MARCH 2019
FloDance and UCWDC
Partnership Announcement

FloDance was our live stream provider for the 2018 and 2019 UCWDC Country Dance World Championships. FloDance publicly announced on March 1st our partnership to bring select UCWDC regional events to the subscription audience. We expect the coverage to increase yearly. Check the event schedule to see if your favorite event will be broadcast!

TV: Download the FloSports TV app on Roku and Apple TV 4
Mobile: Download the FloSports iOS app
Web: Bookmark FloDance.com in your favorite browser

First live stream regional event for the 2019 season is: Calgary Dance Stampede April 11-14,2019
Highlights |March 2019
Highlighting dance scholarships available to country dancers
Giving Dance Inc.
  • Provides discounted class to juniors, youth, teen and college age dancers
  • Provides performance opportunities for all dancers
  • Provides scholarships to students in financial need for competitions
  • Provides costumes and shoes for not only for dance team members but junior, youth, teen and college dancers throughout Central Florida and within the UCWDC dance family
  • Provides guest coaching opportunities sometimes with our cost and sometimes discounted
  • Provides volunteer opportunities within the community
  • Provides mentoring opportunities (Big Brother/Big Sister to new dancers)
  • Formation team for Juniors, Youth, Teen, College and Adults

Charles Bryant was a l ong time friend of the UCWDC, competitor and founder of the Charles Bryant Memorial Scholarship Award who passed away in 2017. The Charles Bryant Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually at the UCWDC Country World Dance Championships. The winners are selected by an accumulation of points across divisions and a $250 scholarship is awarded to 2 Junior and 2 Adult competitors.

Congratulations to the 2019 recipients:
  • Shannon Westhoff 
  • Nolan Whitely 
  • Ashleigh Taylor 
  • Marshal Beane

Questions and donations can be directed to info@ucwdc.org.
We Dance Country USA
Who we are
We Dance Country USA Foundation Inc. is a nonprofit corporation based out of GA; Founders are Charles Jones and Nicole Wardell.
What we are doing.
Raising money through donations to provide scholarships to youth and newcomer dancers on the UCWDC and ACDA dance circuits. We believe that the youth and newcomer dancers are the future of our sport. One way to preserve the future of our sport is to encourage and help support our youth and newcomer dancers. We do that by raising money through fundraisers and personal donations. 

LoneStar Country Dance Scholarship Fund
In 2016 with the help of Sherry Reynolds, Bryce Green, Karen Leiker, Tim Allman and David Clanin, Lonestar Country Dance Scholarship Fund, a 501 (c)(3) was formed. This vehicle has allowed Sherry to reimburse college age competitors for competition entry fees, lodging, and food as well as costuming expenses. Since its inception the scholarship fund has disbursed over $21,000 which helped more than 20 competitors attend the World Championships. 

Questions can be directed to Sherry Reynolds via email: sherryinaustin@gmail.com 

... and in this Corner
Keith Armbruster
Spring Council Meeting Overview

Once again the UCWDC Spring meeting has concluded and we are excited to share with you these updates.

We are happy to report that Associate Membership renewals are strong, volunteers are engaged, competition participation is up at almost all our Member Events world-wide including a record year for the Country Dance World Championships and the Executive Board and various Committees are focused on implementation of several exciting initiatives that will enhance member services. We are proud of these accomplishments because they reflect a renewed energy and commitment throughout the organization.
VP of Judge Certification
Kathy St. Jean

Give Em’ What They Want! The Judges That Is!

It is a known fact; major companies spend countless dollars and time researching to find out what their
customer(s) want. Applying this important information to their product helps to insure it will be a
market success!
So how does this analogy apply to dance which is an art form? Every dancer is unique! Dancing maybe
something inherent in our makeup or it may be a challenge that we are passionate about developing. No
matter where you fall in the spectrum you must give the judges what they are looking for! Under those
beautiful costumes, cool choreography, the vanilla in line dance and the list goes on, judges must see
the character of each dance as well as outstanding performance of dance fundamentals. It is every
competitor’s duty to seek out and find what fundamentals of movement need to be present in their
dancing in order to attain the highest medal possible! Your professional instructor/coach is certainly
your main go to source, however lesson time goes quickly so here is where you can do that “market
research” and go that extra mile “give em” what they want!

Fundamentals A and B are offered at Peach State Dance Festival in Atlanta, GA. Friday March 18, 12-4 pm. $25 for each 2 hour class. http://www.peachstatedance.com/eventschedule19.pdf

VP of Rules
Beth Emerson
What Do Those Medal Grades Mean?

This year the UCWDC ® will standardize by using medals not just in ProAm, but in all Dance Types: Line Dance, ProAm, Couples and Teams. The medals are Honorable Mention, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Gold with Honors, and Gold Graduate. What do the medals really mean? There are different expectations for each level, but we will start with general explanations. Honorable Mention means a failure in performance: for that level, the dance was not recognizable or performed. Bronze means a poor performance: the expectations for the level were not reached. Silver means an average performance: the expectations for the level were reached, but not exceeded. Gold means a good performance: the expectations for the level were solidly accomplished and some expectations were exceeded. Gold with Honors means an Excellent performance: expectations for the level were not just reached but were far exceeded. Gold Graduate means that not only were expectations exceeded, but the competitor(s) performed at the next level in that dance.
Line Dance Committee Chairman
Clive Eaton-Stevens
Making History

There are so many talented dancers that have been a part of the UCWDC over the years in both
couples and line dancing genres. However, there is a part of our recent history that not many
people know. There is a small, select group of exceptional dancers that belong in our history

We all know that Masters is the top professional division for couples and Superstars is the top
professional division for line dance. There are a few people that have made it to both, and
considering these genres require vastly different skill sets and training, it’s an accomplishment
that cannot go unrewarded.

Here is a list of those dancers, and some that have truly made history……

Associate Membership Director
Bruno Vastel
The Benefits of Membership

As a reminder, all contestants and Pros have to be a current member before they compete in any UCWDC Division at any UCWDC event. Also, each Team must have a distinct and separate membership for each Team “Name”. Finally, all UCWDC staff (Contest Coordinator, Judge, Scrutineer, and Scoring Director) who work at an event must be current members. In 2018, we were almost 2000 active members from twenty five countries and we were happy to welcome more than 500 of you, who joined us for the first time.

Now, you might question why you need to pay to be an Associate Member; the answer is simple. The UCWDC strives to create a fair, international dance competition circuit, and to do so we have create a set of rules and process to allows us and yourself, to track your performance at regional events, your eligibility for the UCWDC Country Dance World Championships®, and also to track your graduation to the next level. Your benefits as a member don't stop there - as a member you will be added to our email list so that you will stay up-to-date on what happens at our directors’ meetings, rule changes, news, blogs and more! The entire council team is constantly working to create and roll out more added value services and enhance our dance circuit. Talking about new offers and services, in 2018 we secured a deal with Country Music Corner providing to all our active members a 30% discount off the annual subscription.

UCWDC Blogs | March 2019
Time to Renew
Your UCWDC membership
has it's benefits!
Please remember to renew your Associate Membership before you register for your next competition!

Associate Membership renewals now can use PayPal!
The mission of the UCWDC is to preserve and promote Country Western Dancing and Line Dancing as fun and healthful pursuits, social activities, art forms and worldwide sports.

Our vision: We want to make every person in the World, a Dancer!