protected] ; 414-587-4065

Other Groups in the Gorge
Pacific Hermitage Meditation and Dhamma talk with Thai Forest Monks 6:30-8 pm every Tuesday evening at Yoga Samadhi in White Salmon, WA. 

Hood River Zen Sunday afternoon walking and sitting meditation 2nd and 4th" Sundays Good Medicine Lounge on 1029 May St in Hood River. Contact Kyri Kengan Treima n ( [email protected] ).

White Salmon Dharma Practice Group every other Sunday evenings at Atlan (near Northwestern Park outside of White Salmon). Contact: Scott Cushman: ([email protected]; 925-708-5652)

 Scott Rower, PhD [email protected] has mindfulness classes - please contact him for details and to join the gorge facebook page - Mindfulness in the Gorge:

Washougal Mindfulness + Meditation Group - on hold now
Last Sunday of each month from 4:00-5:15pm
Washougal Acupuncture & Massage: 1436 A Street Washougal, WA 98671
Contact: Emily Olson 503-928-2478   [email protected]

Meditation Workshop Friday nights , from 7 to 8:30 p.m.The workshop meets at the Rockford Grange and explores meditation methods from the world’s religions. Instruction and practice are mixed with group discussion. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome. This is a drop-in group. Cushions, mats and chairs are provided. The sessions are free and open to public. Rev. Judy (MCUUF) and Kyri Kengan Treiman (Hood River Zen/Dharma Rain Center) are the facilitators. For more information,[email protected]

Buu Huung Templ e on the 4th Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm.  Includes Meditation, Dharma Talk, by the Venerable nun, Hue Huong. Lunch and Walking Meditation to conclude. 
All are welcome. 17808 NE 18th St.Vancouver WA 98684

Meditation/Buddhism Study Group led by Sharon
When: 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1:30-3:00PM
Where: Cascade Park Community Library, 600 NE 136th Ave. Vancouver, WA
Who: We are small group that is interested in practicing Meditation, discussion and exchange about the individual study of Buddhism. No experience necessary.

Trinity Natural Medicine

Mondays: 12 -1 pm Trinity Sangha: Meditation and Metta, 4 -5:30 pm Youth Gong Fu
6 - 7 pm The Art of Rest | Restorative/Yoga Nidra

Tuesdays: 8 -9 am Gentle Yoga, 6 - 7 pm Length & Limber (Yoga)

Wednesdays: 6 -7 am Sunrise Yoga. 4 -5:30 pm Youth Gong Fu
5:30 - 6:15 pm Advanced Gong Fu, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Adult Gong Fu

Thursdays: 11 - 12 pm Haven (Starting in April), 6 - 7 pm Candlelight Yoga

Fridays: 4 - 5:30 pm Advanced Gong Fu

Saturdays: 8 - 9 am Hatha Yoga
2019 Schedule of Classes
1-8     Monk Retreat at Chua Thien An in Lucerne Valley, CA , Temple closed
20      Tea is Zen, Zen is Tea. Ven. Fa Hsing 
Tea history, service, and practice The history, practice, and use of Tea in Zen.
27      Women & Dharma Join us for a day of dharma in the company of other women, as we explore together our experience as female practitioners in this tradition. The day will include time in nature, in meditation, with the Dharma, and quiet reflection. In this series we gather twice yearly, finding nourishment for our journey with visiting teachers from a variety of traditions within the Buddha Dharma. Please join us, experienced practitioner or new to dharma. ALL women are welcome, from across the vast gender spectrum. Come as you are. Led by Kaye Jones/ Broadfork Farm in collaboration with the Abbey.
18      Trinity Sanga One day retreat - A one day practicum of sitting and walking meditation and metta (loving kindness) practices. Weather permitting we’ll be walking the labyrinth
18      Work That Reconnects, We gather again as a community of women to do the Work That Reconnects. As we keep coming back together we deepen in the work and the way it moves in our lives. 

We journey into the spiral to explore the many layers of our belonging as we train together for these times of uncertainty~ to be present, wholehearted, and to radically open to our own lives and our changing world. 

The foundation of our day is the Work That Reconnects, a set of practices and interactive work developed by our teacher Dr. Joanna Macy. This work reveals that our grief, anger, and fear are all healthy responses to our fierce love for the world. Welcoming the full range of experiences we will move around the spiral of the WTR~ gratitude, honoring our pain, seeing with new eyes, and going forth. This will be a nourishing and open hearted day in the company of other women.

No previous experience necessary. All women are welcome, across the vast gender spectrum. Come as you are. Please contact [email protected]  to register or be added to the mailing list . facilitators Kaye Jones and Erika Rench
25       VESAK the most important Buddhist festival, commemorating the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha, and celebrated at the full moon in the Indian month of Vaishaka (April–May) Join us for morning Temple at 9:00am and a potluck lunch to follow
1         Walking & Moving Meditations
10:30 – 12:30 Spend a morning learning and practicing walking and moving meditation
15      Living with Grief. A 6 hour class exploring grief and feelings.  We’ll review Buddhist beliefs as well as how we relate to our losses. 10:30am – 4:30pm
22      Mindfulness / Vipassana . Led by Rev. August Jensen
11-14 Private Event

22-27 VIETNAMESE FAMILY CAMPING RETREAT with Thay Vinh Minh A week long camping adventure with education, Buddhist lectures, rafting, and family life. Khoá Tu Mùa Hè 2019 - Sẽ diễn ra từ 22 - 27 tháng 7 tại Tuyết Sơn Thiền Tự.

3          Organic Living Led by Emily Explore the nature of organic living as well as practical tips on how to bring more of the concepts into your own life.
10      ULAMBANA 9:00am This is the day when the monastics complete their Rains Retreat. It was considered that many monastics would have made progress during their retreat and therefore become a greater field of merit. Lay devotees make offerings on behalf of their ancestors and dedicate the merit towards those suffering in the preta realm to relieve their suffering. Join us for morning Temple at 9:00am and a potluck lunch to follow
13-15 Fall Meditation Retreat Meditation, meditation, and meditation
20-22 Thich Nhat Hanh Group Retreat. Lucy Kingsley 541.654.3482 [email protected]
Jeff Kerr 971.322.9422 [email protected]
26       Oct-Sober-fest led by Dick Withers [email protected]
Spend a day with family, fun, BBQ, and a sober group of friends.
9         Health Janet Essley primordial energy flow Qi Gong, 9am -12noon
           Kim Curtis Healing Touch Overview, 1pm - 4pm
8-10    LGBTQ+ Weekend Exploring the Dharma and our nature. Josh Wright Tushar Bhagat
NOV 30 – DEC 1 Work That Reconnects Kaye Jones & Erika Rench
7         Midnight Meditation Meditate from 11:30 pm to 12:30 am. Celebrate the time of great retreats. Spend the night in the temple
31      Midnight Meditation Meditate from 11:30 pm to 12:30 am Celebrate the time of great changes – ending the old year and beginning the new year. Spend the night in the temple.

Sunrise on a snowy morning, Avalokiteshvara welcomes the sun on the mountain
Dr Eric Voight , DC, DACNB a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist has had his son,
Peter Voight L.Ac join in hiis office practice. Now you can be treated by a Chiropractor
and /or a Acupuncturist/Chinese Medicine practitioner.
Their office is located at 509 Cascade Ave, Suite E, Hood River OR tel 541.387.2225
Thay Kozen and the monks have been treated by Dr. Eric Voight for several years.
May the Infinite Light of Wisdom and Compassion so shine within us
that the errors and vanities of self may be dispelled; 
so shall we understand the changing nature of existence and awaken into spiritual peace.
Mt Adams Zen Buddhist Temple   46 Stoller Rd., Trout Lake WA 98650 509.395.2030