California Immunization Coalition Vaccine Booster - March 2020 


California Immunization Coalition
In This Issue
Hot Links:

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, 
turns 20

CDC has NEW videos that help diagnose Measles
Our Mission

The California Immunization Coalition is a public-private partnership dedicated to achieving and maintaining full immunization protection for all Californians to promote health and prevent serious illness. 
Contact Us

Catherine Flores Martin, Director
California Immunization Coalition 
1331 Garden Highway
Sacramento, CA  95833
(916) 414-9015 

Kamrynn Saylor, Program Associate
(916) 414-9017

To submit articles, calendar items or announcements, contact:
CIC Favorites:

Everything you need to know about CA's school IZ requirements
Stories put a face on vaccine-preventable diseases

CDC site for the latest flu info and resources

Parent advocacy group working to raising CA's vaccination rates
One stop shop for immunization training and resources

Science-based information about vaccines and VPD's for parents by parents

Immunization education resource materials for healthcare professionals

Families working together to advocate and protect their communities against Flu

National group advocating on the importance of timely immunizations and pro-vaccination policies

Keep up with us on:

Message from CIC

Thank you for doing your part by staying in place, supporting your co- workers, neighborhood and family and   spreading positive healthy messages.

There are many ways we can use this time to support each other. Especially our front line heroes, whether they are working in the emergency rooms, the ICU, as childcare providers, delivery persons, grocery store personnel or public health leaders in command centers.

Social media is more important than ever for us to stay up to date and connected and ready for when we are back to our usual routines - see our media sites at the end of this newsletter. If we are not already following you or your organization - let us know who you are and we will follow you! If you are not on social media - now is the time.

One of the positive by products of this event is that many more people are now truly understanding what public health is all about. 

Several stories in this morning's news reflected on how the lack of state and national financial support for public health have impacted our ability to adequately respond to this crisis.  Should we have been louder and bolder about prioritizing public health? Yes. Much louder.  Much bolder. Moving forward, we need to take this moment to ensure this disaster is not repeated. More on that later. 

We'd love to hear your stories and ideas as we move forward into the weeks ahead. S tay in touch. Stay positive. Stay strong. 

#FlattenTheCurve       #InThisTogether
Summit Planning and Current Events
We are aware that many of you are providing direct care or are working to support public health programs to limit the spread of COVID-19. We deeply appreciate all of the time and work you are putting into this effort.  

In the midst of this public health crisis, we are carefully considering options for the California Immunization Coalition Summit scheduled for June 2020. You can go here to read more about CIC's plan.

We here at CIC are so proud to know and work with all of our colleagues in health care and in public health - and we stand ready to support you.

If you are a speaker, exhibitor or registered attendee, you have already been sent this notice. We will be in touch. Please stay well. 
2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Global Map of the COVID-19 outbreak as of March 20, 2020

This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation and CDC will provide updated information as it becomes available, in addition to updated guidance.

CDC is closely monitoring the outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), a respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Visit these CDC's web pages for the most current information. 

Print Resources - Share the Facts  and What You Should Know

California Department of Public Health - COVID-19 Updates

California Kids. Love Them. Immunize Them.
Spanish-Language Prenatal Tools!

Our partners at Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health have Spanish-language outreach tools, social media posts, and video content that can be shared to increase awareness about the importance of making the flu vaccine a part of a prenatal health regimen.

Flu + Pregnancy Video
This video instructs viewers about the importance of flu immunizations as part of their prenatal care. Share the YouTube link  or post directly to your social media channels. English version here .

Flu + Pregnancy Flyer
This Spanish language flyer explains why getting the flu shot is an essential part of prenatal care. English version here.

Social Media Posts & Tweets
Access a large library of MCAH-developed posts at the  MCAH social  media landing page.
NIIW is April 26-May 3

We are uncertain whether the annual National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) observance will be promoted by CDC this year, however we wanted to call your attention to it being the 26th annual National Infant Immunization Week observance, and if following the pattern of previous years, be held on  April 26 - May 3. 

While aspects of the campaign may change each year, the message is always, 'Love Them. Protect them. Immunize them.' NIIW is an annual observance to remind parents to have their children immunized by the age of two. NIIW is also a great opportunity to acknowledge and thank the people who help keep California's children up-to-date on their immunizations.
Coalitions, health departments, and stakeholders are encouraged to use NIIW as a springboard to promote childhood immunizations using local activities, community outreach, media events, and recognition ceremonies.
Visit the CDC NIIW page for promotional materials and educational resources.
CIC Welcomes New Board Members

CIC is delighted to welcome three new BOD members. All three are serving as Members at Large.

Eric Ball, MD is a primary care pediatrician at Southern Orange County Pediatric Associates, a member of the CHOC Children's Primary Care Network. Dr. Ball is the immediate Past President of the AAP in Orange County and a member of the Board of Directors of the AAP-California and is a delegate to the California Medical Association House of Delegates.

Pamela Kahn, MPH, RN, is the Coordinator for Health and Wellness at the Orange County Department of Education. She provides technical, advisory, and consultative services to the assistance and resources to the 28 school districts in Orange County, serving more than 500,000 students. Pamela also is the President of the California School Nurses Organization and a member of the Orange County Immunization Coalition Advisory Committee.

Sallie Negin, RN has  extensive immunization and quality improvement experience. As a health facility site reviewer, she provided education  to  pediatric and adult providers regarding ACIP recommendations. She also coordinated the collection of HEDIS measures. Sallie has been active with the Central Valley Immunization Coalition for many years, having served as Chair, Treasurer, and on the Executive Board.

Legislature In Recess Until April
The California State Legislature is in joint recess from March 20, 2020, until April 13, 2020.  Or until further directed by joint proclamation of the leadership of the Assembly and the Senate, or the Governor extends home isolation measures.

CIC will be using this time (safely working at home) to prepare for when the legislature returns to the Capitol.
FOIA Lawsuit Against the CDC - 
What it Really Means
ICAN Lawsuit vaccines and autism
ICAN Lawsuit vaccines and autism

On March 4 and March 5, 2020, a group claimed online that they "won" against the CDC that, they said, prevented CDC from claiming vaccines don't cause autism. In reality, the Freedom of Information Act  (FOIA) lawsuit was settled, and the settlement doesn't counter the existing  scientific consensus that vaccines do not cause autism . To learn more about what really took place watch Dorit's video embedded above or go to Skeptical Raptor's site to read the full article.
Please see above notice regarding California Immunization Coalition Summit 
Register Today for  2020 CIC Summit

The theme of this year's Summit is  A Healthier Future Is In Sight 2020  and will focus on utilizing our public health successes to engage with new partners, grow our Coalition network, educate, and support our communities to make our collective vision for immunizations a reality for all Californians. For over 13 years, the CIC Summit has brought together partners and colleagues from throughout California and beyond to share ideas, highlight successes, and identify partnerships. 

Visit the CIC website for Summit details. We will update it with speaker and workshop information as it becomes available.

Click on the link below to register or get more information.

Registration fees will be applied towards Summit materials and any meals provided during the event. For bulk registration or purchase orders, please contact Kamrynn Saylor at
Nominate Your Immunization Champion
Do you know someone whose work in immunization deserves special recognition? Consider nominating that person or group for a CIC Immunization Champion Award.

Each year CIC presents two very special awards, one typically to a community member and the other to a provider. Awards are presented at the annual CIC Summit luncheon.

Nomination forms and details will be posted on the CIC website with Summit updates soon.  

We also want to encourage you to keep an eye out for other opportunities to thank and acknowledge the many IZ Champions in our midst!  The ones that spring to mind are the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases Immunization Champion,
the CDC Immunization Champion and the National Adult Immunization Summit Awards. Contact the specific pages linked here or Catherine Martin for more info. 
Click below to join CIC on Social Media!

Immunization Information en Español!

The Spanish website,, has been redirected to the CDPH Immunization website. Including Spanish information on the CDPH website makes the content more accessible to everyone as the website is ADA compliant as well as mobile-friendly.
The California Immunization Coalition is a statewide 501c3 nonprofit. Newsletter content is the sole responsibility of the California  Immunization  Coalition.