March 2020 NYS Incubator Report
June 1st - June 3rd
New York City
"How NYC became 2nd Largest Ecosystem in the world"
Nominations for Board of Directors
As we prepare for our Annual Meeting this June, the Nominations Committee is looking for nominations from the Membership for anyone interested in serving on the BIANYS Board of Directors. Here is a link to the nomination form:
nominate here
Codagenix a Broadhollow Science Center client is racing to create a vaccine to the Coronavirus
A Long Island biotech startup is working to produce potential coronavirus vaccines that could be ready for safety testing on human volunteers by May, an executive said Friday.
The Farmingdale company, Codagenix Inc., uses a novel algorithmic system that allows it to rapidly generate vaccine candidates, said Steffen Mueller, the company’s president and chief science officer.
BIANYS has launched its Softlandings Program which brings companies from across the Globe to New York to assist them with integrating into the US Markets. More info below:
BIANYS has strong representation in receiving Innovator of the Year Awards from Innovate LI.
BIANYS Board Member and Chair Emeritus, Dr. AnnMarie Scheidt won the top award of Master of Innovation for all of her work laying the foundation of the Long Island Innovation Ecosystem. Executive Director Marc Alessi has won the Innovator of the Year award for the unprecedented second year in a row, this time in the no boundaries category....
VENTURE NY Business Plan Competition
Startups: we want to meet you! For this event, we’ve got preferences (but not hard requirements):
- Tech-enabled & defensible market position (intellectual property, market traction all count)
- Software and/or hardware, (industry & sector agnostic)
- Some (or lots) of proven product/market fit
- Raised some outside capital
- Upstate NY presence (because we love it here!)
Selected startups will be offered 1-1 pitch coaching from an Upstate Capital investor member in advance of the April 30 event! We’re looking at applications every day (through March 16), and selecting the best investment opportunities to present to investors.
BIANYS is accepting nominations for startup companies that are clients of member incubators and accelerators to pitch to the New York City venture capital community at bianysnyc2020.
- Applicants are required to register for an informative webinar by March 20, 2020 at 5 pm EST on
- The program includes a Bootcamp at Hofstra University on June 3-5, 2020 (housing/meals incl.), mentorship, and a Regional Symposium and Pitch Competition on October 2, 2020, where the prizes will be awarded, including a $5,000 Community Impact Award for diverse entrepreneurs with health equity solutions for underserved communities.
- The program is funded by the U.S. Economic Development Administration i6 Challenge to inspire entrepreneurs to improve healthcare in underserved communities on Long Island, in New York City, and the Hudson Valley Region. Applicants do not need to reside in NY.
- Submissions can include non-traditional areas that remove obstacles to health in underserved communities such as housing, transportation, healthy food, and education.
- The signature prize sponsor is Northwell Health, New York State’s largest healthcare provider. Other prize sponsors include Digital Remedy, Nixon Peabody, and the National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University, and in-kind sponsors are Intelligent Product Solutions and the Hofstra ideaHUb.
CNYBAC Medical Device Innovation Challenge Application
Period: January 1 – May 31, 2020
Early stage medical device innovators can apply to this mentor- and resource-intensive program. Free work space, access to University-based research experts, CORE facilities, contracted student-led legal and commercialization services provided by Innovation Law Center, Concept to Commercialization Boot Camp, and much more!
announces upcoming programs:
High Performance Soft Materials: from Bioinspiration to Synthesis and Fabrication”
For technical directors and technicians interested in applications in soft robotics, flexible electronics, energetic materials, structural design, tissue engineering, and bioengineering,
Gold Sponsor: Thermo Fisher. Join Thermo Fisher, GE, 3DBio, Bioventus and the AirForce Research Laboratory!
Companies and service providers are invited to exhibit and sponsor.
For technical directors, product managers, engineers, and technicians looking to better understand Cornell’s capabilities in materials analysis, processing, and problem-solving.
Equipment demonstrations and exhibits with Dynamic Systems Gleeble System, Double Helix Optics SPINDLE2 System and Thermo Fisher SEM and XRF.
Guest speaker: Nigel Ottman,
Global Service Manager
Koffman Southern Tier Incubator's third annual Southern Tier Startup Summit
on May 6th
The Southern Tier Startup Summit, a day-long celebration of entrepreneurial success in the region. Attendees experience wide-ranging workshops, pitch events, networking, hear from keynote speakers and more!
NYU Incubation Graduate, BounceX crosses the $100M threshold in annual recurring revenue and changes name to Wunderkind.
“The lesson from today is that it’s possible to build a SaaS company to-scale with far less external capital than I thought possible,” writes Alex Wilhelm, TechCrunch. (note- BIANYS VIP Reception on June 1st is at their HQ at World Trade Center!!!)
Koffman Southern Tier Incubator Startup Brash Engines is transforming the boiler industry