MARCH 2020
Program Meeting
Saturday, March 21 1-3pm
NOTE program meetings are now on SATURDAYS!
NBG Studio
Foldable Fun: Origami Pockets
with Laurel Herbeck
The March program will focus on folding three pocket variations, using origami techniques developed by Hedi Kyle, Alisa Golden, and others. The pockets can be used as book pages, gift tag holders, needle cases, or even stitched together in a variety of ways to make artist books. We will practice with copy paper, but many types of decorative paper (painted, marbled, paste, washi, recycled, magazine, etc.) can be used with these techniques. You will take home models, folding diagrams, and inspiration for using these pockets in future projects.
Please bring: small cutting mat, X-Acto knife, bonefolder, ruler, and scissors
#Are You Book Enough
Book Challenge Theme: HEXAGONS
The new book challenge is an opportunity to try something new. Make a book with the theme for this month: HEXAGONS. Bring your book to the meeting and share your triumphs and challenges with making a book using this theme. Then the best part...you get to keep the book. We would all love to see what you create!
If you've ever held an elegant, letterpress-printed chapbook in your hands you know the feeling that rises when your eyes meet the page and you quietly savor the knowledge that someone spent an extravagant amount of time creating it.
Six NBG members are in the process of creating chapbooks of original writing in this time-honored way, letter by letter. Together, they are learning how to select and set type, format pages, and print them on the Guild's two Kelsey letterpresses. The learning curve is steep and the process involves an incredible amount of "futzing" to get each page just right. In an atmosphere of amiable camaraderie, along with guidance from Bruce Campbell, NBG's master letterpress printer, pages are beginning to emerge from the press, one by one.
Working in partnership with UA Press, NBG's Set Book Project has provided an opportunity for 18 members to engage their bookmaking imaginations. Four books of poetry from the Alaska Literary Series have been provided for NBG book artists to bind in unique, imaginative ways.
Learning about aesthetic considerations and binding options have been two key elements of the group's recent work sessions. Each artist is making models of possible structures and choosing materials that will bring their chosen text to life in an original binding. One of the compelling aspects of this project continues to be the support and encouragement members receive from each other as they each grapple with multiple technical and creative decisions.
Flag Book
with Connie Stricks
Saturday, March 28, 2020
10am-4pm, NBG Studio
$60 members $75 non-members
$20 materials fee
Limited to 10 participants
In this workshop we'll be making a Flag Book, another structure created by Hedi Kyle. This book is one of the structures that opened up a new world for book artists that has as many variations as there is thought! It can be read page by page or be pulled apart to create a noisemaking, kinetic scenario. It can stand as a circular structure, becoming a star shape when its covers are back to back. You will have a choice of papers for the hard cover and 'flags' of your book, and leave with a head full of ideas for your next one.
More information and register
Sewing a Fabric Tool Roll
with Corlis Taylor and Oralee Nudson
Sunday, March 19, 2020
Corlis Taylor Studio
748 Gaffney Road, Suite 104
$50 members $65 non-members
$10 materials fee
Limited to 6 participants
Are you tired of looking for your bone folder, can't find your favorite book marking pencil? Now is the time to sew your own tool roll to keep all your favorite tools in one place. Don't know how to sew? No problem! If you can draw a straight line (using a ruler of course) then you can sew! Machines will be provided.
Open Studio
Works in Progress
Sunday, April 19 12-4pm
NBG Studio
Members can gather in the NBG studio to work on individual projects in a cheerful space with other book artists. Paper Birches is open if members need to purchase supplies.
UAF Rasmuson Library
Featured Book Artist: Mary Baalaer Maisch
Newly installed in the NBG display case in the Rasmuson Library is a collection of artist books by Mary Baalaer Maisch. Inspired by beauty and diversity of the natural world, Mary creates books using a variety of structures and techniques. Uniting them is a vibrant palette and a personal vocabulary of energetic forms. Mary has been a member of NBG since 2011.
Noel Wien Library
Features Book Repair Display:
"Caring for our Books"
Last summer NBG hosted a professional development workshop for book repair technicians in Fairbanks. Juliayn Coleman, proprietor of Book Island Bindery in Oakland, CA, taught the ten participants specialized skills and techniques that extend the books' shelf life and preserves their value. The display at Noel Wien includes several books preserved in the workshop along with examples of tools and other information. The workshop was sponsored by FNSB Libraries, UAF's Rasmuson Library, the Literacy Council of Alaska, and Northwoods Book arts Guild; it was supported by a generous grant from the Alaska Council on the Arts.
Papers, Papers, Papers!
Letterpress has so much to do with the feel of those tactile, luxurious papers and the bite of the type into the paper. How does one make a decision about the right paper to use? Boxcar Press doesn't sell letterpress paper, but they've complied some nifty tips to help navigate your way through the sea of possibilities. Take a look
Alaska Artists Guild
The Alaska Artists Guild promotes "the awareness and creation of visual arts in Alaska." Based in Anchorage, the guild meets multiple times a year and will be hosting a spring membership show April 2020. Their newsletter can be viewed on their website.
Work Sessions
Chapbook Project
NBG Studio
Work Sessions
Set Book Project
NBG Studio
Flag Books
Saturday, March 28 10am-4pm
NBG Studio
Sewing a Fabric Tool Roll
Sunday, April 19 noon-5pm
Corlis Taylor Studio, 748 Gaffney Rd.
Open Studio
Works in Progress
Sunday, April 19 noon-4pm
Next Program Meeting
Saturday, May 16 1-3pm
NBG Studio
Learn about and support Northwoods Book Arts Guild!