Fostering peace and justice in Israel and Palestine through education.
March 2020 Update
Dear Pilgrims of Ibillin,
A great deal is going on in the life of Pilgrims of Ibillin! See below for updates on the schools at MEEI, our upcoming open enrollment Living Stones Pilgrimage, and the life and legacy of our stateside Board of Directors.
Thanks for joining us in the journey!
Open Enrollment Pilgrimage
Ever thought about going on a Living Stones Pilgrimage or know someone who has been feeling called to a trip to the Holy Land? 
Interested in meeting peacemakers from all walks of life, and diving into the complexities of this sacred place? 
Want to spend time getting to know people along with seeing sites of Holy importance to three major world religions? 
Then consider this your personal invitation! Join Usama Nicolai, Dr. Brenda Mehos, and Dr. Celene Lillie from October 14-25, 2020 on a Living Stones Pilgrimage. See our website for more information, or contact Pilgrimage Coordinator Dr. Brenda Mehos at [email protected].

Life at MEEI
Volunteers and board members Ted and Jane Settle are assisting high school students as they prepare for their Bagrut exams. Additionally, Ted and Jane have enabled Pilgrims of Ibillin to provide a new washer, dryer, and stove for the Guest House on campus, enabling even more pilgrims to come and enjoy the remarkable hospitality of the community in Ibillin.
The school recently celebrated the completion of a new retaining wall which enhances safety for the whole community as the mountainside on which the campus exists had begun to erode.
The campus continues to thrive under the leadership of the Amuta and school directors, with Abuna's prayerful presence continuing as a source of hope and encouragement for all!
In Loving Memory and Gratitude
George Shalabi

It is with great sadness that we share with you the news of the death of our good friend and longtime board member, George Shalabi. George was an ardent supporter of the work of Pilgrims and served on our board of directors for more than 12 years. A Palestinian born in Haifa, George's love for his home never abated and fueled his work with Pilgrims and other groups supporting peace and justice in Israel and Palestine. Learn more about George . His family graciously designated Pilgrims of Ibillin as a recipient of gifts in his honor , which will help continue George's legacy of building peace on desktops in Ibillin.

Board of Directors

The work of Pilgrims of Ibillin exists largely on the U.S. side of things, and is guided by our volunteer Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors of Pilgrims is meeting April 20-22 in Chicago, Illinois. This small band of Pilgrims is responsible for the work of raising funds and friends for Mar Elias Educational Institution. At our April meeting we will be starting some long-range planning and visioning, working on what Pilgrims will be doing for the next 3-5 years.

If you are open to considering being a board member, please contact the President, Peter Henry. Email him: [email protected] or
call: (704) 892 5641.
With joy,

Rev. Laurie Lyter Bright

Executive Director, Pilgrims of Ibillin