HUPOST Editor: Michelle Hill and Staff Editor: Amanda Oliveira
March 2020
Call for 2020 HUPO Award Nominations - Open!
We are now accepting nominations for HUPO's annual awards. Submission deadline is Sunday, April 5 th , 2020 . Click here to review the nomination requirements and submit a nomination...
Call for HUPO 2020 Council Nominations - Coming Soon!
The Nominations and Elections Committee will be seeking candidates to serve on HUPO Council for a three-year term beginning January 2021 (2021-2023). Call for nominations will open on Thursday, March 26 th , 2020 . Stay tuned on HUPO updates!
2021 Advances in Measurement Science Award
The Division of Analytical Chemistry and the Measurement Science journals (Analytical Chemistry, ACS Sensors, and Journal of Proteome Research), encourages you to nominate an outstanding peer for the 2021 Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Award. This annual award honors the contributions of one individual from each of three major geographic regions—the Americas, Europe/the Middle East/Africa (EMEA), and Asia-Pacific—who has made a major recent impact in the field of measurement science. Please note that roll over nominations will no longer be accepted. To nominate someone, please submit a new nomination. Recognize a peer in your field before Friday, May 29 th , 2020 . Click here to find out more...
Registration and Abstract Submissions are Now Open for HUPO 2020 in Stockholm
With much excitement, we are pleased to announce that registration, accommodation bookings, and a call for abstracts are now open for the HUPO 2020 World Congress!
Registration is now open ! Join 1000+ global experts in proteomics and the pharma industry, by convening in Stockholm, Sweden this October 18-22, 2020. For the first time, the HUPO 2020 World Congress will bring together biopharma and biotech drug developments in one of the foremost arenas for the advancement of life sciences – a natural step considering that knowledge derived from proteomics research is playing an increasingly important role in drug development.
Early registration is now available until July 15, 2020. Don’t miss out on great savings and put your HUPO membership to good use! If you are not yet a member, consider joining HUPO for incredible benefits and networking opportunities.
Book your accommodation ! The HUPO 2020 Congress Secretariat will assist delegates with their housing requirements. A limited number of guest rooms are available at the Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel Stockholm, Radisson Blu Royal Viking Hotel Stockholm, Scandic Continental Hotel, and the Sheraton Stockholm Hotel.
Submit your abstracts ! The Scientific Board of the HUPO 2020 World Congress welcomes the submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations.
The Human Proteome Project (HPP)
The 23rd Chromosome Centric Human Proteome Project Workshop
With the theme of “From chromosome-centric project to the human proteome”, which also commemorates the 10th Anniversary of the C-HPP Initiative”, the 2020 C-HPP Workshop will be held in Saint-Petersburg from May 15 – 18, 2020, and on a river class cruise ship with the following sessions topics:
  • Status update from Chromosome and neXt-50 teams
  • Bioinformatics Tools Development –from C-HPP to HP
  • Transcriptoproteomics – the way from Genome to Proteome
  • Proteomics Technology Innovations
  • Proteomics and other OMICs - Impact on Medicine
  • Missing proteins in rare tissues and diseases (with B/D-HPP)
Journal of Proteome Research Special Issue on the HPP: Submission Deadline is May 31, 2020
The Journal of Proteome Research will publish its eighth annual Special Issue dedicated to highlight the progress made on the HUPO Human Proteome Project (HPP). The Special Issue considers research papers encompassing both the Chromosome-Centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP) and the Biology and Disease Human Proteome Project (B/D-HPP), as well from the Resource Pillars (Antibody, MS, Pathology, and Knowledgebase), and short definitive reports, submitted in the Letters format, on the discovery of a Missing Protein(s). To be considered, the missing protein(s) must meet the Guidelines v 3.0 and be cast in the context of the HPP and biological setting in which they were discovered. 

Manuscripts must be submitted by 31st May, 2020 to be considered for this Special Issue. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the ACS Paragon Plus Environment online submission system. Specify in the authors’ cover letter that the manuscript is intended for the HPP Special Issue. Editorial triage will determine whether manuscripts are appropriate for the HPP Special Issue, fulfil the HPP Guidelines 3.0 (2019-10-15) checklist and protein evidence based on the 2020-01-17 neXtprot release to be considered for publication. The completed checklist must be included with the cover letter. The full MS data submission to ProteomeXchange must also be completed prior to initial submission, and the PXD number provided in the abstract. As papers are accepted they will go online and be available in time for HUPO-2020. Due to the publication schedule, only papers that are accepted by September 31, 2020 will be published in the December 2020 HPP Special Issue.

The C-HPP Wiki
The C-HPP wiki is continually being updated and we require your input for the individual chromosome teams. Each chromosome group can upload themselves or send their neXt-MP50, neXt-CP50 progress and other update for their chromosome to Peter Horvatovich (see C-HPP Wiki).
The Early Career Researcher Initiative
HUPO 2020 Early Career Researcher Manuscript Competition (Deadline: March 27, 2020)
We are inviting early career researchers to submit their manuscript that has either been published or accepted for publication within the previous year for the 2020 ECR Manuscript Competition. Three finalists will be invited to present their research at the HUPO 2020 World Congress in Stockholm based on which the “Proteomics highlight of the year” will be selected. We encourage all early career researchers (postdoctoral fellows, young clinicians and junior faculty members) to submit their application by Friday, March 27 th , 2020 . More information regarding the application process can be found here...
The Early Career Researcher Mentoring Day at HUPO 2020
ECR Mentoring Day is an international effort coordinated by the ECR initiative to promote career development for students, postdoctoral fellows and young investigators in proteomics through hands-on career exploration and mentors' advices. For HUPO 2020 (October 18), the ECR initiative will have the privilege to organize the event with the Young Proteomics Investigators Club (YPIC) of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA). Mark your calendars and join us for ECR Mentoring Day and additional activities organized by the ECR initiative and YPIC at HUPO 2020.
Welcoming Two New Early Career Researcher Initiative Members
Rob Rivers
Omar Mendoza-Porras
The ECR initiative is excited to welcome two new members: Drs. Rob Rivers and Omar Mendoza-Porras. They will play key organizing roles in ECR activities, such as the HUPO Manuscript Competition, Mentoring Day and Ph.D. Poster Competition. Please have a look at their short biographies to get to know them a little better. Click here to read on...
Highlights From Previous Meetings
In 2019 Nicolle packer was interviewed in a video titled Perspective in Proteomics - III at HUPO 2019 in Adelaide, Australia. The interview was directed and organized by Prof. Sanjeeva Srivastava. Click here to watch the interview...
Upcoming Related Events
The 4 th International Metaproteomics Symposium, Luxembourg
The 4 th International Metaproteomics Symposium that will take place from June 8 th -10 th , 2020 in Luxembourg is open for registration. Early bird and abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, April 15, 2020 .
The Metaproteomics Symposium brings together an international community working on different microbial ecosystems with a common use of meta-omics approaches and more particularly, metaproteomics. All the information regarding programme, speakers, grants and registrations can be found here...
Disclaimer. HUPOST provides general information for subscribers. Submissions are welcomed from HUPO members. Articles are to be submitted to HUPO office by 20th of each month (date subject to change without notice) for review by the Secretary General for suitability. HUPO assumes no liability for errors or omissions in the contents.
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