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Spring Cleaning
Spring cleaning is around the corner and people often think that if one product works, mixing it with another one will make cleaning even easier. Mixing common household cleaning products can cause serious injuries. Be sure to always read the product labels before using household or commercial  cleaning supplies. 
Poison Prevention Week
March 15-21, 2020
Poisoning is the #1 cause of injury-related death in the U.S. The third week in March each year is designated as National Poison Prevention Week, a week dedicated to raising awareness about the burden of poisoning in the U.S. and highlighting specific ways to prevent it.

It's not too late to order your FREE poison prevention materials, such as stickers, magnets, videos and activity books.  Click here to order today!
Case #1 
A mother called  after she found her 8-month-old son eating a box of mouse pellets.  These pellets were stuffed underneath the sofa to keep rodents away. She claims he only ate a few pellets. The poison specialist instructed the mother to clean the child's mouth out and assured her that no symptoms should be expected from such a small amount of this product. However, in larger quantities, this specific product is a blood thinner and could cause bleeding and other complications.
Case #2
A specialist received a call about an 18-month-old who was sucking on a mothball. Most of the mothball was still intact. The patient did not have the packaging for the mothball to refer to, but the specialist assured the child's mother that this case was safe enough to be managed at home. The specialist recommended giving the child water and not administering any milk, oily, or fatty foods for a few hours.
March 2020 Newsletter

Most children and many adults think of poisons as very deadly substances that are mysterious, fast killing and impossible to trace. If you ask small children what poison is, often the most common reply they will give you is "rat poison." Every year the Texas Poison Center Network receives hundreds of calls involving pesticides. Check out the information below to learn about the most common types of household pesticides. 

What are pesticides?
  • A pesticide is any product which can used to kill a pest such as ants, germs, roaches, flies, rats and mice.  It can come in powder, liquid, spray or bait form.
  • There are different pesticides, each meant to kill specific pest. The term "-cide" comes from the Latin word "to kill."
  • Rodenticides are used to kill rodents like mice, rats, and gophers.
  • Insecticides are used to kill insects like roaches and ants.
  • Herbicides kill or inhibit the growth of unwanted plants, aka weeds.
  • Fungicides are used to control fungal problems like molds, mildew, and rust.
  • Disinfectants are used to kill germs and microbes such as bacteria and viruses. 

Preventing pesticide poisoning: 
  •  Always store pesticides out of children's reach, in a locked cabinet. Child-resistant safety latches should be installed on cabinets that contain hazardous substances like pesticides. 
  • Always close the package tightly after every use or between uses if you are interrupted, even if only for a moment, like to answer a phone call or getting the doorbell.  
  • Never transfer pesticides to other containers that children may associate with food or drinks. 
  • Never place rodent or insect baits where small children & pets can get to them. 
  • Use child-resistant packaging properly by closing the container tightly after use.
  • Let everyone in your household know about the potential dangers of pesticides such as any caregivers, grandparents or anyone who may live in your home. 
  • Teach children that "pesticides are poisons" and they should never be touched. 
  • Program the poison control center number in your phone, 1-800-222-1222.
  • Before applying pesticides (indoors or outdoors) be sure to keep children and pets away from the area  as long as it is recommended on the label. 
  • Always read the label first and follow the directions,including all the listed precautions and restrictions about the use of the product. 
 Symptoms of pesticide poisoning?
  • The most dangerous effects of pesticide poisonings are on the nervous system. The symptoms may not be evident and may range in severity. If you've used a pesticide and you or your child shows any of the following signs, call your poison control center right away. 

    • blurred vision
    • sweating profusely
    • loss of bowel and bladder control
    • difficulty breathing, as the airway may fill with fluid
    • tremors, muscle twitching, and seizures
    • coma and even death

Call for help
Remember, if you suspect that you or someone you know has been poisoned,  call the toll-free Poison Help line at
your call connects you to your local poison center.
Expert help is available around the clock, every day, even on holidays! Program the poison control phone number into your cell phone today.
Want more poison information???
Don't forget to check out the