BREWSTER DAY CAMP          Newsletter    February 1, 2020        Vol. 39 Issue 5
Hello Brewster Day Camp Family,

Happy March! 

It's hard to believe just how quickly the month of February flew by. This past month saw me finally hang up my large winter coat and dig up my springtime boots, just in time for the mud! 

You may be reading this and thinking to yourself, "Isn't it a little early for SPRING?" You might even be right! Here in the Winter Office, however, SPRING has SPRUNG and the warm summer sun is on the horizon. Our SPRING begins as soon as the school bell rings for Spring Break, and boy howdy has it been ringing off the hook! 

It's time to wake up from winter hibernation! In a few short days, Daylight Savings will give us what might feel like endless daylight. As you reset your clocks, SPRING forward and take advantage of these long days. Lace up your sneakers, grab a ball, get outside and enjoy the weather! 

BDC's 39th summer is growing closer each day so be sure to SPRING into summer with loved ones, family and friends by joining us for another season full of...
Courage, Hope, Good Spirit & Peace! 

Daniel Michel, Director
Brewster Day Camp

PS: Guess how many days are left until camp starts....go here for the answer!

"Spring is when you feel like whistling, even with a shoe full of slush." 
~ Doug Larson

Check out the Project Spotlight videos that we have released this SPRING!
Throughout the summer of BDC'19, a fantastic team of dedicated campers and staff wanted to highlight just a few of the BDC programs that keep campers and families coming back, year after year. 

Please check out these spotlight videos on our Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube pages, as well as on our website! 

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The staff camp family is growing day by day! Here's a sneak peak: 
  Health Office Director: Crystal Johnson
Mariners Hill Head: Steven Westfahl
Sailors Hill Head: Rachel Nahirny
Admirals Hill Head: Isabelle Eastman

Stay tuned for lots more news next month!

Winter Enrollment is NOW Open for BDC '20!

Returning BDC families may enroll by simply emailing us here.
New to BDC? Enroll via our on-line form here.

Questions? Call us toll free at 888-396-CAMP (2267).

"Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'"
~ Robin Williams

Nurturing and Challenging Children and Families on Cape Cod with  
Courage, Hope, Good Spirit & Peace since 1981!


Brewster Day Camp
888-396-CAMP (2267)
[email protected]

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The Family Schools, Inc. and therefore Brewster Day Camp, embraces diversity in staff, students, families, and curriculum.   
TFS, Inc. and BDC do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, culture, age, religion, political beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or ability.